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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A Tom by Hagger out of TenBorn and dubbed Sonny in the Moon of Lion's Glory (2004)* Died of Illness in the Moon of Long Sun (2007)
Dead at the age of 38 moons (2 years & 11 months)
and has been so for 26 moons (2 years).
Short Description :
A large dark brown Pixiebob with amber eyes
Long Description :
Thenian is long and massive, most of his body covered with old scars from his past. With a naturally thick and muscular body he tips the scales at 15 pounds, though if he did chose the soft life of a kittypet, 21 pounds would not be uncommon. His polydactyl paws are large and thick complete with deadly long claws. His cheekbones are high and his eyes, that are deep amber in color, are naturally narrowed. His tail is very short, only about five inches long, though naturally so since he himself is a pure bred Pixiebob. His fur is by no means soft, but rough and coarse with small patches of fur missing from his shoulders. His skin is rough itself, due to the simple fact that he’s been in many fights, and is able to withstand attacks to a limited degree without feeling much pain. Besides, he’s used to the pain. Thenian’s fur resembles a lynx-like fur pattern with reddish tones. He is a medium brown, spotted tabby with some ticking in his fur that leads to a paler brown around his underbelly that is raked with scars. His ears are tipped with dark brown tufts of fur and his paw pads are the same color.
Thenian is mixed when it comes to his personality. Even though he can seem a bit rough around the edges, he tries to act very cultured when he wants something that involves other cats. Thenian prides himself on his cunning and brute strength after long years of practice and strongly believes that experience wins battles. Being born with an excellent memory, it’s hard for him to forget most things and will recall any event that has happened to him, or included him in some way, mostly connected to his tainted past. He respects few and demands respect himself, and will not hesitate to let his claws and fangs earn the respect for him.

He is by no means a stupid cat. If a battle isn’t in his favor he will retreat and plan vengeance for another time. As a kit, he tended to be very musical, and still carries that trait with him today. He remembers his mother and what she used to sing to him when ever he felt burdened and repeats the song but singing it to himself whenever he pleases, believing that his voice will help him concentrate or focus on whatever he’s doing. In his opinion, he has always favored she-cats over toms, partly because his mother was the only one who was kind to him.

Unfortunately, Thenian was never socialized with others, cats and two-legs alike before his 24th moon. He is armored with a tongue like barbed wire complete with a dry sarcasm that he tends to use often, almost out of habit. To him, there is no such thing as forgiveness. He tends to be clumsier then the average cat and isn’t very graceful. Thenian holds heavy heart, mostly about his past, and because of that he holds a lot of sorrow, though he wouldn’t be caught dead admitting it.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Thenian was born to an aging she-cat named Ten and did not know, or care, who the father was. The kind she-cat was delighted with her only son and called him Sonny after his happy, go-lucky personality. She told him stories of what she remembered about the outside world and taught him how to hunt mice inside the house, though it wasn’t an easy task. When Sonny was sad or tired she would hum a tune her mother would sing to her, and that would calm him down enough to close his eye and sleep. His kit-hood was normal for any kit: feeding, napping, and playing, but that all changed when he turned five moons. Little did he know the two-legs who owned him were irresponsible and shouldn't have been keeping cats in the first place. Though his owners cared for him and his housemates to an extent, he had a hard life that included getting picked on as a kit after his houseowners introduced a new player to the house. The tom that was bought shortly after his fifth moon lived with them. The tom would steal food from his mothers bowl when their owners weren’t watching. Ten, in turn, grew sickly over the moons and his owners hardly noticed. As the moons flew by, Thenian’s 14th moon almost caused him his death.

The tom, older and larger than him, was threatening his mother when she stood up to him. Thenian tried to defend her, but was pushed aside and was forced to watch as the bullying twisted into something far more malicious. There was blood and then his mother moved no more. Next the tom finally turned to Thenian and hissed and sprang for Thenian’s throat, but missed by a hair as he tumbled into him. Thenian barely gained the advantage and managed to pin the older tom down beneath his paws, but he retaliated, raking his back claws along his stomach. In the usual flurry of yowls and screams, the gray cat had a hold on Thenian’s neck and Thenian barely twisted him off in time before his air ran out and dealt his mother’s murderer the finishing blow. His scars on his underside remind him every day of that battle. He would never forget that day.

What Thenian wanted most after his mother’s death was freedom. When he was 24 moons, his masters accidentally left the door open a crack and with patience and hard work, Therian was able to create a gap big enough for his girth to pull through. As he ran into the unknown, he never looked back. Now was another challenge for him to face. As Thenian roamed the countryside in confusion he hardly knew anything beyond his old, pathetic life back with his two-leg masters except for the faint tales of the outside world from his mother. He hunted daily, but even with all his knowledge he still had his size to consider, which led to hid downfall on most occasions. Steadily he somehow managed to feed himself thanks to the early lessons from his mother.

A few moons after his escape into the “New World”, as he still calls it, he couldn’t shrug off the growing need for revenge against his captures who he pushed aside the blame for his own mother’s death. Soon his wanderings brought him through yards and gardens, a Two-leg’s place. There, behind a barn was a cage with fowl inside, though only four. His mind worked overtime and decided to stay around to study why the two-legs kept birds. Soon he found out that they were for eating, so he thought of a simple yet effective plan. Kill the chickens and the two-legs will starve. That night he crept into the pen and killed the birds in a flurry of feathers sending the birds in an uproar until they all were slain. The lights turned on inside the house and he heard the two-leg yowl and heard the man run to the door. He dashed off the scene as soon as the two-leg opened the door. He was lucky the man just yowled and didn't chance after him, though he still felt the emptiness of the loss of his mother.

Thenian wanders where he wants and when he pleases, amusing himself as he goes along. After long moons his paws have lead him to the edge of the clan cat’s forest…
Sire :
Hagger (A massive brown Pixiebob with reddish tones and dark amber eyes)
Dame :
Ten (A dark brown Pixiebob with large paws and pale amber eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Thenian
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Thenian
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Thenian Is A Part Of The Character Genotype Project and has been Genotyped.
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