Name Progression

From Children of StarClan

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Navigation: Index Name Progression Name Progression

Name Progression Department
Department Mission
  • Ensure that players are able to easily register desired names and have them efficiently approved by the various members of CoSC Staff as needed.
Other Departments

In an effort to help players end up with the names they desire this project has been enact to make sure that saved names are throughly saved. The process is simple.


Phase 1 - Player Request
  1. Enter the subject in the box below as instructed and hit the 'Request Name Save' button.
  2. Fill out the "Main Application" section of the form and submit.
  3. Drop a polite private message to the Moderator of the group in question that includes the link to the application that needs processing.
Phase 2 - Moderator Review
  1. The Moderator over the area the character is from reviews the application and, if the application is found suitable it can be approved. Should the application not fit what the leader would do to name a character, it should be declined with full explanation.
Phase 3 - Application Review
  1. The Administrator reviews the application and, should there be no problems with it, it can be approved. If any problems exist it should be declined with full explanation.
Phase 4 - Processing an Approved Application
  1. Enter the fully approved desired name in the "Name Save Setup" box below and hit the "Create Holding Page" button.
  2. Fill out the form that pops up and hit the save button.
  3. Once the character is named: go to the application page and add the "Archive" template to the application.


The Application

Please enter in the box 'Current Name - Desired Name'
Example: If Kitsufox was filing a request for her character Redpelt's name to be changed to Bloodpelt after planning the events that would lead to the name change, she would enter "Redpelt - Bloodpelt". For apprentice characters, please enter the parenthetical mother's name as per character page names, please.


Name Save Setup

Please enter in the box the 'Desired Name' of the Character. This desired name must have received both Moderator and Administrator approvals.
Example: If Kitsufox was filing a request for her character Redpelt's name to be changed to Bloodpelt after planning the events that would lead to the name change, she would enter "Bloodpelt"
Note: Apprentice Names need to be followed by the mother's name in parenthesis.


Submitted Applications

Saved Names



Moderator Approved

Administrator Approved

Cedarpaw (Owlfeather) - Cedarsprig
Lionpaw (Icystone) - Lioneyes
Hailpaw (Icystone) - Hailstone
Willowpaw (Owlfeather) - Willowleaf


Fully Processed
Duskkit (Flurrytail) - Tigerpaw,  Fadedpaw (Hollyfeather) - Fadedwing,  Batkit (Flurrytail) - Batpaw,  Pebblekit (Icystone) - Lionpaw (Icystone)
Moderator Declined
Earthpaw (Hollyfeather) - Earthrunner
Administrator Declined