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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Warrior of WindClan
A She-cat by Rippedclaw out of DuskglowBorn Spottedkit in the Moon of First Fishing (2006)
Living at the age of 42 Moons (3 years & 3 months)
Short Description :
A calico bi-color she-cat with amber eyes
Long Description :
Ivynose is a calico she-cat, with a rather solid build rather than a thin one, so that she is not quite the runner as many other WindClan cats are. Her right ear is splotched with ginger, while her left is black, both colors running down into patches around her eyes. Her back and sides are dappled with ginger and black, although her chest is completely white, as are the toes of her front paws. Ivynose has bright amber eyes shining from her mostly-black face. She has a small, black nose in the center of her dark muzzle. Her only scar is on along her right shoulder, and is only occasionally visible through her thick fur.
As long as she's been alive, Ivynose has always had a slight problem controlling her emotions. This was worsened by her early history and by the recent loss of a friend. So it is that she can be flighty and off-topic one moment and vehement the next. This, what she knows to be the greatest of all her flaws, means that she gets herself in trouble sometimes simply by her quickness to speak her mind, since her mind takes a little while to sift through and find what would be more appropriate for the situation.

"Ditzy" could sometimes apply to her, although she is less flighty and more just passionate. Right now, she is actually a little depressed. She finds satisfaction in being able to control herself, although there is a more savage happiness in letting herself go. However, one factor is always constant in her heart, thanks to her father. That factor is loyalty. She tries her hardest to rein herself in when in the presence of her leader, deputy, or medicine cat; she respects and reveres them with all her heart. That loyalty is also reflected towards those closest to her.

Ivynose tends towards the romantic; in her mind, to mate is to bond for life, and that unusual concept is what lent her such righteous (as she thought) anger towards her mother. This assumption was also born in her by the ministrations of Rippedclaw, who went a little beyond the Warrior Code in his teachings to his daughter. She has kept firmly to his teachings even when her dear friend, Ivypelt, tried to strip her of the unnatural assumption of mates-for-life.

Now that she has had an apprentice, Whisperpaw (now Whisperstream), Ivynose has become more prideful than she was before she had an apprentice. However, the death of Whisperstream and Ivypelt in addition to her father before that also affected her greatly. She is now a bit more cautious of becoming too close to another cat.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Spottedkit's birth was a hard one for the thin, young queen Duskglow. The kit's larger build resembled her stocky father, Rippedclaw, and so the medicine cat had nearly given up hope of saving kit and mother together. Rippedclaw waited anxiously outside the den, for he loved his mate with a passion, but also wanted desperately for his kits to survive. After a long, strenuous time, and with the help of the medicine cat, Duskglow and Spottedkit pulled through, although the two kits who followed were both stillborn.

In her kithood, Spottedkit was never particularly close to her mother, but adored instead her father, Rippedclaw. He was a noble warrior (in her eyes), and would often spend time teaching her the tenets of the Warrior Code. He tended to emphasize the virtue of faithfulness and loyalty, and even stepped outside the Code to say that a mate was a life-bond, to cherish throughout life. Rippedclaw was his daughter's role model through her kithood and into her apprenticeship, when she was indentured to Cedarleaf, a respected older warrior. Soon after the ceremony, though, Rippedclaw was killed by a badger, and Spottedpaw's world went to pieces. Cedarleaf had seen grief before, and worked his apprentice through it as best he could, but Spottedpaw had lost more than a father. She'd lost her best friend. So it was that she then turned to her mother for comfort.

However, Duskglow had other things on her mind. The queen, far from grieving her mate's loss, had begun spending more and more time with another tom. Spottedpaw tried to deny the rumors, but in her heart she knew the truth: that Duskglow, although beloved by Rippedclaw, had never returned his love. That revelation was confirmed when Duskglow announced that she was expecting the kits of her new beau. Spottedpaw spent that night outside the camp alone, struggling to contain her heartbroken rage. When she returned, she was silent, yet it was then that her feelings were closest to the surface. Spottedpaw started sinking back into the shadows when she could; she was bitter and sometimes bad-mouthy, and thus found herself serving time cleaning out the elders' den.

