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Revision as of 15:28, 22 August 2008

A Player Character belonging to Billysheep


Elder of RiverClan
A Tom by Redtoes out of Softpelt
Short Description :
Short Description will be provided after approval
Long Description :
:Gravelbelly is a rather thin, lanky tom, his shaggy pale fur hanging off him in constantly-shedding clumps. The majority if his pelt is white, which fades into grizzled brown at his legs, tail, and face - tattooed throughout by fishbone-pattern tabby markings. The areas around his crooked whiskers and odd-colored eyes - one kitten-blue, the other pale green - have faded to silver with age. His blue eye has grown milky with a small cataract, and sometimes fails to travel with the other unless the elder concentrates. Though he carries many scars, his belly is fairly covered in them - a point of pride, and an embarrassment of young tragedy.
:Gravelbelly is a cat that would much rather be out with warriors less than half his age, painful and embarrassing as the experience might turn out. Though the old tom has accepted his place as an Elder, the wanderlust and dreams of his warrior-hood have never left him. The tom often refuses to let apprentices bring him food or tend to his illnesses, deflecting them with biting insults, preferring to drag his old bones to and fro across the camp - likely muttering the entire way. Perversely, if an apprentice or warrior is being punished, Gravelbelly seems to enjoy the attention that they must heap upon him - often coming up with foolish errands for them to run on a whim. He's not all teeth and claws and muttering resentment. The old tom secretly fears being forgotten, of simply fading away in a dream of sleep and peacefulness - becoming, or being treated as, a doddering fool. Elders are the burden of young cats, so the old one thinks - and he more than eager to dispense some wise word or cutting remark, be it looked for or not. He is afraid to let any cat get too close to him - any cat familiar with his history would know why.
Key Dates  
Full History :
:Given the name Tumblekit by his mother, Gravelbelly was noted for his rambunctious and daring behavior and actions. He often included his brother, Hollykit, in his wild excursions into camp - the pair often getting their noses into places they had no business at, or hiding from their frantic mother until the whole camp was in an uproar. Long before they were of an age to leave the nursery unattended, the then-Tumblekit coaxed his more timid brother into joining him. Hollykit was killed and carried away by a hunting Owl. The clan was grief-stricken; but none so great as Tumblekit. Two months later he was apprenticed, given the name Bluepaw to aid the quieter tom-kit in moving past the hubris attached to his kitten name and the death of his brother... and because of his eyes. While one was clearly pale-green in color, the other was a deep, kitten-like blue. His apprenticeship was hard - the War was raging, and the young cat had three mentors before he finally earned his Warrior rank. By this time, Blueeye had regained some of his former daring and flair for the dramatic, gaining a quick wit and quicker tongue. The tom's fighting style was eclectic, filled with feints, cuffs, and plenty of bounding about opponents with unfettered energy and enthusiasm. Thus he favored hit-and-run tactics - using his claws to strike quickly before darting away to regroup. He seemed to revel in battle for battle's sake, enjoying it not for the blood or the kill, but for the mental and physical exercise it gave him. Blueeye became fast friends with a younger warrior by the name of Trailstripe, a cat fashioned after his own heart. The two often wandered RiverClan lands, getting into trouble simply to see if they could get back out again. Trailstripe became Hollykit to the warrior - more a brother than a friend. For several moons the two could hardly be seperated. As spring brought on the thaw, it caused the river to swell to dangerous levels. Trailstripe and Blueeye had been racing back to Camp after a risky patrol near Sunningrocks. Trailstripe foolishly attempted to cross at the Skipping Stones, thinking himself more than capable of keeping his feet under him in the swift-moving river. As he saw his friend stumble, Blueeye threw himself into the river to save him; neither were found until the next morning. Blueeye was barely alive; Trailstripe was not. The tom took a long time to recover from the ordeal, both mentally and physically. His body had been viciously cut by the river's rocks, his belly having even been imprinted with a multitude of sharp little stones as his body had been dragged along the river's floor. His lungs grew tight and inflamed from the water he had gulped in his efforts to save his friend, and his coughing did not ease for a long time afterwards. As with Hollykit, the tom became morose and despondent - his tongue given more to insults and anger than with innocent-minded laughter. The then-Leader gave him the name of Gravelbelly to remind the clan always of his courageous effort to save Trailstripe, but some - Gravelbelly included - thought it was really meant to punish him for his mistakes. Time passed. Gravelbelly again regained some of his former wit, though he was sharper and more mean in his sly barbs. Gravelbelly grew older, and more bitter every time he was passed up when it came time to awarding apprentices. It came as a great surprise when he found himself missing his prey more often than not, a growing stiffness in his joints, and the dimming of an eye. Soon enough he found himself in the Elder's Den - and resented every moment. Now he has, in his own fashion, accepted that he has become an Elder. However, he is rarely found in the Elder's den, preferring to hunch in front of it or aimlessly wander the camp.
Sire :
Redtoes (A red tom with faint tabby marking)
Dame :
Softpelt (A longhaired gray she-cat with a white leg and green eyes)
Full Siblings :
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
A family tree is not yet available for this character
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Gravelbelly
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details