Character talk


From Children of StarClan

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This adoption is closed.
Please provide a paragraph that outlines why you feel you should be selected as the new player for this character.

Offer from Kazul

Adoption Status: Withdrawn

Being able to hop on and post more often, I'm doing something I wanted to do since before I saw Andromeda was rolled but I believe she had already been adopted out. I have wanted to play a cat in the Cabal and since Andromeda is in need of a player, I would like apply for her. With in-group connections and her sire the lord and leader of the Cabal, it has given me some ideas on a personality I'd like to play her with. Seeing as Caligula is her sire, I can see her having to learning how to become manipulative and know just who she can manipulate. She'd of course be very confident in herself and I can see her having a rather 'Devi-May-Care' attitude with a bit of headstrong 'I do what I want, not what others want me to do' who has also learned how to bend the rules to be able to do just that. Being a daddy's girl, she'd always make sure to behave properly around him, but she'd also be very curious about the word around her and be wanting to know more. I can also see her as having a bit of a childhood crush on Zane. I understand if you're wary, but at the same time, I would still like to place the offer and see where it gets me.

Offer from Fae~o~the~Wind

Adoption Status: Accepted

By now (I hope!) I've proven myself to be an experienced and responsible CoSC roleplayer. I am active with all seven of my current characters, four of whom were adopted (although my gaining of Yellowfrost was admittedly a strange cross between creation and adoption). Thus I'm no newcomer to how things run around here; with a couple of years under my belt, I've become quite familiar with the dynamics of this site.

I feel that I can add zest in the Cabal as the Player of Caesar's daughter. Not only does her half-Clan, half-rogue (& Maine Coon) bloodline interest me, but so does the fact that she's named after a princess from a Greek myth. My existing Cabal character, the centurion Mintaka, has already provided me with an outlet for my Greek "muse". Andromeda could, too. The rough sketch in my mind of what kind of cat Andromeda is: an "entitled" and "fussy" Caesar-daughter who's clever enough to know to whom she should butter up with the express purpose of getting what she wants. I do not mean to create an entirely selfish and devious persona, however; I plan on an active imagination and an intense curiosity that could lead her into many a trouble. She'd be thirsty for a friend to follow her lead on the daring adventures she's orchestrated in her inventive brain.

However, I do feel obligated to mention that while I HAVE had my eye on Andromeda, if someone else applies for her, I am likely to step down. I have the following inhibitions about adopting the she-kit: a) I already have a full plate with my existing charries, and b) Mintaka and Andromeda, as two young she-cats of the Cabal, could have some potential IC bonding time, and I wouldn't be able to have that if I were to play both charries. (I'd like to avoid rping with myself, a thing I find difficult to manage). In addition, as school starts back up, my time will not be as free to spend here, unfortunately.

In this adoption offer, I've tried to be as forthcoming as possible. Normally I'd hold off, but I'm worried about "Princess" Andromeda being killed off, which would be a TERRIBLE thing to happen to a character with such potential. She could play a key role in future plots, or so I understand, and if no will take her, and if I'm deemed a suitable player for her, then I will certainly be pleased to rear her, almost from scratch.

I only now noticed this and that Thorn accepted it. But because I didn't know the character never got properly transferred to Fae. Doing this now.  Kitsufox  Fox's Den 12:13, 12 September 2014 (CDT)