Character talk


From Children of StarClan

This adoption is closed.
Please provide a paragraph outlining why you feel you should be selected as the new player for this character. Also touch on how you would like to develop Hawkpaw as a character if you adopt him.

Offer from Sahena

Adoption Status: Accepted

I've had my eyes on Hawkpaw since before my first character was approved. I enjoyed reading about her, and found her personality cohesive to my role playing style. Hawkpaw has a rather inclusive family, and I'd like to see the bloodline continues to maintain a presence. The possibility of maintaining a relationship with her brother sounds like it would be a lot of fun to see carried out.

As for development, I'd just like to be active and stay true to her personality, then see what that brings her.

Approved. It'll be good to see Hawkpaw back IC.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 08:15, 25 August 2013 (CDT)