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From Children of StarClan

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Latest revision as of 01:49, 27 August 2014

A Non-Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of WindClan
A Tom by Unknown Tom out of Unknown QueenBorn Hollowkit in the Moon of Lion's Glory (2001)* Killed by a predator in the Moon of Running Prey (2005)
Dead at the age of 50 moons (3 years & 10 months)
and has been so for 54 moons (4 years & 2 months).
Short Description :
A emaciated looking black tom with gray eyes
Long Description :
Hollowheart was a gaunt black tom with gray eyes. While medium in build, the warrior was emancipated in appearance so that his belly appeared to cave in on itself.
Hollowheart possessed a wry sense of humor. A diligent warrior and fierce friend, he was impatient with others who complained or shirked from work. Though usually impassive and reserved, his anger, when invoked, was fearful to behold.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Hollowheart was a life-long friend of Fadedcloud since kithood. He was at the other tom's side in all the major events in Fadedcloud's life: he helped him confront his vicious sire; became an apprentice, then warrior, at the same ceremony; and joined him in battle against intruders.

Just before retiring to the elder's den, Hollowheart died of an adder bite at the ripe age of 50 moons.
Sire :
Unknown Tom (A NPC character of no consequence)
Dame :
Unknown Queen (A NPC character of no consequence)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Hollowheart Unknown Tom Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Unknown Queen Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Hollowheart
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details