
Difference between revisions of "Ocelotl"

From Children of StarClan

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Revision as of 13:23, 2 June 2017

No Character exists with the name ???

A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A She-cat by Quetzalcoatl out of LilyBorn and dubbed Ocelotl in the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2004)
Living at the age of 60 Moons (4 years & 7 months)
Short Description :
A fawn Abyssinian she-cat with yellow eyes
Long Description :
Ocelotl is a fawn Abyssinian she-cat, with a smooth, pale coat and a way of walking which intentionally reflects the light to bring out the peach tones of her fur. She is methodical with her grooming, and does her best to keep her pale-padded paws clean. Her yellow eyes, which have a tone of green to them, are usually half-lidded. The perfect, ruddy-colored nose is centered on her well-boned face, with a luxurious spray of whiskers on either side.
Ocelotl---or Lottie, as her Twolegs tend to call her---is at her heart nothing more than an aristocratic butterfly: pretty and romantic, but with more concern for her looks than most might have. Her favorite thing to do is lie in the sun, warming herself and imagining adventures which she would really never dare to undertake. These tales bloom from the ones told to her by her mother, Lily, while Lottie was a kit. She can be something of a coward, and while she says she doesn't hunt because "Blood is so difficult to get out of one's coat," she is still thinking back to a day some moons ago which cost her both a good deal of her curiosity and her nerve. However, she still has a front of dignity, which she (hypothetically) is always ready to defend.

She dislikes too much noise and fuss, and thinks it beneath her to show much more than a ladylike scorn. As a purebred Abyssinian, she feels that she has the right to be haughty with other, lesser-blooded kittypets. Her mother reared her with a positive outlook on life, and so that is was Lottie has kept, even after she was taken from her siblings and Lily. These losses didn't weigh her down much, but she still wonders sometimes where the rest of her family is.

Ocelotl, after a brief encounter with Pendragon which took a nasty turn, harbors a deep-seated dislike and open resentment of the self-named "king".
Key Dates  
Full History :
Ocelotl and her siblings were born to a domestic cat named Lily; their father was Quetzalcoatl. Her sire wasn't particularly involved in the lives of his kits, and so it was to Lily---the story-teller, the comforter, the beautiful, kind-hearted Lily--- that Ocelotl clung to when the time came for her to be taken away. Ocelotl, at six weeks old, was sold first out of her litter of four. Her old housefolk had called her by the name of Ocelotl, and her new ones decided to keep it that way, although they immediately shortened it to Lottie.

Once she had arrived at her new home, Ocelotl cowered in her cat-carrier for a while before the smells and sounds began to tempt her out. She discovered a bowl of food---the same kind that she'd had at home!---which she nibbled before, heartened by the food, she set out to explore. The ground floor, basement, and upstairs were all full of new things with new scents. Lottie soon grew accustomed to the house and its occupants, even attached to her Twolegs.

One day, soon after she'd become comfortable, while sniffing around behind a stack of old books in the basement, Lottie found herself confronted with a small, scrawny rat. Instinct kicked in for both of them; the rat ran, and Lottie chased. Finally, she cornered the rodent. Due to her inexperience, she was now unsure as to what to do, and put down her nose to peer at the rat. A moment later, she was leaping backwards with all paws flailing, and the rodent had vanished. Nose smarting and nerve shattered, Lottie fled back upstairs and hid under the couch. To this day, she is still wary when in the basement, and keeps away from the shadowy places.

Recently, Lottie has felt a new desire to venture out of doors. Her Twolegs are lenient and have installed a little door to allow her to wander, and wander she has, meeting many new cats as well as one day coming upon her long-lost brother, Tezcatlipoca.
Sire :
Quetzalcoatl (A purebred fawn Abyssinian tom with hazel eyes)
Dame :
Lily (A sorrel Abyssinian she-cat with yellow eyes)
Full Siblings :
* Tezcatlipoca (A Sorrel Abyssinian tom)
  • Xolotl (A gray Abyssinian tom with hazel eyes)
  • Xochiquetzal (A fawn Abyssinian she-cat with hazel eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Ocelotl
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Ocelotl has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Ocelotl is a Female cat with Short Cream Ticked Tabby fur.
She is of Very Large size and Semi-foreign build. She has Yellow eyes and a Normal tail. She is a purebred Abyssinian.
Ocelotl Is A Part Of The Character Images Project and has been completed. (View)