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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A She-cat by Adler out of CacilieBorn and dubbed Aleit in the Moon of First Green (2006)* Died in the Moon of Tiger's Wrath (2009)
Dead at the age of 35 moons (2 years & 8 months)
and has been so for 6 moons (6 months).
Short Description :
An unkempt white oriental longhair with one blue and one green eye
Long Description :
Having lived as a feral for most of her life, Aleit's long fur is matted and unkempt. For much the same reason, she is also skinny. She has a pure-white body that resembles fresh snow when clean. She is a purebred Oriental Longhair; her parents were both impeccable examples of the breed. Her eyes are perhaps the most unusual part of her; her left eye is a dark green, and her right one is a dark blue.
Aleit is mostly a quiet cat; unless something piques her interest, she won't comment on it. She shows a mostly calm exterior -- however, underneath of it, a temper resides, and if provoked, the purebred Oriental Longhair won't hesitate to snap. Aleit is well-read; her friend Il knew of many human stories and tales which she frequently recited to her; thusly, the she-cat knows many of Robert Frost's works and a tad bit of Shakespeare's. An individualist, she often refuses to take help from others unless absolutely forced to. The she-cat knows about human culture from the stories Il told her; she is interested by the ones that tell of how different twolegs act according to where they are in the world. She believes that every cat is responsible for their own actions, and that there is no higher force in life controlling or determining why things happen.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Aleit's parents were esteemed show cats of the Oriental breed; their mating was arranged by their owners. Her father, Adler, and her mother, Cacilie, were mated once, and never saw each other again. Cacilie fell pregnant, and everything went well for the first moon. However, during the second moon of her pregnancy, the she-cat's owner fell ill, and without warning, was hospitalized. Due to her owner being gone, Cacilie was placed under the care of her owner's sister, a woman who had a love for cats but whose husband did not. Within a few days of being placed in her new owner's care, Cacilie had been thrown down the steps numerous times, as well as being kicked by her owner's abusive husband. When it came time for Cacilie's kits to be born, she was long gone, having run away.

Cacilie gave birth to three kits -- two toms and a she-cat. The toms were named; the she-cat was named Aleit. Cacilie had heard the names of her kits in a story her twoleg had once read to her, and, deciding she liked them, named her kits after them, disregarding whatever they might mean.

Aleit first grew up in an alley behind a resturaent. The owner of the establishment fed Cacilie scraps every now and then, remaining oblivious to the fact that the skinny cat had kits. The litter remained undiscovered for a month-and-a-half, residing in a box beside a dumpster. When a waiter, taking out trash, found the kittens alone, he scooped them up, believing them to be orphans, and took them to his home, believing he could care for them for a while before he found them homes. Aleit and her siblings didn't particularly like their new home much; they missed the comfort of their mother, whom they would never again see in their life.

Her older brother was the first to go, at three moons old. He was adopted by the waiter's girlfriend. Her other brother went shortly after; he was an oriental white like his sister, and he was adopted by a friend of their rescuer's next-door-neighbor. Aleit was the only one left. The waiter had no interest in a kitten, and so, at the age of seven moons old, Aleit was dropped off on an abandoned farm, left to fend for herself. Confused as to where she was, the young cat wandered around aimlessly.

There was an old barn cat that had resided on the farm -- her name was Smoky, and she was benevolent cat who took pity on the younger feline. It was from the blue-and-cream tortoiseshell that Aleit learned how to hunt (more than her instincts had already taught her) and defend herself. Aleit was grateful to her mentor-of-sorts, and at fifteen moons old, she left the farm, setting off on her own.

She ended up on a farm nearby, where a strange black she-cat named Il resided. Il was a very well-read cat; Aleit found this habit out when she merely asked if Il was alright with her staying underneath of the porch of the abandoned human house she resided at, to which Il responded with a long string of words that Aleit barely understood. "Robert Frost," Il mewed simply, to which Aleit merely blinked in confusion and asked who that was. Il told her was a great poet, and over the next five moons, proceeded to instill his work into the she-cat's brain.

At twenty moons old, Aleit woke up one morning to find Il having dissapeared. Il was normally awake before Aleit; Aleit would never know what happened to her, but, in reality, Il had been hit by a car on the road in back of the abandoned twoleg house earlier that morning. Aleit traveled for a few sunrises before finding a small town; after questioning several cats, she found out the town's name was Whitehart, and that is where Aleit currently resides. Aleit has heard a bit about the cats living in the forest, and is intrigued by them -- as of the current moon, she has yet to meet any of them.

She froze to death during the blizzard.
Sire :
Adler (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Cacilie (No Sdesc on File)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Unknown Tom
Unknown Tom
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Smoky, Il
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Aleit
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Aleit
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Aleit is a Female cat with Long White fur.
She is of Medium size and Foreign build. She has Odd eyes and a Normal tail. She is a purebred Oriental Longhair.