Applications/WC MCA/Archive 1

From Children of StarClan

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Declined Application from Fallingsnow

Application Status: Declined
1.) Fallingpaw looked at the three herbs, her tail twitching slightly as she thought. Finally, she looked up at her mentor and meowed. "Feverfew leaves. Kitcough causes the kit to become overheated, and can develop into a
2.) Coming Soon
3.) Coming Soon
4.) Coming Soon
Due to the fact that the player in question did not complete the application and never pursued actual membership of the game this application has been declined.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 20:02, 14 June 2010 (CDT)

Declined Application from Clearfur

Application Status: Declined
1.) Badgerpaw glanced at the three herbs briefly, and remembered that feverfew is used to get rid of fever, a symptom of kitcough. He then meowed to his mentor, "Feverfew leaves would be useful here. it'd get rid of the kit's fever." He then started thinking again, and remembered 'coltsfoot for kitten-cough'. He turned back to his mentor and added, "And although it's not here, coltsfoot would be useful as well. It's the usual remedy for kitten-cough, and it can make breathing easier."
2.) Badgerpaw listened carefully to the apprentice, and mewed, "It seems like you've been infested with fleas" with a mrrow of laughter. You and you're denmate should wash, and in the meantime, when Brightsky comes back, I'll ask her about what to do for fleas.
3.) Badgerpaw went out to collect herbs. On the way, he noticed some kits playing at a bush. He saw a kit attempting to pick a berry. He recognized the bush. With a jolt, he realized the kits were about to eat holly berries! Hooly berries were poisonous, and Badgerpaw had to stop them. He yowled, "Don't eat that!" at the kits, but they couldn't hear him. He ran to the kits as fast as possible.
4.) I think that, unlike people who've been here for a considerable amount of time, I could bring something new to this game. I've only been here a few days, and in my opinion, becoming staff could be a very good way to get familiar with the game, and to find what kind of ways it can be changed for the better.
5.) The character that I wish to create to fill up the possition is named Badgerpaw, as seen in the above questions. He has a good nose for picking up scents of herbs, and has an unusually strong relationship with Starclan. He is sensible, and although he thinks of StarClan to be wiser than anyone else, he is brave enough to stand up to them for the good of his Clan.

He's a brown tom with very short fur. One of his feet are white, and he can run faster than most cats.He also thinks fast, being able to remember which herb to use in short durations of time. He enjoys singing nursery rhymes, and often uses them to comfort his clanmates. he has the ability to sympathize with patients, which is probably the biggest trait that makes him a good Medicine Cat.

Due to the fact that you have no character, and no character in progress, we cannot even consider this application at this time. Feel free to re-apply at a future time, after you have had an active character in the game for at least one month.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 19:11, 4 October 2010 (CDT)

Declined Application from Sunblossom

Application Status: Declined
1.) Lilypaw met Brightsky's challenging gaze with a little grin of her own before turning to the three herbs before her. These little tests were one of her favorite parts of being an apprentice. Sure, she sometimes got them wrong but it always gave her a sense of satisfaction when she got one right.

She immediatly eliminated the dried grapes, that fruit was used to aid in bowel movement and urination. Disgusting, she thought to herself as she remembered the first time she'd learnt about grapes, but certainly useful. I know I wouldn't want to be a cat that couldn't make dirt.

Twitching her tail, she turned to the other two herbs. Ash seeds had something to do with relieving breathing, but no, that wasn't right. Brightsky specifically mentioned kitcough. Ash seeds had nothing to do with kitcough, and that left...

"Feverfew..." she murmured quietly to herself before lifting her head once again to meet Brightsky's gaze. "I would use Feverfew," she said louder and with more confidence, "it would not only aid the kit with the cough but would also reduce any fever symptoms." Lilypaw glanced around the den, "I might also give the kit a few drops of honey if we had any around to ease its sore throat..." she dropped her gaze slightly as if embarrassed, "and as a little bit of a treat. It's not fun for a kit to be stuck in the medicine cat's den and I wouldn't want him or her to associate me with only bad experiences, especially if they were really young." She raised her eyes to judge Brightsky's reaction.
2.) Lilypaw had been sorting herbs when the little ginger she-cat had walked in. She carefully pushed them over the side and walked over to Daisypaw. She listened carefully to what the apprentice said and restrained herself from letting out an amused purr. "I think you might have a problem with fleas," she mewed in her best professional tone, "but I'll have to take a closer look."

