

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 12:47, 2 October 2013 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs)
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A Non-Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of ShadowClan
A She-cat by Unknown Tom out of Unknown QueenBorn and dubbed Whitekit in the Moon of Unnamed Blue (2000)* Killed by a predator in the Moon of First Green (2002)
Dead at the age of 28 moons (2 years & 2 months)
and has been so for 94 moons (7 years & 3 months).
Short Description :
A longhaired gray bicolor she-cat with with copper eyes
Long Description :
Whiteface was tall and long furred, with a flowing tail and dark copper eyes. Other than her white paws, stomach, chest, and face, the she-cat's flossy, gently waving pelt was gray in colour.
Whiteface was a gentle she-cat who had a quiet, dreamy air. She tended to get lost in her thoughts, and was somewhat scatter-brained, being easily distracted and often losing track of what she was doing just a moment ago. Shy and introverted, especially around new cats, she nevertheless endeavoured to be agreeable and friendly with her clanmates. The warrior was quite happy to follow someone's lead; she disliked having to make definite decisions, as she would almost always second-doubt herself. An idealist at heart, Whiteface trusted freely and believed the best of everyone.
Key Dates  
Full History :
During the first six months, Whiteface, then Whitekit, and Noclaw, then Flarekit, were inseparable. However, after their apprenticeship, Whitepaw and Flarepaw drifted apart, occupied as they were by their training and new responsibilities. By the time they became Whiteface and Flarefox respectively, they hardly spent any time together.

Regardless, when Whiteface wanted to become a mother, the first tom that came to mind was Flarefox. Though it took her some time to gather the nerve to approach him, when she finally did ask, he assented at once. Whiteface bore their sole kit, Gracklekit, who became the medicine cat Crestedback. Their son brought the new parents close again, and the warriors enjoyed nine more moons of companionship.

In the Moon of First Green (2002), Whiteface and Flarefox went on a hunting patrol together, and were attacked by a horde of rats. Together they managed to drive the creatures off, but at great cost. Flarefox's right forepaw was mangled and missing all its claws, while Whiteface, who was nearly overrun by the rats, was bleeding profusely from multiple wounds. The she-cat collasped halfway to camp, and her mate had to drag her the remainder of the way. Though Flarefox pulled through, Whiteface's severe injuries became infected, and she passed into StarClan soon afterward.
Sire :
Unknown Tom (A NPC character of no consequence)
Dame :
Unknown Queen (A NPC character of no consequence)
Offspring :
Crestedback (A large calico tom with a peculiar line of erect fur caused by a scar)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Whiteface Unknown Tom Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Unknown Queen Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Noclaw (A red tabby tom with green eyes and no claws on his right forepaw)
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Whiteface
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Whiteface
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details