
Difference between revisions of "Flickercloud"

From Children of StarClan

(2 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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|adoption=Make Adoptable
|textadopt=Please provide a paragraph outlining why you feel you should be selected to play this character. This character has been entered into the [[Info:PSA/18|PSA #18 Swap Program]] and may be subject to Retconn if another SC Tom is created. On approval of a qualifying new character this PC will simply cease to exist in the game.
|textadopt=Please provide a paragraph outlining why you feel you should be selected to play this character. This character has been entered into the [[Info:PSA/18|PSA #18 Swap Program]] and may be subject to Retconn if another SC Tom is created. On approval of a qualifying new character this PC will simply cease to exist in the game.
|type=Player Character
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|personality=Flickercloud is a cat who takes measures not to throw himself into unnecessary conflict if it can be helped. The thought of joining Starclan at a young age tends to haunt his decisions, and therefore, has led him to be quite cautious in nature. He mulls over his decisions and decides what to do based on this wariness. He doesn't enjoy fighting, and does so only by necessity. Even though he doesn't like to, though, doesn't mean he won't protect his clan from attackers. He feels a deep kinship with most cats of his clan, even if they might not like him in return.
|personality=Flickercloud is a cat who takes measures not to throw himself into unnecessary conflict if it can be helped. The thought of joining Starclan at a young age tends to haunt his decisions, and therefore, has led him to be quite cautious in nature. He mulls over his decisions and decides what to do based on this wariness. He doesn't enjoy fighting, and does so only by necessity. Even though he doesn't like to, though, doesn't mean he won't protect his clan from attackers. He feels a deep kinship with most cats of his clan, even if they might not like him in return.
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Flickerpaw became Flickercloud seven moons later. His warrior ceremony left him with a puffed up sense of pride, practically glowing and yet stumbling over himself as he approached Elmstar in his first moons of leadership. However, the excitement slowly died down to a contented glimmer as time progressed, and being still such a young warrior, retains the kit-ish imagination of his youth.
Flickerpaw became Flickercloud seven moons later. His warrior ceremony left him with a puffed up sense of pride, practically glowing and yet stumbling over himself as he approached Elmstar in his first moons of leadership. However, the excitement slowly died down to a contented glimmer as time progressed, and being still such a young warrior, retains the kit-ish imagination of his youth.
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Latest revision as of 18:26, 7 June 2017

Adoption Instructions are now available on the Discussion Page
A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Warrior of ShadowClan
A Tom by Runningflame out of PoppyfangBorn Speckledkit in the Moon of Turning Leaves (2007)
Living at the age of 23 Moons (1 year & 9 months)
Short Description :
A lean, copper-eyed ginger bicolor tomcat
Long Description :
Flickercloud is a lanky tomcat with a tall, long build with an average sized tail that naturally seems to arch upwards. He has a short coat, with dense tabby ginger and white fur. The ginger patches are dark, ruddy orange in hue and covers the top of his head, ears, back, flanks, tail and parts of his back right leg. The white covers all of his stomach, chest, throat, muzzle, and most of his legs. A pair of dark copper colored eyes sit on top of an angled face with narrow cheek bones, hinting a far off oriental heritage. His ears are sharply pointed and his whiskers, ivory in hue, are quite long.
Flickercloud is a cat who takes measures not to throw himself into unnecessary conflict if it can be helped. The thought of joining Starclan at a young age tends to haunt his decisions, and therefore, has led him to be quite cautious in nature. He mulls over his decisions and decides what to do based on this wariness. He doesn't enjoy fighting, and does so only by necessity. Even though he doesn't like to, though, doesn't mean he won't protect his clan from attackers. He feels a deep kinship with most cats of his clan, even if they might not like him in return.

Sometimes Flickercloud is left to sometimes doubt his abilities. While raised as an apprentice to respect his elders and prepare his body to fight and hunt, he can be lazy, doing only the bare minimum of work required of him before he usually is found sunning himself or going off to hunt in the marshes for a joy-run not always bringing anything back. He's a thinker, possessing many patient tendencies in order not to waste his precious energy. He prefers stalking his prey to the last minute than charging prematurely, not taking sides in possible arguments, and trying to mediate disputes.

Flickercloud tends to be a cat who generally always tries to be kind. Rarely does he fall into fits of depression or anger. His temper is nonexistent, and while he might get vexed over little details of his day such as complaining to himself he was stuck in the rain on patrol, he has never exploded into instant fury. He is lax around other cats of his clan, confident enough to joke around with even the deputy or leader, but wary at Gatherings.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Flickercloud was born as Speckledkit on a balmy night in the Moon of Turning Leaves. Born as a single kit in an empty nursery left his sole playmate his dame. He was too young to want to risk getting stepped on or hurt by the older kits who were ready to move on and become apprentices. He wasn't exactly an active kit even when he was younger and preferred to hear his dame and sire tell him stories of the old clans. He was lulled into stories of glory, and was excited about his own warrior ceremony that Poppyfang painted time and time again in his head. However, those stories his dame gathered had become predictable so when he was weaned, he made a point to ask the population of Shadowclan all sorts of questions and if they knew any stories of their own. At five moons he was joined by Elmstar's kits in the nursery, and although he was curious about them, he resisted playing with them because of how small they were.

When it was time for young Speckledkit to become an apprentice he was given the name Flickerpaw, and begun his training to become a warrior. At first he was disappointed that he wasn't out doing more intense work, but soon grew into the habit of checking bedding and reciting the Warrior Code for his mentor, Featherstream. Learning how to hunt came easy to him when the time came for him to graduate to harder training, but fighting took much more reinforcement to hammer out the kinks.

Flickerpaw became Flickercloud seven moons later. His warrior ceremony left him with a puffed up sense of pride, practically glowing and yet stumbling over himself as he approached Elmstar in his first moons of leadership. However, the excitement slowly died down to a contented glimmer as time progressed, and being still such a young warrior, retains the kit-ish imagination of his youth.
Sire :
Runningflame (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Poppyfang (No Sdesc on File)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Flickercloud
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details