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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of WindClan
A Tom by Frostyclaw out of LeaffrostBorn Blackkit in the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2004)* Died of Illness in the Moon of the Killingcough (2007)
Dead at the age of 33 moons (2 years & 6 months)
and has been so for 27 moons (2 years & 1 month).
Short Description :
A quiet black van tom with a scar over his right eye
Long Description :
:Blacktip is a mostly pure-white tom, with glossy medium-length fur and hazy deep green eyes. His ears are tipped on top with a tuft of black, giving him his name; Blacktip has a small, agile, wiry frame, though he is usually relaxed in posture. As for scars, the most obvious lies over Blacktip's right eye, put there by the fox which killed the she-cat he loved. There are other scars, too, but the fur which surrounds them has nearly covered up many of the larger ones.
:The first impression of Blacktip is often of a demure, thoughtful young tom, his dreamy green eyes usually focused on a question only he can see. Blacktip ponders many things, most of which he will only find out when he walks with StarClan, but when you can get him into a conversation, Blacktip becomes quietly cheerful, willing to talk and willing to listen. He is never loud or bouncy, as he was in his kit and early apprentice days, and sometimes a shadow will pass over his face as he remembers something from his past. Blacktip can be a little out-of-it sometimes; however, in a crisis he will snap back to reality in a way that only danger can bring out of him. Blacktip is only waspish or angry when he is faced with a pretty she-cat, this behavior springing from his fear that to be involved with a she-cat will eventually break his still-healing heart.
Blacktip is totally loyal to his leader, even to the point of murder, though he would prefer not to go that far. In battle, he has a slight advantage over some because of his small, quick frame and agility, for that is his great strength. He can be fierce when fighting, but even as he battles he drifts off, replying mechanically, for Blacktip is not so bloodthirsty that he wished to watch his own claws sink into another's flesh. After a fight, he has a tendency to become totally still and silent, unaware of his surroundings, just thinking, cocooned up in a place only he can go; this is one of his strongest weaknesses, for it opens him sorely for ambush.
Key Dates  
Full History :
:Blacktip was born on a chilly autumn morning, to a Windclan queen named Leaffrost, a gray tabby WindClan queen. Blackkit and his sister, Littlekit, were fathered by Frostyclaw, a van tom whom Blacktip closely resembles. Soon after the two kits were born, however, their mother fell deathly ill with greencough. Such was their father's love for her that he stayed with her even as he was warned against it, due to the high risk of catching the disease. Frostyclaw soon caught greencough as well. Only weeks after Blackkit was born, both his parents died, their pelts pressed close together. Blacktip today cannot remember anything about them, so early was he separated from his parents.
Blackkit and Littlekit were fostered by a tan and white queen named Fawnspeckle, for her kits had died as they were born. Soon, the two kits ventured out and discovered their personalities as they grew older; Blackkit was a bundle of energy, playing pranks, speaking out of turn, laughing uproariously at any little thing; Littlekit was a light, happy presence in his life, joyful to be alive, but careful and graceful too. The siblings had a great time together, romping around, even though Littlekit was constantly cautioning Blackkit against his tricks.
When they were apprenticed at the usual age, Blackpaw to their foster mother's mate, Elkheart, and Littlepaw to a kind ginger she-cat, they were expected (or at least, Blackpaw was) to have grown from their kit-hood ways. Littlepaw was even more graceful and gentle than before, contrasting oddly with her brother's unreformed ways. Blackpaw had a great good time playing pranks, now that he was old enough to roam the camp. He set up mud pits, lured his mentor into an old badger's den then closed the entrance, and once stuffed a pidgeon with worms and left it in the fresh-kill pile. No matter the danger, no matter how many times he got in trouble, Blackpaw always enjoyed the results of his tricks.
One day, though, a prank went wrong. Very, very wrong. It had been a perfect setup: Littlepaw would be lured out to a boggy area that was full of old foxholes. Blackpaw had decided to push Littlepaw into the grossest, muddiest, ooziest of the holes...he could imagine her perfectly, shiny gray fur covered in mud, shrieking for his blood. Blackpaw managed to get her out to the marsh, where she stood on the brink of a seemingly-shallow hole. Blackpaw snuck up behind her, not even bothering to check the hole, and shoved her hard. As she tumbled with a scream---not the angry scream he had imagined, but a terrified wail---Blackpaw realized what he had done. He cried out to his sister, tried to grab for her, but she was gone. The hole was deep, much deeper than Blackpaw had thought, and filled with rocks at the bottom. Littlepaw lay dead, her neck broken, as Blackpaw stared down in horror. He called out again, to no answer.
Elkheart said that it wasn't Blackpaw's fault, but in his heart, Blackpaw knew it was. He was so ashamed and angry at himself that he stopped speaking for a while; it was now that he began to become more thoughtful. He stopped playing pranks, by order of the Windclan leader at that time, though he would have stopped anyway, and Blackpaw continued his apprenticeship as he mourned the loss of Littlepaw. He grew, in both size and wisdom, and soon he became a full warrior, named Blacktip.
As a warrior, Blacktip finally became soft-spoken and quiet, as many had hoped he would be as an apprentice. These changes may not have been all good, though, for Blacktip still grieved for Littlepaw and hated himself for killing her, and he retreated into a shell of anger and sorrow. This mix of feelings gave him strength in battles, hatred even, though he could never remember the exact details of the battles later. When Elkheart was slain by Riverclanners, Blacktip only had another sorrow to add to his list. He did not mourn his mentor as much as his sister, though.
Things continued like this for some time, sorrow and anger ruling Blacktip's life. He was irritable, but quietly bitterly so; the wisdom he had gained was being locked away into a secret place in his mind. He might have gone insane if it hadn't been for what happened next: surprisingly, this bitter, self-hating tomcat fell in love. The object of Blacktip's affection was a gentle gray tabby she-cat, Shiningpebble, so much like his sister that he felt he knew her already. She was Windclan-born, but he had never noticed her before in his dark days of sorrow. Now he thought he had loved her since the day Littlepaw died. The realization that he could still love shattered Blacktip's mask of anger. He stopped being irritable (mostly, anyway), became nearly as quiet as Shiningpebble, then one day asked her to come hunting with him. She said yes, and that was it; Blacktip began to court Shiningpebble, first slowly and tentatively, then as a good friend. They might have yet gone beyond that, had not disaster once again struck Blacktip's life.
While lagging behind on a patrol of the Shadowclan border, Blacktip and Shiningpebble encountered a fox, viscious with hunger. It attacked out of no where, leaping upon Shiningpebble and sinking its teeth into her shoulder. When Blacktip tried to get his claws into its neck, the fox slammed a hard paw into his face. Blacktip was knocked senseless. When he awoke, the fox was gone, the other members of the patrol were standing around---And Shiningpebble lay dead beside him. This might have brought all Blacktip's anger and sorrow back to him, if it wasn't for that he remembered his dark days with disgust. He instead grieved for his love as any normal cat might do, and also swore to himself an oath before Starclan, that he would never love again.
Sire :
Frostyclaw (A small van-marked black tom with green eyes)
Dame :
Leaffrost (A delicate pale gray and white tabby she-cat with green eyes)
Full Siblings :
Littlepaw (A gray and white she-cat with blue eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
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Relationships :
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Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Blacktip
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
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