Lilypaw studied the swollen red spots for only a moment before confirming her initial guess. "Yep, those are flea bites. You'll need to give yourself a good wash, preferably in running water like a stream, I hope you don't mind getting your paws wet." she closed her eyes for a moment in thought, "There are herbs that we mix in with your bedding to help get rid of them but I can't seem to remember them. Brightsky should be back before too long and I'll ask her then. In the meantime go get your bath and come back. There's a mixture of herbs I can rub into your fur to help."

She turned away from the apprentice and back to the herbs, already searching for the ingredients she's need. Garlic, tansy, mint and... basil? Yes, basil sounds right Suddenly another thought struck her and she turned back to catch Daisypaw before she left. "One more thing, you should send your denmates my way. It's very possible that they have fleas as well. We'll want to cut the infestation off before it spreads. Last thing we need is elders complaining about fleas." she purred, attempting to relate to the she-cat heading down a completely different path then her own.
3.) Snow. Everywhere snow. Why in StarClan must we be burdened with snow? Lilypaw thought to herself as she reluctantly padded out of the medicine cat's den. She gave herself a little shake to fluff up her short coat. Brightsky had tasked her with collecting herbs as the medicine cat herself was busy dealing with two coughing kits and their anxious mother. The sky was mercifully clear but that didn't make it any less cold nor would it be very easy to find herbs.

She glanced hopefully around the clearing, searching for any cat friendly enough to join her on her hunt. It would be miserable solo but a conversation companion would at least add a little bit of fun to the experience.
4.) I have not been a member of CoSC for very long, and am still waiting for my first character to go through approval, but that doesn't mean I'm not a competent roleplayer. I enjoy creative writing and have been involved in several roleplays, including standing as a dual-admin before the eventual death of the site. I'm a new set of eyes, eager to be involved and stay involved. I feel that the medicine cat apprentice position is a way to ease myself in slowly, get a feel for the waters and swim. I'm willing to work, I've already gotten myself involved with writing some of the prey pages, and I love working with people. One of the best experiences I had as a former admin was helping new members ease into the system and have fun.
5.) Lilypaw as a character does not currently exist. With permission I'd like to create her to fill the role but I'd also be willing to wait until the next WindClan litter is born and adopt a kit from that litter and have her(or him if necessary) grow into the character Lilypaw is.
Lilypaw is a black and white she-cat with "Mask-and-Mantle" markings, a short wirey coat and is of a slightly large stature for her age. Her eyes are a dark emerald color. Lilypaw is a very kind being and hates seeing any creature in pain, part of the reason she wanted to be a medicine cat apprentice is to ease pain. She's scared of rejection but tries her best to cover it up. She likes to think big decisions over for a long time and hates being rushed. She's in awe of StarClan and as a medicine cat would always take the ancestors at their word.
Due to the fact that you have no actually RPed in this game, I cannot, at this time, consider this application. I'm sorry, and if you have any questions feel free to ask me. We never accept applications from players who have not at least played for a month and actively RPed with us because CoSC is not for all players. Feel free to apply for ranks after you've been here at least a month. As a side-note, however... Your application is rather nice I would love to see you put in an application (probably for another rank, as this one might not be open long, depending) at a later time. You appear to have promise ;)  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 19:11, 4 October 2010 (CDT)
Perfectly understandable by the way, I figured it was a shot in the dark ;) Thanks and I'll keep that in mind Sunblossom 22:48, 8 October 2010 (CDT)

Declined Application from Seafur

Application Status: Declined
1.) Dovepaw's expression intensified into a look of deep concentration as she locked her blue eyes on the herbs present in front of her. The gears spun in her mind, her focus unshakable. Dried grapes was just silly. Maybe ash seeds? No, no, that wasn't right! It wasn't until she had made her choice that she raised her fawn head to meet Brightsky's gaze. She would not get this wrong. She knew the answer. It had simply taken her a moment to locate it. "I would use the feverfew leaves." No doubt inflicted her brazen tone and loud voice. She did not speak a question. She spoke a statement, utterly confident in her decision.

