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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of WindClan
A Tom by Cricketfoot out of DustwhiskerBorn Flickerkit in the Moon of Cheetah's Flight (2006)* Died in the Moon of Cheetah's Flight (2008)
Dead at the age of 26 moons (2 years)
and has been so for 11 moons (10 months).
Short Description :
A tom with mid-length red bicolor fur and blue eyes
Long Description :
Flickerlight is built like a typical WindClan tom, with muscular legs for running, but a thin body. He has long-ish white fur, with red, vaguely tabby patches on it. His patches come around his face like a cowl of sorts, covering around his ears, head, and eyes, but leaving the bridge of his nose and his lower cheeks and muzzle completely white. He has more patches down his back that lump together and continue onto his fluffy tail, which itself is completely red. He has blue eyes. His ears are slightly large for his head, and his paws are dainty in comparison to his legs.
Flickerlight's moods go up and down like the rolling hills of the moorland he lives in. He keeps his distance and is a bit aloof, save around the select few he calls his friends. He often worries that other cats dislike him. He likes to keep himself neat and tidy, and spends lengthy sessions grooming, and changes the moss in his nest frequently. He also worries he may comes across as a goofy furball with his head in the clouds.
Key Dates  
Full History :
When he was born, his parents named him Flickerkit because the patches of red on his coat reminded them of flickering fire. He was the only kit to survive out of a litter of three, being the first born. He was raised by his mother, Dustwhisker. She was killed by Sair Fen in Tiger's Wrath. He didn't see much of his father until he became an apprentice.

He was named Flickerpaw and was mentored by his father. He grew closer to his parent at this point in time. When WindClan cats were sick with Killingcough, Flickerpaw began to distance himself from others so that he himself would avoid getting sick. His father got sick with a cold in Long Sun, and later died of Killingcough in Cheetah's Flight. After his father died, Flickerpaw continued to be a bit aloof. He has a deep-seated fear of becoming sick, and thus he does not seek out company outside his close friends. His phobias of becoming sick and dying have also led him to become particularly neat and tidy about things.

Shortly after his father died, Blackstar gave him his assessment, which he passed, and he was given the name Flickerlight. He doesn't enjoy gatherings, and keeps his distance from cats of other Clans while there. He is relieved at not having to go to gatherings as of late. Still, he is somewhat nervous about what StarClan thinks of the whole thing.
Sire :
Cricketfoot (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Dustwhisker (No Sdesc on File)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Two Unnamed kits
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Flickerlight
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Flickerlight has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Flickerlight is a Male cat with Mid-length Red Mackerel Tabby Bicolor fur.
He is of Medium size and Semi-foreign build. He has Blue eyes and a Normal tail. He is of non-purebred decent.