

From Children of StarClan

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A Non-Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Elder of RiverClan
A Tom by Unknown Tom out of Unknown QueenBorn Sunkit
Dead at the age of Expression error: Missing operand for -. moons (Expression error: Unexpected < operator.)
and has been so for Expression error: Missing operand for -. moons (Expression error: Unexpected < operator.).
Short Description :
A golden tabby tom with amber eyes
Long Description :
Sunflame was a full golden tabby with amber eyes.
Sunflame was a very quiet cat, but not because he was shy. He simply didn't see the need to talk unless it was necessary. When he did speak, he gave good advice to other warriors, even some who were not in his Clan, and even when he was a young warrior he was very logical and wise, always thinking before doing something. While other apprentices and warriors quickly did what they were told to do by their mentor or leader without questioning the command, Sunflame would always ask for the reason behind his superiors' choices, so that he may learn more. That's not to say he was disloyal; the few times that he raised his voice were often to defend his Clanmates, and his passionate words were even fiercer than his bravery in battle.
Key Dates  
  • Named a Warrior as Sunflame
Full History :
One fine day in RiverClan, two kits were born, Swankit and Sunkit. Both were very passive, especially compared to an older kit in the nursery, Blizzardkit. But Swankit and Sunkit were both very different; while Swankit would rather curl up and feel safe in the nursery, Sunkit was ready to explore the camp with wide eyes. He was the only one that could persuade Swankit to come out of the nursery, and until she got used to being around the many adult cats, Sunkit stayed by her side. When they became apprentices, both were more independent from each other, but Sunpaw always enjoyed training with his sister.

Though he later regretted it, Sunpaw felt a bit of jealousy when Swanpaw rescued Blizzardpaw from the river and the two started to spend time together. Sunpaw had never been fond of the boisterous Blizzardpaw, and with him in the way he didn't get to train with his sister as often. When they did get together, Sunpaw and Swanpaw would get into fights about Blizzardpaw, which only made them drift more apart. Despite this, Sunpaw knew that he had to put his sister aside if he wanted to become a warrior. He was a hard-working apprentice, though not in the ambitious way that Blizzardpaw was; Sunpaw had a calm determination that helped him plough through his training. Finally, the day came when Sunpaw became Sunflame. Soon afterwards he apoligized to Blizzardclaw and Swanfeather, and the three became good friends.

Sunflame didn't notice it at first, but his joints had begun to ache slightly. It mostly didn't bother him, and he was able to train his apprentice, his niece Fernpaw, without difficulty. But in the last moon of training, Sunflame found that he couldn't do his warrior duties anymore. He retired to the elders' den, watching sadly as Blizzardclaw trained Fernpaw until she became a warrior, and feeling great shock and grief when he learned that Swanfeather had drowned in the river. Still, Sunflame was happy when Fernheart became a warrior, and he always was willing to give advice to her and the other young cats. He and Blizzardclaw both died in their sleep as elders.
Sire :
Unknown Tom (A NPC character of no consequence)
Dame :
Unknown Queen (A NPC character of no consequence)
Full Siblings :
Swanfeather (A blue-eyed white she-cat)
Other Family :
Niece: Fernheart (A gray tabby bi-color she-cat with a slightly fluffy tail and amber eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Sunflame Unknown Tom Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Unknown Queen Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Unk. Tom
Unk. Queen
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Sunflame
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Sunflame
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details