
Forum - Act I Scene I: Enter Chutzpah (23 FG OPEN)

Overview > Other In Character Areas > Twolegplace (Whitehart) > Act I Scene I: Enter Chutzpah (23 FG OPEN) Write a reply

Who: Chutzpah! New charrie, so huzzah!

When: 23th Day in the Moon of First Green 2009, Late Afternoon/Early Evening

Where: Starts in the overgrown vicinity of 118 West Forester Drive

"Ode to the bebbies in the bran' new WERLD!"

bellowed a (only somewhat) melodious voice, cracking mid-way from a tenor to a baritone and back again.
Chutzpah had arrived to his newest abode in Whitehart just two days ago, and the white, half-deaf tom was in jolly spirits. Well, he always was, but right now he was especially so!

He'd been a-roaming and a-wanderin' over hill and dale for Lord knows how long, just sort of drifting where the whim took him, when his sore paws and gummy coat and empty belly forced him, happily enough, to root out food.

Food, and shelter, and easy friendship, too, came in the form of humans. Or Twolegs, as his old mentor Nettletongue used to call 'em.

"Ode to the bee-uty o' da stars! Here's to the sumthin', n' sumthin' such, and mhhm nhhm upon thars.

Chutzpah's here, my love, with blessin's from above Let the Day Begin . . ."

And so Chutzpah's rendition of "Let the Day Begin" by The Call went.

Bard, beadle, hefty and fluffy tomcat. A true gen'elman 'n solitary, pensive knight, he danced this way and that, humming now, bellowing later, as he meandered aimlessly through the overgrown lot of his new home.

Posted by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 23 February 2016 at 15:19.
Let us hold the die uncast
How lucky to have never seen one, the she-cat thought. Oysters looked fine on the outside, but their insides reminded Maelstrom of a toothless mouth. "He called you that as a reproval?" Maelstrom swished her tail tip once more, debating if she should dare guess again. "I enjoy charisma, but did he find you too talkative?"

Free to come as free to go

Posted by Nagini on 20 February 2017 at 03:55.
O frabjous day!
" 'Tis all too likely, aye. I disremember who exactly gave me my current name, but my mentor, Nettletongue, did snap at me often enough to 'shut my yap' before he'd shut it for me." He grinned at the memory, as unrepentant as he'd been then. "But as loquacious as I am, that's not quite what Chutzpah means."

The tom's mismatched eyes were drawn by the swishing of Maelstrom's tail, and he paused briefly to admire the sweeping motion of the long, striped gray fur there.

"Nay," he continued. "It was less a criticism of my wagging tongue than of the boldness and cheek of my speech. I never understood how the simplest of queries came across as impudence, but . . ."

He shrugged, a rolling feline gesture that rippled down his unkempt coat.

"Nettletongue never did have any patience for, well, much of anything but instant, unquestioning obedience. You can guess at how good I was at that!"
Callooh! Callay! He chortled in his joy.
Posted by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 1 March 2017 at 16:49.
Edited by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 20 June 2017 at 13:49.
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