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A Player Character belonging to Web


A StarClanner; Formerly a Elder of ShadowClan
A Tom by Fishclaw out of BlackfurBorn Willowkit in the Moon of Melting Waters (2003)
Dead at the age of -41 moons (Unborn)
and has been so for Expression error: Missing operand for -. moons (Expression error: Unexpected < operator.).
Short Description :
A gray tabby bi-color tom with long, silky whiskers
Long Description :
Webfoot is a very dark grey tabby tom with a shredded ear, to say the least. His dark stripes look more black than dark grey, but dark grey they are. He has one big, thick stripe going down his back and sinking into his black tail-tip. His stripes are jagged dark lines. Each short stripe ends quickly, and then, slightly diagonal to the previous stripe, another one is below. His belly is a cream colour. Thin stripes come in to his face. Webfoot's whiskers are a mix of white and black--on his nose, in his ears, on his chin, and above his eyes altogether, he has about 65 of them. His eyes are a piercing jet-blue. His whiskers are silky and strong, hence the "web" part of his name. His paws are a little larger than they might be, hence the "foot" part of his name. Webfoot is very sleek, which makes it easier for him to swim and fish than most other ShadowClan cats. He is a little bigger than your average warrior, but he is not huge. His fur is of a medium length. Half of the tabby cat's right ear is missing, and his fur hides most of his smaller scars. Webfoot has a slight limp when he walks.
The first three words that probably come to his Clanmates' minds when they think of Webfoot are stern, serious, and extra-loyal. He often has to stop himself from being too stern with apprentices. Kits, however, he can take. He does approve of friends, and he does have them, as he is not very anti-social (in fact he is very social), but he is usually not plain "happy." Instead, he is usually sad, grumpy, orderly and strict, seemingly mean, or happy and sternly proud--but as he gets more experienced, he laughs and smiles more. He used to be always cheerful and energetic, but after Plantnose's death, he became more serious and focused--not to say he wasn't that before. Webfoot is very ready to step up and be leader if ever asked to. He is fiercely loyal and would fight until the death for his Clan, his leader, StarClan, and the survival of the five Clans of the forest. Some warriors, including Wintersky (of course), annoy him very much. He often snaps at them, and cats who stop disputes between him and "annoying" cats also get angry glares from Webfoot. To cats who are fine and have nothing against Webfoot, he is perfectly friendly. But beware his temper. Though not always bitter and angry, Webfoot has a bad temper, and gets himself into lots of physical trouble this way. Clever and harsh are words that describe him well. He loves to make up sly plans to get back at some cat. Always ready for an attack, he is alert and ready to fight. Webfoot likes the night. While not exactly 'nocturnal', he almost prefers night to day. In the end, day wins (patrol time!), but Webfoot still likes looking up at the stars, looking up at the moon, feeling solitary. Solitarity is one of the things that Webfoot thinks makes up being cat-like.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Webfoot was born as the eldest of a litter of four kits, namely (in order from youngest to oldest) Poppykit, Plantkit, Stripedkit, and himself, then called Willowkit. He was always stern--not bouncing, not romping, just sitting and watching. The only thing he did was playfighting, and since his siblings didn't like to sit and watch, he basically didn't make many friends as a kit.

Willowkit was very excited for his apprentice ceremony, like most kits, but as much as he was, he was only half as excited as his siblings, especially Poppykit. Willlowkit was tired of being alone, so he was fairly pleased when he became Webpaw and he received a mentor, a cat who could not only train him, but make him fit into the group. And make him into a warrior--which is something that Webpaw wanted more than most things. He was (and still is), after all, ambitious.

About halfway into the four apprentices' training, a somewhat ferocious battle came along in the open lands. All five siblings were happy to take part in it. Webpaw, Stripedpaw, Plantpaw, and Poppypaw, all fought equally hard--but this ended in a sad result for Poppypaw, who was killed. The tabby cat had seen her die. Webpaw had clawed the warrior in a desperate attack to save Poppypaw, whose neck was about to be at the mercy of the warrior's claws--the warrior tore a quarter of his right ear off, and Webpaw was flung to the ground while his ear hurt. The warrior injured Poppypaw badly, and when he was about to deliver the wound that, if not treated very soon, would kill her constantly-being-used body, Webpaw regained his strength and tried again. The warrior grinned and tore off another quarter of his ear. To this day, he has a shredded half-right-ear. The medicine cat could not save Poppypaw, so she died of horrible wounds. Webpaw mourned her for a while, but he eventually got over it--there were other things beside kin, and he knew that.

Finally, the day came when Stripedpaw, Plantpaw, and Webpaw became warriors. Stripedpaw became Stripedclaw, Plantpaw became Plantnose, and Webpaw became Webfoot. They all tried to be extremely loyal warriors, but Webfoot, being stern and serious, was now growing quite fond of ShadowClan, and therefore had grown fond of sticking to the warrior code, and listening to StarClan and himself, but most of all, being loyal to ShadowClan. Soon after, on patrol, Stripedclaw was kidnapped by Twolegs, and she had to willingly become a kittypet because there wasn't anything else she could do. Also, Plantnose ventured too close to the Thunderpath, resulting in a dead Plantnose.

Both of these deaths saddened Webfoot, along with the later deaths, due to an illness, of Blackfur and Fishclaw. Webfoot mourned them all for as much time as he had Poppypaw, but, just like her death, he eventually got over it. After that, he became happier, if you could call it that, and started to get better and be his usual Webfoot self. If there is one.

In the Moon of First Green in 2007, Webfoot joined the elders.
Sire :
Fishclaw (A light gray tabby bi-color tom with yellow eyes)
Dame :
Blackfur (A dark gray tabby bi-color she-cat with green eyes)
Full Siblings :
Plantnose (A large dark gray tabby tom with blue eyes)
Stormy (A gray tabby bi-color she-cat with green eyes)
Poppypaw (A pale gray she-cat with yellow eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Cloverwind (A dark tortoiseshell she-cat with light blue eyes)
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Links :
Vol Populi :
About Webfoot
By Webfoot: Elmstar -
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Webfoot
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Webfoot has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Webfoot is a Male cat with Mid-length Gray Mackerel Tabby Bicolor fur.
He is of Medium-large size and Common build. He has Blue eyes and a Normal tail. He is of non-purebred decent.