It was then that she met Ivypelt. At first, the old she-cat's barbed tongue and quick retorts only made Spottedpaw more resentful towards the world at large...but, as more punishments led to more time spent around Ivypelt, Spottedpaw came to learn that the elder had seen much tragedy in her own life. The two she-cats grew close, in something like a mentor-apprentice relationship. Ivypelt let down her guard and showed a soft, compassionate side towards the younger cat. On bad days, when Spottedpaw couldn't control herself even around her friend, Ivypelt shrugged off the apprentice's sharp words and shot back with some of her own. The elder's prickliness made her immune to Spottedpaw's sometimes-caustic outbursts. In a few moons the apprentice had healed somewhat, thanks to having a true mother-figure in her life.

However, she still had times when she burst into the elders' den, eyes flaming, simply needing to be away from her half-brothers. Wrenkit and Twigkit were cute enough in themselves, but to see them with their mother was enough to make Spottedpaw choke on her own hatred. When that happened, she usually went to Ivypelt---even though this point was the one crack in their friendship. The elder tried to discourage Spottedpaw's mate-for-life notions, sometimes cajoling, sometimes scolding, but the Spottedpaw held firm. Those ideas were the only things left to her by her father. When winter came, and greencough descended on both kits and Duskglow, Spottedpaw refused to regard the matter as anything other than StarClan's vengeance. She didn't visit them in the medicine den, didn't do more than sit at their final vigil, and didn't let herself think about the two young lives that might have been.

As time passed, the presence of Ivypelt soothed Spottedpaw into a state fit for warriorhood, much to the relief of Cedarleaf. After doing quite well on her final test, her mentor declared her ready to take on her warrior name.

The night before her ceremony, Spottedpaw slipped into the leader's den to make a request. It was a small thing, but something she felt she had to do to make her gratitude clear to the old she-cat who had helped her through so much. And so it was that Spottedpaw became Ivynose, with both the mentor of her claws and the mentor of her heart standing by proudly.

Ivypelt had very little time after Ivynose's promotion, though. When the Killingcough ran rampant through the Clan, the frail elder caught one of the worse cases. Ivynose tried her best to stay with her friend, but Ivypelt warned her of becoming sick herself. When the old she-cat died, on the eleventh day of the moon of the Killingcough, Ivynose sat vigil for her in a half-delirious state, murmuring mixed consolations and pleas to the departed spirit of the elder. Recovery from the loss is slow, and Ivynose has become wary of making attachments to others, for fear of losing part of herself along with them---as has happened to her three times now.

On the tenth day of the Moon of Long Nights (07), Ivynose received her first apprentice, Whisperpaw. While gloriously happy with this event, she now had to also come to terms with the idea of being a good role-model for her new student.

Whisperpaw soon graduated after several moons, but was then killed by a badger. This sent Ivynose over the edge, and she wasn't able to think straight. Dawnstar saw this as a weakness in her judgement, and neglected to ask of her opinions out of consideration for her clan. Ivynose sank out of the spotlight and fell into a routine of daily clan life to get her mind off of these events.

When prey began to run scarce, Ivynose hardened herself to the deaths in the Clan, hoping to regain her leader's favor. Instead she focused on hunting and managed to survive without falling ill.
Sire :
Rippedclaw (A brown tabby tom with amber eyes)
Dame :
Duskglow (A lithe ginger bi-color she-cat)
Maternal Siblings
Twigkit (A red tabby bicolor tomkit)
Wrenkit (A red tabby bicolor tomkit)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Whisperstream (A brown mackerel tabby bi-color she-cat with green eyes)
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Ivynose
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Ivynose has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Ivynose is a Female cat with Short Tortie Bicolor fur.
She is of Medium size and Cobby build. She has Amber eyes and a Normal tail. She is of non-purebred decent.