

From Children of StarClan

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A Non-Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Senior Warrior of RiverClan
A Tom by Darkriver out of VenomrainBorn Burningkit* Killed by a predator in the Moon of Tiger's Wrath (2007)
Dead at the age of Expression error: Missing operand for -. moons (Expression error: Unexpected < operator.)
and has been so for 32 moons (2 years & 6 months).
Short Description :
A small black-furred tom with flame colored eyes
Long Description :
Burningnight is practically a carbon-copy of his mother, Venomrain. He has a short, pure black coat that repels water with ease, like most RiverClanners. There is not a patch of white - or any other color, for that matter - on his entire body; his coat is simply jet black. Burningnight is not a large cat; he is actually quite small and slight. This gives his body good aerodynamics and he is able to run extremely quickly, as well as swim well. In battle, in the ebony tom has more of a tendency to rely on speed and brains rather than brawn due to the fact that he is not all that strong. He prefers to play his strengths, and those just happen to be speed and smarts. All in all, Burningnight is not really anything special; appearance wise, that is. He is not particularly handsome, though he is neither ugly. In terms of looks, the RiverClanner is just average. Aside from his slight frame, rather small for that of a warrior, Burningnight looks just like any other cat. Except for his eyes. His eyes are a sort of orange-amber color and they look like smoldering flames set into his head. They always burn with a flame that never flickers and never dies.
If there were one word to describe Burningnight, it would be dedicated. This tom is completely dedicated to RiverClan and he would do anything for it. This is possibly the result of his mother leaving, though one would never know it upon meeting him. Burningnight is a loyal, hard-working, outgoing, and friendly warrior who wants nothing more than to be a good member of RiverClan. However, it does seem that he has some of his mother in him, as he is very smart and can be tricky, mostly when fighting. This is not to say that he does not use his tricky side for other purposes. Burningnight can be a bit of prankster, to an extent. He loves to play pranks on his friends and is particulary known for pushing his pals in the river, especially during leaf-fall when the river is cold! Of course, he would never do anything that would seriously hurt anybody he cared about intentionally and the warrior generally knows what is.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Burningnight is the son of a RiverClan warrior and a former RiverClan warrioress. His mother, now deceased, was once a warrioress of RiverClan. However, it seemed that Clan life was not meant for her. She had the heart of a rogue; she was a sneak, a trickster and a backstabber. Venomrain never even loved Burningnight's father. He was merely a play-toy to her, just something to do in her free time. Of course, Darkriver did not know that. He was head-over-paws in love with Venomrain and was nothing other than excited when he found out that she would be bearing his kits. Venomrain, however, took a different view on this issue. She had not gotten into this relationship planning to be a mother; the she-cat had absolutely no desire to be a mother to some stupid little kit. She had never liked kits. But, there was not anything she could do about it, so her kits were born.

There was only one, and this was Burningnight. All it took was a few days in that stuffy nursery to drive any small scrap of motherly love right out Venomrain. Burningkit was nuisance to her, she loved him no more than she did Burningnight's father. So, one night, long after the sun had gone down, Venomrain crept away from the nursery, intending to leave the forest - and the Clan - forever. Needless to say, she did not get far. Darkriver discovered the next morning that his mate was missing and instantly took off in search of her. It was not long before he found his mate, just on the edge of RiverClan territory, completely unhurt. It was then that Venomrain revealed her true colors.

She confessed, with a passion, that she had never loved Darkriver or his kit. She told him that she had never really loved RiverClan. She told him everything. What happened next was not extremely hard to predict, but it seems that Venomrain never even expected it. Darkriver attacked her. He killed her. But, upon looking down at his former mates blood-stained body, Darkriver could not summon a single scrap of triumph. All he could feel was sadness and hopelessness. So, Darkriver returned to camp just long enough to tell the Clan what had happened and make sure another queen would take care of Burningkit. Then, he left the Clan - and never came back. His body was found in RiverClan territory the next day. And, thus, Burningkit became an orphan, as it were. Eventually, he became an apprentice, and then a warrior; the cat who he is today.
Sire :
Darkriver (A dark brown spotted tabby tom with dark eyes)
Dame :
Venomrain (A small back she-cat with orange-amber eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Burningnight
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details