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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Warrior of ThunderClan
A Tom by Cloudburst out of GoldenfrostBorn and dubbed Skykit in the Moon of Long Sun (2007)
Living at the age of 26 Moons (2 years)
Short Description :
A sleek black van tom with blue eyes
Long Description :
Skyfall displays some of the large size corresponding to his bloodline, though not to the extent of most of his kin. Most of his short fur bears a colouration reminiscent of snow. Black patches -some large and some small- are randomly scattered on the tom's skinny body, standing out against the white like blood against snow. The fur on his tail is this same black colour. Skyfall's eyes are a clear, bright ultramarine blue, stark against a background of black fur. He has a black nose, white whiskers, and dark pink pawpads. His lean structure allows for remarkable agility in both the hunt and battle. He has a scar running across the left side of his muzzle from a border skirmish involving ShadowClan. His right ear is also tattered following his participation in the patrol which fought ( and eventually drove out) the fox roaming the forest.
Skyfall is a cat with unshakeable pride and a strict belief in Clan values. Though he is a tom of few words by nature, he has become more talkative and open towards his clanmates. He bears no trust or sympathy for cats outside of ThunderClan, and thinks even less of those not bound at all by the Warrior's Code. Skyfall's crystal-clear memory helps him uphold grudges for long periods of time. His competitive streak has only grown throughout the course of the moons, and he is unlikely to turn down a challenge. He may come across as arrogant, which the tom himself acknowledges. Fierceblooded, Skyfall is quite short of temper, prone to acting on the whim of his rage and aggressive by nature.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Skyfall, then named Skykit, was brought into the world during a night of the Moon of Long Sun (2007). He was born to a pair of overjoyed ThunderClanners named Goldenfrost and Cloudburst along with his sister, Rosekit. Skykit was, at first, an unusually small kit. He was also of poor health, and it was thought that he might not make it past kithood.

Skykit, however, did live a full six moons and was healthy and ready for apprenticeship in the Moon of Long Nights (2007). He shared the day with his sister, who was given the name Rosepaw whilst he was renamed Skypaw. Some time into the sibilings' apprenticeship, Rosepaw caught Greencough and, althought she recovered, she spent seven moons as an apprentice in order to catch up with what she missed while ill.

Skypaw proved to be an excellent hunter, but he had yet to better his fighting skills in order to become a warrior. After showing significant improvement in fighting techniques, Skypaw was ready for his warrior assessment. A satisfactory performance earned Skypaw the right to become a warrior.

At 12 moons, Skypaw became a warrior. In the Moon of Running Prey (2008), he was give his new name, Skyfall. A moon later, his sister had her own warrior ceremony, recieving the name Rosefrost.

In the Moon of Lion's Glory (2008), both of his parents were killed by a fox. They were found in ThunderClan territory, not far from the East Clearing. Though saddened at the sudden death of both his sire and dame, he didn't linger on it much, only missing the deceased warriors in a vague sense.

Skyfall was finally able to avenge the deaths of his clanmates at the fox's claws on the 24th day of the Moon of First White (2008). A patrol of ThunderClanners (including himself) led by Fiercestar succeeded in driving out the fox from the forest. The battle claimed the lives of two more of his comrades; Sootfur and Flamesong, and left his right ear ragged.

During the 3rd day of the Moon of Long Nights (2008), he was involved in a border fight in which a ShadowClanner accidentally trespassed onto ThunderClan territory. The skirmish eventually dissolved when interrupted by a passing monster, but Skyfall suffered a scarred muzzle, courtesy of the opposing warrior Rowanfall.
Sire :
Cloudburst (A proud black van tom with blue eyes)
Dame :
Goldenfrost (A sharp-tongued golden tabby bicolor she-cat with blue eyes)
Full Siblings :
Rosefrost (A sleek torbie van she-cat with aqua eyes)
Other Family :
Roseclaw (Maternal, Deceased)

Brackenstorm (Maternal, Deceased)

Great Granddame
Willowfoot (Maternal, Deceased)

Great Grandsire
Patchpelt (Maternal, Deceased)

Great-great Granddame
Savagefang (Maternal, Deceased)

Great-great Granduncle
Fiercestar(Maternal, Deceased)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Skyfall Cloudburst Unknown Tom
Unknown Queen
Goldenfrost Brackenstorm (An odd-eyed cream bicolor tabby tom with bicolor eyes and a temper)
Roseclaw (A tall dilute calico she-cat with green eyes)
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Ukn Tom
Ukn Queen
Ukn Tom
Ukn Tom
Ukn Queen
Ukn Tom
Ukn Queen
FS Line
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Skyfall
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Skyfall has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Skyfall is a Male cat with Short Black Bicolor fur.
He is of Medium-large size and Common build. He has Blue eyes and a Normal tail. He is of non-purebred decent.