"In most cases, it would help against the cold symptoms. If it starts looking like Greencough or something worse, as can often occur." She sounded so very pleased to be able to say that, nose stuck way out in front of her. "It would help relieve the fever." Done with her explanation, she fell silent, the lack of noise rather absolute after her powerful vocalization of thought.

2.) Dutifully, Dovepaw listened to Daisypaw's complaint, holding herself with poise and elegance as she regarded the other apprentice. Then she snorted. It really wasn't best to leave things until the last minute, now was it? However, she had every intention of taking the proper route and would simply move forward. Time to address the problem and do Brightsky proud.

"You have fleas;" she intoned, voice flat and listless. She made no effort to sugarcoat the fact. "I'll put alder on your bites and see if we can't find some garlic." Turning away from the itchy apprentice, she went to inspect their stores, calling back over her shoulder. "You said one of your denmates was complaining about it too, right?" Some small part of her wished for Daisypaw to reply with the negative. Though she had never had the delight of dealing with them before, she didn't find the prospect of cleaning up fleas very thrilling.

"Oh, you should thank Coldbreeze too. For both of us. Good that he sent you here;" Dovepaw added as an afterthought, supposing it necessary and happy to talk.

3.) Another dawn, another day! One doubtlessly full of work and more work. Despite that harsh notion, Dovepaw stepped out of the den with a bit of a skip to her step. There was no hitch in your giddy-up. Clanborn and Clanraised, she was no stranger to work. Perhaps she would even get to hunt, if Brightsky didn't need her and the fresh-kill pile was running low. Somewhere in the back of her mind, she felt a tinge of envy for her brother and the other apprentices who would soon be warriors. However, it didn't really register with her. She could hunt and fight just fine! No one could dare question that if they didn't want an earful.

At a jaunty pace, Dovepaw crossed the camp and descended on the fresh-kill pile. No matter what, a good morning meal was the right way to start a day. Couldn't heal the lame and cure the blind on an empty stomach.

4.) Well, many, many moons ago, you see, I was a staffer here on CoSC. In fact, I was the fourth ever person to join. Of course, you already know all of this, so it's sort of a mute point? Still, it seems applicable. I know what I'm doing. I may have been forced to leave CoSC for health reasons, my health may still be chronically horrible, and I may just be starting out fresh at this point, but I know what I'm doing. Along with having staffed CoSC for a good two years as Seafur the Medicine Cat, I have run two successful sites with aid to combat my hectic life. One is currently approaching two years of age and the other coincides with my return to glory here. This is a junior position; that's specifically why I'm applying for it. Well, one portion of the reasoning, the other portions being that I believe myself qualified and greatly enjoy the character that I'm using for this application. This seems like an excellent opportunity for me to settle myself into any future staffing and leadership options I may have here without inconveniencing any of you too much should something unfortunate occur. In short, I feel like I am qualified for this position, because I have the experience, and it is appropriate for my situation.

5.) I am applying for this position with Dovepaw. In all honesty, she isn't going to be the best Medicine Cat out there. She is going to be loud, bossy, and everything she was born to be. However, while she may not be perfect, she will succeed at it. She will succeed because she wouldn't have it any other way. Part of her will very much continue to crave the idea of a warrior's life, but she will see the honor of being a Medicine Cat and she will understand it. While she will not easily fulfill the sympathetic portions of the job, she can do what has to be done. She will be able to give orders with confidence when required, even in the face of extreme danger or people she would normally be asked to consider as superiors. She has a brilliant mind beyond all of her behavior; it takes a good mind to be quite as interestingly egocentric as her. She has all the potential and that's what's important. Potential. She's going to be an apprentice, there to learn. While she isn't going to make Brightsky's job as a teacher easy, the finished product should be satisfactory in the end. Beyond all of that, Dovepaw has connections within WindClan, having a brother and a variety of other relations. Her position may be awkward at first, but I think it would lead to interesting dynamics within the clan.
Please understand that this deliberation took some time, but after careful consideration it was decided that we should decline the application (howevermuch we wanted to approve it). Dovepaw's age was a hurdle that was not able to be overcome without StarClan's interference. And even then we'd be left with a Medicine Cat and Apprentice separated by less than two years of age, and with a new litter just on the horizon... You're a staff prospect and an experienced staffer, but this character just wasn't the right one.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 15:04, 5 January 2011 (CST)

