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No Character exists with the name ???

A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A Tom by Axel out of BlossomBorn and dubbed Tam in the Moon of Long Sun (2005)
Living at the age of 53 Moons (4 years & 1 month)
Short Description :
A stocky brown point tom with blue eyes
Long Description :
Meriwether is not even sure of his own lineage, but he and his owners suspect that he has Siamese and Maine Coon blood in him. He has always been a large cat--though he rarely thinks of himself as intimidating--with a stocky build and big paws. His fur is mostly cream-colored with a few tan points, such as on his paws, the tip of his tail, his ears, and his muzzle, along with small tufts of dark fur on his ears, a trait seen in Maine Coons. But he has the eyes of a Siamese: almond shaped, light blue, and clear as water. He wears no collor, which he is quite happy about.
To some, Meriwether might seem like a snotty cat, even pompous. He refuses to go back to the days of his shelter life where smelly strays were his only companions. Having become quite knowledgeable from his owners, he prefers to be in the presence of cats who are well-learned like himself. However, he won't hesitate to give the "commoners" some advice, if they ever ask him.

While he takes great pride in acting mature, even Meriwether himself has to admit every now and then that he has the curiosity of a kit. Unless it is cold outside or it means spending time with his family, he rarely curls up in front of the fireplace. Especially now, in a new neighborhood, he is always up and about, searching for new places and new cats, while all the while trying not to get his paws too dirty. But he knows that it's worth a little mud in his fur; one day, he hopes he can know as much about the world as his master and mistress. Of course, he would never admit that to another cat; Meriwether prefers to keep his feelings and emotions sealed inside of him, as they would be useless for any other cat. He is talkative, but he only lets out knowledge of the world around him, not inside of him.

Despite his knowledge of the human world, the acts of other cats never cease to amaze him. He doesn't understand why stray cats and dogs bother to fight each other for a few scraps when there are plenty of humans who would take them in with love and smoked salmon. Perhaps there is something to be learned from the streets, yes, but Meriwether is sure that knowledge is the last thing on the savages' minds. Whatever instinct drives other cats to do what they do, Meriwether hopes to learn more about them and, in turn, teach them his ways.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Meriwether's mother was a stray that was brought into a shelter, heavily pregnant. She gave birth to a litter on her first night there. Even before Meriwether opened his eyes, he was constantly being lectured by his mother to never become like one of the many ignorant stray cats, like his father had been.

Eventually, Meriwether was separated from his mother and littermates, and for a short time he felt loneliness in the shelter. But he was quickly adopted by a young human couple. The man, John, was an anthropologist, and his wife, Monica, was a historian. Thus began Meriwether's long life of learning. He was deeply immersed in all the different cultures of humans. The Egyptians, the Romans, the Norse......each of them were so different from each other, and yet so similar. He was fascinated by their different gods and goddesses, how they hunted and what kind of ceremonies they held.

Then Meriwether, or "Merry", as he was affectionately called by his owners, learned that he and his family would be moving out of their apartment. His master and mistress had both gotten jobs as professors at a local university, and they now had enough money to live in a real house.

Meriwether has lived in Whitehart for a while now and has befriended several cats, particularly the wise tom Osiris and the young she-cat Paris. He has also made some unintentional enemies in the form of Pendragon and his followers, to whom his opinions often change.
Sire :
Axel (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Blossom (No Sdesc on File)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Meriwether Axel Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Blossom Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Meriwether
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Meriwether has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Meriwether is a Male cat with Short Brown Pointed fur.
He is of Large size and Cobby build. He has Blue eyes and a Normal tail. He is a mix of the following breeds: Maine Coon, Siamese, & Moggie.
Meriwether Is A Part Of The Character Images Project and has been completed. (View)