
Forum - Kitsu's Availability

Overview > Out of Character - General > Staff & Game Running Related > Kitsu's Availability Write a reply

While I'm frequently near my computer or have access to my various chat channels at any given time, I'd like to make it easier and more obvious and make myself more available to those at CoSC. I've marked out times on the schedule below that I am specifically available or not available. During available periods I will be in the AOL Chat and make myself available on all of the messenger services listed on my profile and the Staff Page.

If you are interested in setting up a time/place with me just reply to this thread and we'll work something out. This includes me being willing to acquire new messenger services and the like to accommodate individual users.

Times in pink/red are those I am 100% unavailable. Blues are periods I will specifically be available during. White areas are those I do not have things specifically planned during and may or may not be free.

Posted by Kitsufox (administrator) on 22 February 2016 at 20:32.

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