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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Senior Warrior of ShadowClan
A She-cat by Flamewatcher out of ShiningstoneBorn Rowankit in the Moon of First Green (2006)* Died in the Moon of Melting Waters (2009)
Dead at the age of 36 moons (2 years & 9 months)
and has been so for 5 moons (5 months).
Short Description :
A ginger bi-color she-cat with green eyes and a slim build
Long Description :
This she-cat is of slim build, and she is more on the small scale of cats, although not exceptionally. Her face is built like most slim cats - slender and long snout, almond-shaped eyes. Her ears are of average size and pointed ears.

Rowanfall has dark ginger fur, hence the name. Her fur is short, but with a thick undercoat, and protects her from cold in mild leaf-bare. Her belly fur is white, and while on topic about her belly, she has it very weak. She can eat only the finest food, if there were any hint of badness in the meat, she would immediately hurl up. Her stomach takes no abuse, so she has to be careful so not to get diarrhea or a virus.

Rowanfall is not the greatest fighter around, but she isn't bad, no, not at all. She knows all the techniques just as good as the next cat, but in time of a fight, she sometimes looses her head and panics, and forgets all those useful teachings, but she's dedicated her time to eliminate this trait. She likes working and hunting, it would be hard for her to spend time bumbling about, so her muscles are fit and trained. Although she is getting older by every day, Rowanfall thinks of herself as a she-cat in her prime of life.
Rowanfall tries to be a loyal cat, tries to obey Clan leader and hate other Clans, but her belief borders fanaticism - she hates all other Clans with deep hatred for which she has no valid reason, and follows warrior code to almost a ridiculous extent, not allowing anyone any stepping away from it at any time. She herself knows that this literal, word-by-word unquestionable loyalty is very wrong and that every cat should really judge others actions more by their heart rather than mind, but she wouldn't admit this.

Talking about judging, Rowanfall judges cats by their pelt, so to say. She only looks at the outside, not even bothering with questions "why" and "how", afraid to find out the answers. Because of this, she isn't really close with any cat in particular, although in a Clan it is quite tricky to be lonely.

However, it would be wrong to think of her as a self-hating head-nodder. In a regular conversation she can appear rather pleasant, because she rarely tells cats what she really thinks of them, if not a bit formal, taking her respect for others a step further. It seems that Rowanfall's character is built in three closed circuits - the outer one is the respectful everyday warrior, the middle one is the fidgety fanatical, and the inner one is who she really is - a cat who likes to take care of others and be dependable, also she can be quite playful that way.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Rowanfall is one of three kits in her litter, the other kits being her brothers, Redkit and Oriolekit. She wasn't mischievous like most kits, and contented herself to spending time inside camp. At first she was intrigued by the medicine cat's way of life, but has since changed her position. Rowankit dreamed of being a great and loyal warrior.

Rowankit quickly became the apprentice Rowanpaw, much to her delight, along with her brothers, who became Redpaw and Eaglepaw. Her mentor was a decent warrior who taught her the ways of the Clans. Rowanpaw enjoyed studying about the warrior code, and how different sections of it pertained to leaders, mentors, medicine cats, and warriors. She vowed to follow the code at all costs, and has never broken it to this day. As she grew and progressed, Rowanpaw realized that many of her own morals were the same as the code’s.

Rowanpaw proved herself to be an excellent fighter, and worked hard to become a good hunter as well. She enjoyed and still does enjoy tracking prey through the sparse undergrowth in ShadowClan territory, and attempting to catch birds before they lifted off from the ground. On a hunting patrol early on in her apprenticeship, however, Rowanpaw injured herself falling from a tree while chasing after a squirrel. She spent a while in the medicine cat's den recuperating and nursing a broken leg, and knew enough not to push herself too early and injure herself even more. After she had recovered, she worked hard but still had to watch her denmates become warriors ahead of her. Finally, after four extra moons of training, Rowanpaw became a warrior, after making the traditional trip to Highstones. She was not chosen to go inside Mothermouth, and felt slightly disappointed at this. She realized that very few apprentices were chosen, and eventually got over this temporary disappointment. A while later, her borther Redpaw fell to the Killingcough shortly before his warrior ceremony.

Rowanpaw became the warrior Rowanfall on her sixteenth moon birthday. She was slightly humiliated at being reminded of her accident, and hoped that the rest of her Clan would forget it. The night after her warrior ceremony, Rowanfall was invited to attend the Gathering. She was proud to be recognized as a warrior and to show her fellow Clans that even after her injury, she still became a warrior.

Rowanfall has participated in no battles since she became a warrior. She prefers to have peace between the Clans, and not to shed necessary blood. As she lives in ShadowClan, which only has one border, the Thunderpath, Rowanfall has yet to see any ThunderClan cat foolish enough to cross it and trespass. As a result, she didn't see the point of border patrols. Over time, however, she realized that they were a tradition to be preserved.

Rowanfall hasn't yet found any toms in ShadowClan that she has a "special" relationship with. She also believes that there are enough cats in ShadowClan to keep its border protected and its cats fed, and doesn't want to have any kits, at least not for a while yet. She prefers to keep concentrating on being a good warrior, and not waste her time having romantic relationships with other cats, or spending any time out of the warriors' den and in the queens' den. Rowanfall also found that she had another, ambitious reason for not becoming a queen: she hoped to perhaps lead her Clan someday. She reasoned that the more time she spent in the warriors’ den training, the better the chance would be for her to be chosen. However, as time went on, she came to accept the importance of kits in Clan life and possible material for giving her a better standing.
Sire :
Flamewatcher (A scrawny, ginger tabby bicolor tom)
Dame :
Shiningstone (A dark ginger she-cat with white paws and golden eyes)
Full Siblings :
Redpaw (A red tabby tom with yellow eyes)
Eaglegaze (A sleek orange bicolor tom with green eyes and a large nose)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Crescentpaw (A young black van tom with green eyes)
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Rowanfall
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Rowanfall has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Rowanfall is a Female cat with Short Red Bicolor fur.
She is of Medium-small size and Semi-foreign build. She has Green eyes and a Normal tail. She is of non-purebred decent.
Rowanfall Is A Part Of The Character Images Project and has been completed. (View)