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From Children of StarClan

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Andre is Currently Undergoing the Approvals Process.
This Character is currently waiting to be checked by an Admin.
Results of Admin Checks are available on the Talk Page.
A Non-Player Character belonging to Fae~o~the~Wind


A Tom by Unknown Tom out of Unknown QueenBorn but not named in the Moon of First Fishing (2004)* Died as the result of an Accident in the Moon of First Green (2006)
Dead at the age of 28 moons (2 years & 2 months)
and has been so for 41 moons (3 years & 2 months).
Short Description :
Short Description will be provided after approval
Long Description :
Andre was an immense gray bi-color tabby of regal bearing. His triple coat was warm, thick, and firm to the touch. It was also glossy and slightly oily, which prevented too many tangles. His large, almond-shaped blue eyes conveyed an inner sensitivity. While the huge housecat's life had been led in the peaceful indoors, he had inherited a large and powerful build that weighed 25 lbs.
Andre's formal, courteous manner could be mistaken as stiffness. Indeed, he was not a sociable personality, but rather was quiet and emotionally distant. Shy of others, his modesty refrained him from telling much about himself, as he felt this was too akin to boasting. Instead, in what little conversations he held, he subtly led the other cats to talk about themselves.
Andre was an attentive listener and had a level and sound head upon his broad shoulders. He could be discreet, he did not act or think without deliberation, and his steady patience could outlast nearly all his neighbors. He had a strong distaste for incivility, finding it crude, unreasoning, and unnecessarily abrasive. It was at these times that the purebred could turn an incredibly cold shoulder to others.
While he held propriety in high esteem, he did not, as did many of his show cat peers, look down his nose upon those who lived outdoors. Rather, the semi-feral felines held something of an intrigue for Andre, and in truth, he was somewhat envious of what he envisioned as a freer life. Despite all this, he was somewhat faint of heart, and rarely if ever had the pluck to say these things aloud.
Andre's natural athleticism manifested itself in his love for climbing. He liked to be in high and remote places where he would quietly observe all that was going on around him.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Andre was adopted by a wealthy family who bred cats. From birth he was raised to be a well-mannered housecat, and spent much of his time around purebreds. Though he himself was not a purebred, he was only ever grateful for his bloodline, since it spared him from the showing ring. Andre was never envious of the life of a show-cat, finding it too restrictive and pretentious, as is evidenced by his affair with the semi-feral Mara.
Mara was not the first outdoor cat he met, but she was by far the most fascinating. Her honest, intelligent, soft-spoken character debunked every theory that non-purebred felines were inferior to their higher society kin. Initially, Mara was something of a social experiment for Andre to determine what else housecats were wrong about, a sort of mild rebellion, a tacit jibe to his discriminatory peers. Eventually, however, he became interested in the she-cat herself.
Theirs was a sweet, gentle courtship. One quiet night, their kits were conceived. Not long afterwards, Andre learned that his owners' had been offered a job in a distant place; they were moving.
Andre lacked the nerve to brave a dangerous and uncertain life with Mara and the wild, however much he was fond of her. Ergo, he decided that he would break off the relationship as tactfully as he could. Despite his best attempts, Mara believed that Andre willingly initiated the break up, and was visibly upset. Never the best with emotions, Andre admittedly appeared indifferent to the pain he was causing her, and eventually his detached front became a reality; otherwise, he might have lost his mind.
Troubled love life aside, the move itself did not go smoothly. A brooding Andre was mortally crushed when there was a mishap involving hired men, antique furniture, and the moving truck. He did not die quickly, and his last, pain-muddled thoughts were of the slender she-cat that had turned his entire world upside-down.
Sire :
Unknown Tom (A NPC character of no consequence)
Dame :
Unknown Queen (A NPC character of no consequence)
Offspring :
Chutzpah (A bold, broad shouldered white tom with mismatched eyes)
Rouge (A slender white tom with large yellow-green eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Andre Unknown Tom Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Unknown Queen Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mara (No Sdesc on File)
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Andre
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Andre
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details