
Forum - Randomly saying "Hi"

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Overview > Out of Character - General > Chatterbox > Randomly saying "Hi"

I figured I would say hello and start a completely random conversation about what's going on here and how things in my life are rolling.

The explanation for how idle I had been is rooted in the fact that I spent the last year buying a house and moving away from the place I lived for about a decade. The husband-man and I got to finally move out of the vile trailer we lived in and into a lovely little house on the outskirts of Wausau (a pleasant little city about an hour from where we had lived).

That was the big time-sink, though my life does continued to include tabletop gaming (D&D 4e, FATE), The Sims 3, and Minecraft (It's turned into a server online that I play with a number of friends).

So, what have y'all been up to?

Posted by Kitsufox (administrator) on 25 February 2016 at 12:53.

Hiya and welcome back! Not too much is new in my life but I've got a new job at an electronics store, so that's fun and tiring, but I still want to move back to Florida in the next couple of years. And I just got Fallout 4 and that's taken up some of my free time.

Posted by Nagini on 25 February 2016 at 22:53.

<.< >.> -jaws theme can be heard as she lurks-

Posted by Kazul on 8 May 2016 at 01:25.

Hey, Kaz! :D

Posted by Nagini on 9 May 2016 at 00:33.

Hey guys! It's awesome to "see" you all again ^-^ I've been super busy with school and work but that really isn't a new thing for me honestly :p

Posted by Kyndzee on 9 May 2016 at 15:21.

-waves- Sup? I still live and lurk. I'm not really on aim much anymore but I got skype. Been kinda busy house hunting and working and whatnot. But I'm still around,.

Posted by Kazul on 11 May 2016 at 02:32.

Ooh house hunting sounds exciting! Work's kept me extra busy since I'm working full-time now, but I can finally get my wisdom teeth taken out and have it covered by my work's dental insurance, so yay.

Posted by Nagini on 19 May 2016 at 14:27.

It's so good to hear from all of you!

My life has been quite eventful lately. I married my American fiance of two years (we've been together for a total of six) and became the mother of his pet cat and chameleon. Additionally, I'm about a year away from obtaining my doctor of medicine degree. The ride is far from over though, as I still need up to seven more years to actually become eligible to take forensic pathology Board exam. Thus, a total of 15 years of my life will be spent educating myself for this career. Fun.

I lack wisdom teeth and I'm particularly happy to say so because I'm low-key mortified of going to the dentist. I hope all goes well with the wisdom teeth removal.

Posted by Sterben on 19 May 2016 at 23:42.

Wow! Congrats! I keep thinking about getting a Master's in Library Science but I'm still on the fence about it and I don't know if I could go for it full-time while working.

And it's the same for me about the dentist. I hate going (especially for teeth cleaning), but the place I go to now is good about easing the anxiety and checking in with you during procedures (and they have TVs above the chairs and the distraction helps). I haven't scheduled the wisdom teeth extraction yet, but the surgeon doing it is the same guy who took my sister's out and her recovery went really smoothly, so that helps.

Posted by Nagini on 30 May 2016 at 23:59.

So sorry to hear about the dental anxiety guys! My major is in dental hygiene so maybe one day I can be one one that helps dentist visits seem somewhat enjoyable! :) congrats on all the new milestones Sterben!

Posted by Kyndzee on 31 May 2016 at 03:42.

Thank you, guys!

Originally, I planned to get a Master's in Fine Arts because nothing else really interested me for the longest time, but (realistically) unfortunately there isn't much you can do with that major unless you plan to be an art teacher, which isn't what I wanted. I'm quite happy in Forensics now, though.

My anxiety about trips to the dentist can be traced to one particular event from when I was a child. I half-woke up in the middle of a cavity removal work and would have absolutely freaked out if it weren't for the fact that the anesthesia didn't really let me move even though I was 'awake'. Of course, I couldn't actually feel much of what was going on, but I spent the rest of the procedure drifting in and out of consciousness which was pretty terrifying for an 8 year old. Hours after it was over, one side of my mouth was still almost completely paralyzed and with the working side of my mouth I kept trying to mumble about monsters under the bed. Yep.

Also because having a dental hose in your mouth is just a generally displeasing experience on its own :P .

Posted by Sterben on 9 June 2016 at 04:06.
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