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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Senior Warrior of WindClan
A Tom by Yarrowtail out of SmokeflowerBorn Nightkit in the Moon of First White (2005)
Living at the age of 48 Moons (3 years & 8 months)
Short Description :
A solidly muscled dark gray tom with white toes and blue eyes
Long Description :
Dusktalon's pelt is thick, practical in cold weather- but coarse, meant for protection rather than feeling good. His entire body is pigmented in dark gray, a shade or two lighter than black. The only other color on his body other than gray, is on his toes, which are white. Although he enjoys setting his body into motion, Dusktalon is large, built a bit stockier, a fighter with thick muscle in his chest and back legs for momentum. He has a medium sized head, with a thick neck and sloping shoulders, with a round face. Against the dark contrast of his face lies his eyes, which are ovular and tinted a medium shade of blue.
Dusktalon's warrior ceremony has left him with a puffed up sense of superiority. He holds the warrior code as his own personal law book, in which providing first for one's clan and protecting the ideals of Starclan must be abided by at all times. Things like loyalty, honor, and pride are all worthy ideals to fight for. The only cats he truly respects are his deputy and leader. Of course, he's not above putting on a front for the she-cats of the clan.

Dusktalon is slightly more concerned about his own mortality than he'd like to openly admit. He loathes the idea of growing old and eventually being too frail to do all of the things that he can do now. The idea of dying as an elder is appalling to him, and it shows in the way he unconsciously trains himself and keeps himself in shape, hoping that it will save him from a life of 'sitting around'. To him, creating an image of self preservation is important to him, by the way he is constantly on his feet.
His tongue is another weapon he has learned to love. He speaks in a rather monotonous tone, that fluctuates with his sense of humor. He is quick to retort when subjected to a joke or an opportunity to flaunt his own words around. Yet he tends to take outbursts lightly. Not that he doesn't care about what his clanmates are saying, he is merely saving his energy for more productive activities. He figures a few blunt words are good enough for his purposes. Due to his almost jaded family history, the the bonds severed by his mother's death, in his worst moods, he tends to be pessimistic, adding to his general view of life. But like all things, he makes due with it, even if it merely distracts him from the fact.
Dusktalon possesses a passionate and fierce pride in his clan. Unfortunately for those not of Windclan blood, he never takes a challenge face down. If someone has knowing or unwillingly wronged himself or his clan, he will not rest until what he perceives to be that glaring injustice is resolved, pinning for violence in order to carry out justice. Often vengeful thoughts linger in his mind and, surprisingly, when he's carrying them out he can wait in the wings for as long as need be. This is perhaps the only time, other than hunting, that he is ever close to being patient - in most all other instances, tends to be hasty and curt.

Key Dates  
  • Acknowledged as a Senior Warrior
Full History :
Dusktalon, born as Nightkit, came into the world on a cold night. His other siblings, both toms, were stillborn, most likely due to the tough start of winter. So naturally, his mother, Smokeflower fussed over him. When he got older, he came to realize that whereever he tried to go, she followed, almost to an extent of suffocation. As a kit, he never was exactly playful, and tended to be a quieter kit growing up. He wasn't alone in the nursery, though, both Frostcloud and Snowdust shared the nursery with him.

Upon being apprenticed, he became Nightpaw, to a older, no-nonsense kind of tom. He was quick, and eager to learn to better himself for the sake of his clan. he wanted to someday live up to the image of his departed father who now resided with Starclan. Halfway through his apprenticeship, however, another misfortune fell upon his heart, which ultimately made him into the cat he is now. His mother was ill, in which whitecough ate at her everyday, until she finally died. All that he could think about was the pain that plagued her until her death. He had never really witnessed death firsthand, and was affected greatly by the void in his heart.

Without his parents, he relied on the help of his mentor to bring him through the tough times. Finally, he approached his warrior ceremony, determined to raise the standards of Windclan and make his parents proud. He was named Dusktalon and so began his life as a warrior of Windclan. Since then, he's seen a lot of hard times, with the Killer and the killing cough that ravaged his clan and lost so many. He's pushed through, though, and will never stop trying to push back the memories of his kithood.
Sire :
Yarrowtail (A large black bicolor tom with blue eyes)
Dame :
Smokeflower (A sleek dark gray she-cat with green eyes)
Offspring :
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
2 Stillborn Toms
Stillborn She-kit
Stillborn She-kit
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Owlfeather (A brown tortie she-cat with yellow eyes and white feet)
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Dovepaw (Silverdust) (A young pale fawn bi-color she-cat with light blue eyes)
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Dusktalon
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Dusktalon has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Dusktalon is a Male cat with Short Gray Bicolor fur.
He is of Medium-large size and Semi-cobby build. He has Blue eyes and a Normal tail. He is of non-purebred decent.
Dusktalon Is A Part Of The Character Genotype Project and has been Genotyped.
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Dusktalon Is A Part Of The Character Images Project and has been completed. (View)