
Forum - to be hunting shade (7LS09) Yellowfrost, OPEN

Overview > WindClan > Border Lands (WC Territory) > to be hunting shade (7LS09) Yellowfrost, OPEN Write a reply

Who: Yellowfrost and anybody!
When: Morning of the 7th Day in the Moon of Long Sun, ~ 7:00am Real Time (after sunrise)
Where: Garden copse
What: Hunting, first for prey, then for shade
Why: Blowing off the dust from Yellowfrost. He's in need of intelligent conversation, otherwise he'll start talking to himself again (more so than usual) and driving me (more) crazy.

don't interrupt me
when i'm ignoring you
Yellowfrost almost wished that he'd volunteered for Dawn Patrol.

He'd meant to be up at daybreak, in an attempt to go hunting before the sun rose and scorched the earth and burned the very air, but he'd overslept an hour or so.

"Unacceptable," he muttered, completely disgusted at himself. "Completely unacceptable. Need to be getting to sleep earlier, if a warrior can't get himself awake before the sun."

No clouds today, not a single wisp. Yellowfrost glared up with squinting yellow slits at the sun-bright sky as if it was it's fault he was so uncomfortably hot and bothered. The skinny striped tom wasn't the least bit grateful that today was at least marginally cooler than yesterday.

"Should have gone to the Moorlands," he growled to himself, determined to be grumpy. "Maybe I could've caught a breath of wind, would have cooled me off." He sniffed irritably at the air, which was already too stifling warm for his taste, for any scent of prey. He'd caught and buried a mouse earlier, but that wasn't enough to feed himself, much less his clan, and he wasn't going back to camp until he'd snagged a worthwhile meal. At last detecting a faint scent of squirrel, Yellowfrost slinked from the open plain into the Garden Copse. Ah! Welcome relief from the sun! Even the ground beneath his feet was cooler, shaded as it was by the leafy boughs above him.

Posted by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 4 April 2016 at 04:50.
Edited by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 4 April 2016 at 04:51.

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