

From Children of StarClan

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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Senior Warrior of ShadowClan
A She-cat by Birchwood out of PetalfurBorn Softkit in the Moon of First Green (2005)* Died in the Moon of Turning Leaves (2008)
Dead at the age of 45 moons (3 years & 6 months)
and has been so for 10 moons (9 months).
Short Description :
A sullen, longhaired silver tabby bi-color she-cat
Long Description :
Heathertail is a medium to small sized cat, not fully grown yet at a little over two years. She’s built lithe, a runner and hunter’s build, but her long, fluffy fur often makes her frame look bigger. Her fur often looks shaggy, and her long tail widens to a fluffy plume. Heathertail is a silver tabby, with whorled black tabby markings. They cover her head, back, and tail. The rest of her body is a stark white, usually clean and kept. Her eyes are a wide, gray green color, usually bright and attentive when she is excited but almost sullen looking at most other times. Her nose is a pale pink, the same with her paw pads, and her whiskers are long and expressive.
Heathertail is a thoughtful, reserved cat. She learned young to think before she acts, something that has followed her into her warrior life. She prides herself on her common sense and rarely does stupid things. She’s kind enough if she likes you, and hardly snappy, unless you really do something she dislikes.

Quiet, Heathertail talks to few cats – the count is four of five cats she will willingly talk to – and being a one of those cats is jokingly referred to as an honor. She often finds young cats annoying and naïve, something she dislikes (although kit naïveté is cute) and older cats lazy and whiny, something no one should be either, for there is always something worse to be. She often ponders philosophical things at times, occasionally questioning the rules of the world.

Heathertail is at times rather clausterphobic, finding the Warrior’s den, with cats crowded around, too tight of a space for her. At these times, she often will rush out of the den as fast as possible, sometimes racing out. She has also seemed to be a bit afraid of spiders, something she found the deputy shares (but to a bigger extent).
Key Dates  
Full History :
Heathertail was born as Softkit to Petalfur and Birchwood, two older warriors, in leafbare. She had a stillborn brother and a living sister, pure white, named Waterkit. The stillborn tom was a large gray tabby. Softkit seemed to be a mix – silver whorled tabby with white underparts. Her parents didn’t mate for love, rather just to have kits for the clan. Petalfur was sharp-tongued and scolded rambunctious Waterkit often; Softkit was more introverted and quiet, observing more that doing.

Softkit was apprenticed as Heatherpaw to a tom, Gingerfur. It wasn’t a perfect match; Gingerfur didn’t quite get Heatherpaw very much, and it was a bit of a struggle for the tom to teach the distracted she-cat. Her sister was renamed Frozenpaw, and was given a mentor who properly scolded her for her wrongdoings. The siblings remained very close, though, and Heatherpaw would often stick up for Frozenpaw.

Even near their warrior ceremonies, Frozenpaw was as rowdy as ever. She loved to showoff, one thing that eventually led to her death. One early morning, Frozenpaw excitedly woke up her sister, telling her to come. She led Heatherpaw to the woody part of ShadowClan’s territory, and bragged that she could climb the tallest tree on their territory. Heatherpaw begged her not to, but Frozenpaw simply told her to lighten up. The she-cat made it all the way to the top, but once there, her paws slid on a bit of icy bark – it was during winter, in the pair’s 11th moon – and she fell down, a blur of white that Heatherpaw almost thought looked like a falling star.

Her body cradled in the snow, it was obvious the cat had broken her neck. Heatherpaw kept a vigil until the dawn came a while later and the skies turned red with the new light of the sun. Her parents – recently new elders – buried her body once it was returned to camp. The clan was saddened slightly, for she was a friendly cat, for her antics, but the war that was recently ending had hardened cats to the subject of death. Birchwood and Petalfur contracted the greencough that passed through the camp later that winter, and passed within days of each other.

A moon later, Heatherpaw was made a warrior as Heathertail. It honored her intelligence and compassion. Heathertail didn’t work to stand out her first moons of being a warrior, trying to slip into the background. She didn’t make a lot of friends, but as the moons passed and the summer, she began to reach out to other cats, finding that some actually were enjoyable. She earned the experience of leading patrols and surprisingly found it enjoyable.

She does have a couple of close friends, namely the leader Elmcloud and the deputy Lionheart. She thinks they are rather nice to be around and to talk to. Heathertail trusts Elmstar as a leader, and she thinks Lionheart’s concern is so incredibly sweet in a good way.

Heathertail was appointed a senior warrior on her 26th moon. She accepted the position gratefully, hoping she can do her job as expected. Two days later, she was given the apprentice Lilypaw, in the hopes that she can calm down the bouncy kit into a mature warrior.
Sire :
Birchwood (A longhaired blue tabby tom)
Dame :
Petalfur (A white longhaired she-cat)
Full Siblings :
Frozenpaw (A longhaired white she-cat)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Heathertail Birchwood Unknown Tom (A NPC character of no consequence)
Unknown Queen (A NPC character of no consequence)
Petalfur Unknown Tom (A NPC character of no consequence)
Unknown Queen (A NPC character of no consequence)
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Heathertail
By Heathertail: Elmstar -
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Heathertail
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Heathertail is a Female cat with Long Gray Classic Tabby Bicolor fur.
She is of Medium-small size and Semi-foreign build. She has Gray eyes and a Long tail. She is of non-purebred decent.