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From Children of StarClan

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|textadopt=Please provide a paragraph explaining why you feel you should be the one to return the character to camera. Include content detailing how you plan to deal with the time missing from the character history.
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Latest revision as of 19:57, 7 June 2017

This character currently lives Off Camera
Instructions for how to Petition to return the character to Camera are available on the Talk Page
A Non-Player Character belonging to Unknown


A She-cat by Gate out of IsisBorn and dubbed Bastet in the Moon of Long Sun (2006)
Living (off camera) at the age of 39 Moon(s) (3 years)
Short Description :
A pale golden tabby she-cat with dark green eyes
Long Description :
Bastet is a pale golden tabby she-cat with nimble, oval-shaped paws. Her eyes are a shadowy, deep green that appear almost black if viewed from the right angle.
Bastet tends to expect things to go her way - and only her way. She often makes rash decisions without thinking things through. However, her mulish pride dictates that she will stick to her choices no matter what the consequences. She dislikes authority figures, being somewhat rebellious, and associates being told what to do as an attempt to control her. The she-cat needs to know that she is in charge of her own life, and nothing terrifies her more than the feeling of helplessness. She is cautious not to become overly close to any other cat, and keeps her heart, and many of her true feelings, hidden.
Key Dates  
  • Commonly called Fi-fi
  • Began using the name Bastet
Full History :
After falling in love with the semi-feral tom Gate, Isis gave birth to three she-kits in her Twoleg owner's house. She named the first two Bastet and Horus, while Gate named the youngest one Firefly. From the moment all three kittens could walk and talk, Bastet led her siblings into a countless number of expeditions, exploring every nook and cranny of the old Twoleg's house, and, as kittens do, getting into loads of mischief. All the while they were watched by their loving, if protective, parents.

Bastet's life as she knew it, however, was disrupted forever when their aging Twoleg gave Bastet and Firefly away to a niece of his. The young lady received them with elation, and renamed Bastet as Fiachra, and Firefly as Fionnuala. While Firefly adapted quite well to her new home, Bastet was extremely upset by this sudden change in her life. Not only was her family and the house of her birth taken so abruptly from her, but also was her freedom of choice. Bastet felt trapped among the hard, unfamiliar walls of the niece's home. She saw her sister's placid acceptance as deplorable, and was frightened that one day she, too, would be the same. Restless and longing for the sense of freedom she saw in the outdoors, she slipped out of the house one quiet morning and never looked back. Immediately she discarded the Twoleg name Fiachra, and took again the name her mother had given her. Bastet then roamed the neat rows of fenced yards and Twoleg houses.

One day, quite unexpectedly, she came across her father. Gate was shocked, then immensely glad to see his daughter again. Though Bastet's reaction was not as strong- she had never been all that close to her parents- she was nevertheless relieved to have found a familiar face. For a short while they traveled together, Gate teaching his daughter all that he knew, where to take shelter, where to find the best food, which cats to stay away from, even how to hunt the occasional bird or rodent. Eventually, finding that she preferred being on her own, Bastet parted ways with Gate. The tom was aggrieved, but understood that it was her decision to make.

From then on, Bastet has been exploring farther and farther across the Twoleg place, keeping mostly to herself. Occasionally she thinks about returning at least temporarily to her childhood home, where she knows Isis and Horus live, from talking with Gate, but she hasn't yet decided if she even wants to revisit that part of her life, so far ago it seems now. For now she is happy to wander, and has recently been intrigued by what lays beyond the Twoleg place, having heard tales of wild cats that live among the distant trees.
Sire :
Gate (A light ginger tabby tom with vivid yellow eyes)
Dame :
Isis (A fawn she-cat with white paws and green eyes)
Full Siblings :
Horus (A ruddy-gold tabby she-cat with a white foot and an incessant curiosity)
Fionnuala (A cream bicolor queen with faint stripes and yellow-green eyes wearing a white collar)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Bastet
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Bastet
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details