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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of WindClan
A Tom by Mudpuddle out of DoveskyBorn Cloudkit in the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2006)* Killed by a predator in the Moon of Lion's Glory (2008)
Dead at the age of 22 moons (1 year & 8 months)
and has been so for 12 moons (11 months).
Short Description :
A solid white tom with blue eyes and mid-length fur
Long Description :
Cloudwatcher is a semi-muscular white tom who sort of looks like a fallen cloud from a faraway distance depending on how you look at him and depending on who the cat is - hence the first part of his name. His pelt sort of "puffs" out, mainly because he's neither a short or long haired tom. His blue eyes is the color of the sky, which he enjoys looking at (the sky) in some of his spare time, whenever he gets it, that is. His gaze seems to have a greenish tint to them, but mainly consisted of blue, and is barely noticeable. He has semi-long and deadly claws for tearing at prey.
Cloudwatcher doesn't get very close with many cats considering that he doesn't want to lose anyone else like he had Smokepaw, although sometimes he ponders about whether or not he should.

Although, occasionally, he may decide to be friendly and overly cheerful to the other cats, who may or may not find this weird. Only recently has he figured out that to gain a friend, he must act like one towards other cats. He spends some of his spare time sky-gazing when he isn't on patrol or doing other forms of work, although he occasionally requested to go on patrols and such because he at least tries to be the best warrior he can be. Once you get to know him, he becomes really talkative, and won't stop chatting about how great it would be to fly in the sky. Cloudwatcher loves to feel the wind through his fur and usually sits on a hill - just to feel the breeze running through it. At night, he stargazes. He is the kind of cat who stands up for others. He sometimes acts like an apprentice, playing and tumbling and wrestling with his imaginary opponent. He currently does not have a cat whom he can call his best friend. He was overprotective of his sister, Smokepaw, despite the fact that she was older than him. Cloudwatcher is determined to prove his worth to his Clan, and is willing to give up anything for what he believes in.

When he's hurt emotionally or physically he just smiles and pretends like nothing is wrong. He will risk anything for his Clan. If he fails at something, he tries again and again until he gets it right.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Cloudwatcher, or then known as Cloudkit, spent most of his time with Smokekit because he loved her company and didn't really think if the other kits had wanted to be his friends or not, because he isn't really the sort of cat who likes being around others. Cloudkit around the age of three moons, began to sky gaze.

Their mother, Dovesky, told them that they had a sister who was stillborn.

Cloudkit, who just turned six moons, just became an apprentice, and was renamed Cloudpaw. His sister, Smokekit, became an apprentice with him as well, and became Smokepaw. He trained with his sister when it was allowed, and simply followed his mentor's orders with only few complaints. He disliked training with the other apprentices and told his mentor so, but his mentor simply forced him to train with the other apprentices. Still disliking it, Cloudpaw had no other choice except to agree. He soon came to like training with the other apprentices. He was sometimes teased by his sister of how he spends some of his spare time watching the clouds and figuring out what the shapes resembled. But still, Cloudpaw sky-gazed in the fields, atop hills, and sometimes even in camp. His sister had sometimes sky-gazed with him when he sat atop the hill, which he didn't mind because he didn't mind being with her. Sadly, when his sister was on patrol, a fox had attacked the patrol and severely wounded Smokepaw before being chased off, thus bringing Smokepaw to her almost painless death. When he was nearing the end of his training, his father, Mudpuddle, had died from a fox attack during one of the patrols. Cloudpaw was grief-stricken all over again.

Cloudpaw received the name of Cloudwatcher, and didn't both wondering why he had received that name, because in his apprenticeship he learned not to question when the question didn't really need to be asked - and this was one of those questions. He is still the shy, quiet cat he is when he was a kit. He only talks to his clan mates if he really needs too. He spends most of his time hunting and patrolling the borders, just to get away yet be with his Clan mates. On his hunting trips, he catches mostly rabbits. One time, on a border patrol, he thought he scented a badger or perhaps a fox... he couldn't exactly remember... and had told the border patrol that they should go check it out. Not really caring if they wanted to or not, he cared only about the stale scent and led the patrol (or rather, they led him) after the scent. The trail went out of their territory, as he soon realized, because they were nearing the borders. Every now and again, he watches the kits in his Clan. It is possible that perhaps he wishes to take a mate, but he hadn't really thought as far as being a father... He still sky-gazes, and learned how to know what birds would most likely do when a cat or any other predator tried to catch it when it was perching on a branch or on the ground, or sometimes even when their wing was damaged and they were forced to retreat to the dangerous ground. He still dreams of one day being able to fly high in the sky. But the feeling in his gut always tells him that his dream would never come true.

Slain by the badger when he decided to leave camp for privacy one day.
Sire :
Mudpuddle (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Dovesky (No Sdesc on File)
Full Siblings :
Smokepaw (sister, deceased) Has an unnamed stillborn sister
Genealogy & Pedigree
Cloudwatcher Mudpuddle Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Dovesky Unspecified Tom
Unspecified Queen
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Smokepaw (Dovesky)
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
General :
Also, feel free to leave some "comments" about Cloudwatcher in his Vox Populi!
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Cloudwatcher
By Cloudwatcher: Owlfeather -
Relationships :
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Cloudwatcher
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Cloudwatcher has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Cloudwatcher is a Male cat with Mid-length White fur.
He is of Medium size and Semi-cobby build. He has Blue eyes and a Normal tail. He is of non-purebred decent.