Declined Application from Origamipie

Application Status: Declined
1.) I wish to create a future medicine cat apprentice. Her name will be Lilykit. Lilykit will be a small, fluffy, gray kit who is no the strongest, but has a big heart. She will have light purple eyes. She has never wanted to be a warrior, but always be protecting her clan with less violent needs. She will fight if she has to. She always likes to watch Brightsky healing other cats, and tries to follow her to Highstones when Brightsky goes. At night, she loves to watch the stars, hoping to meet her warrior ancestors. When her denmates are playing warriors, she mashes up leaves, pretending that they are herbs to heal a wounded warrior. I think that Lilykit would make a great medicine cat apprentice because she loves to heal cats, and dreams of communicating with Starclan.
2.) I looked at the herbs carefully. Then one memory began to appear. It was the middle of Leaf-bare. I was hidden inside of Brightsky's den, carefully watching Brightsky sort herbs. Suddenly Sunsky burst in with her kit, Ashkit, in her jaws. Sunsky set Ashkit on the ground. "Brightsky, Ashkit has kitcough!" Brightsky padded toward the kit, who was trebling after a cough. This kit was younger, and smaller than me, making the sickness harder for him. "It appears that he does," replied Brightsky, pushing some leaves towards the shaking kit. "Eat these Ashkit." she murmured. Then I came back into the present. "Feverfew leaves," I answered. "I remember you giving them to Ashkit before I was your apprentice. They help cool down a kit's body when it's hot." I sat, waiting to see if my answer was correct.
3.) I looked carefully at Daisypaw, looking at the red spots hidden in her fur. "Yes," I said gently, "You need to see Brightsky. She will be here soon. But I'm afraid," I said crisply, meeting the apprentice's eyes, "that you will probably have to stay in the medicine cat den until those spots go away." Daisypaw's head dropped down. "I'm not sure," I spoke, noticing Daisypaw's head going back up, a glimmer of hope in her eyes, "I'll have to discuss it with Brightsky. But if you stay in the apprentice's den, it will probably spread."
4.) I was sitting in the medicine cat den, preparing herbs for me and Brightsky's journey for Highstones when Leafrose limped in, her paws churning through the ground. There were huge gashes all over her body, bloods riveting down her paws. I grabbed as many cobwebs as I could into my mouth, then rushed over to her, putting the cobwebs on the ground. "What happened?" I said, shocked. "I…" Leafrose began, her breaths ragged, "I was hunting, stalking…a mouse, when these rouges came at me…and attacked me. They were more violent…then anything I could…imagine. They tore at…me. They want…to get rid of us all. They called themselves…" Leafrose collapsed on the ground, her eyes filled with nothingness
5.) I think I would make a fun edition to the CoSC staff because I would bring my point of view about the warriors world and my ideas to the table. I think that I could make CoSC more fun and interesting (which is really hard to do, because CoSC is already one of the most fun and interesting websites I've ever been on.).
We appreciate your enthusiasm, and your praise of CoSC, but we must decline this application outright. Simply put, you're so new you've never even tried to submit a regular character application, and you've never had an opportunity to prove that our take on the Warriors world is the one for you. You've also never had an opportunity to have the powerplaying that runs rampant through the heart of the Warriors RP Community trained out of you. I suggest if you wish to acquire this rank, you get a character IC and prove you're CoSC material, and then reapply. This rank is unlikely to fill anytime soon (and it's no rush, Brightsky's very young) so there will be other chances for you, after you've proven you're a fit to CoSC. Oh, and another thing that counted against you was failing to follow application instructions, you skipped the second part of the process to apply properly, and instead replaced the application instructions with your answer, which is a bad thing, as it makes it so others couldn't also apply. If you have any questions, feel free to ask me.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 07:49, 10 October 2011 (CDT)