

From Children of StarClan

< User:Kitsufox
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I have a list of simple desires for this game. This list will grow and change over the ages, but it should always be here from now on.

Things Kitsu Wants

  1. A battle In Character that does not involve ThunderClan.
  2. A killing at Fourtrees that has no involvement by Bloodstar.
  3. To acctually be able to take the RotE plot live someday soon.
  4. For FftF's Culmination to be Awesome.
  5. A patrol RP to make a report in a non-emergency. Just because it would be a little bit of a different sort of RP than we normally see with patrols.

Things Kitsu Doesn't Want

  1. To see another thread title with {( S I L L Y F R O M A T I N G )} again.
  2. For people to think she needs them to put "LB" in the thread title when placing Adverts. (It's nothing but tosh popularized by people too lazy to check out a site if they don't remember the title. Not even I'm that pressed for time and I'm in college).

Things That Got Accomplished!

  1. For a pair of Bonded Clanner mates who are "In Love" to have at least half of the pair go on to father or bear kits to another cat. and have it be treated as if PERFECTLY NORMAL and non-offensive by the other half of the pair. It's happened. Now lets do it again!