
Bitter Ends/part1

From Children of StarClan

< History:Bitter Ends
Written by Kitsufox on 4 December 2011 about NPC Blackstar and Willow's characters Silverdust and Dawnstar, then Dawnfire.
It occurred IC on the 1st day of the Moon of First White

Blackstar lay curled in his den, shifting restlessly as he came awake. When he finally rose and shook the moss from his pelt, he stared out through the drying leaves of the bush that sheltered his den. There was a chill in the air but something else flavored it, too. The big black and white tom's eyes narrowed slightly.

Leaf-bare was coming. Unlike the other clans that would be sheltered by trees and terrain, his clan stood the risk of being snowed in again. Blackstar ignored the chill, pushing the branches aside to step outside his den. Automatically his eyes scanned the fresh-kill pile, taking stock of the supply the clan had. Hunting had been good yesterday and plenty of food was tucked away there.

The wind blew down through the entrance tunnel and bit into his pelt. Leaf-bare was coming.

He stood there anyways, uncertain of what he wanted to do. It was early in the day, and the patrols had only been out for a short while. He was undecided until Silverdust limped from the Elder's Den. Empowered with a sudden sense of purpose he bounded across the camp towards her.


Silverdust ignored the way the scar pulled as she struggled to keep up with Blackstar. He was bouncing along without a care in the world. It was nice to be able to see him flitting around like an apprentice, but each time the scar tissue shortened her stride she wasn't able to shake the dark thought that flooded her mind: Badger. She'd only come out here with him because he'd seemed so desperate that she join him. He was also right when he insisted that the cliff overlooking the Rockfield wasn't all that far, and the badger hadn't been scented outside the flatlands since it had killed last.

And yet there was that word again. Badger.

She shrugged it off yet again, following the big black and white kit who'd sired hers. Silverdust ignored the chill and let the exercise warm her as the neared the overlook. It had been so long since she'd spent this much time outside of camp. She stood next to Blackstar, letting the warmth from his pelt mingle with hers while she stared, soaking in the rare sight. It was cold, yes, but worth it to see the stones that littered Rockfield in the crisp leaf-fall air.

The peace was shattered with a snarl that came straight from her nightmares. The squat gray and white monster scrambled up the bank and almost straight into them. Blackstar growled with rage, leaping over her to put himself between the she-cat and the badger. The beast's lips were curled back in a tooth-baring growl that the WindClan leader matched with a savage hiss. Blackstar was big, but the badger was easily twice his size. Silverdust was transfixed by the claws and teeth that had taken so much from her already.

"RUN!" Blackstar spat the words, and then dove towards the badger's head with a true warrior's battlecry.

Silverdust fled.


Dawnfire had been there, in camp, when Silverdust had returned in a panic as fast as her damaged leg let her run. She was gasping and yowling in turns about Blackstar and the badger and how he needed help at the Rockfield. She'd gathered the cats she needed and led them out as soon as she understood what had happened, but it had been too late.

When they'd reached him it had been too late for Blackstar. A badger didn't care if you had one life or nine: Not even StarClan could heal some things. She'd had the patrol work quickly. He hadn't been eaten. That made it a territorial rather than a predatory attack. It was getting more daring than ever about the camp. They would have to act, soon, and drive it away.

Dawnfire shook the thoughts from her head. She had more pressing things to do, and started the walk towards the Elder's den. Brightsky had been forced to use poppy to calm Silverdust, but now she would have to stir that calm again. She'd been the mother of his kits. She would want to sit Blackstar's vigil.


Dawnfire's quiet voice stirred Silverdust from her rest, but the haze that came with poppy didn't clear for several long moments. "Did you say you brought him back?" She asked quietly, looking desperately for a positive answer. "Is he in Brightsky's den? How badly hurt is he?" Silverdust struggled to her feet. Blackstar was a leader. He had lives to spare! She'd sent help!

"Silverdust... I'm sorry..." Dawnfire's unease was in her voice and her body, ears and tail twitched nervously and eyes darted. Dread sank into Silverdust's heart well before the ginger tabby found her voice again. "We didn't make it in time." The gray cat sat with a thump in the moss, blue eyes wide with shock.

Her life had just cost the clan nine.