

From Children of StarClan

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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of RiverClan
A Tom by Rockfur out of ChervilleafBorn Thornkit in the Moon of Long Nights (2005)* Killed by a predator in the Moon of First White (2008)
Dead at the age of 37 moons (2 years & 10 months)
and has been so for 9 moons (8 months).
Short Description :
A cream bicolor tom with gold eyes
Long Description :
Thornberry has dark golden eyes. His claws and teeth are needle-sharp, and his fur is of medium length. He has honey-colored fur all over his body except for his two front paws, which are white. He also has a white splash on his chest. He's somewhat clumsy, as his paws are rather large.
Thornberry tries to be kind and friendly to other cats, comforting cats in sadness and welcoming each cat as an equal. He tries to be cheerful, doing his tasks without complaining. He likes to be optimistic, trying to see the bright side of things. He realizes that this can sometimes be annoying, and tries hard not to be. He isn't easily riled up, trying to keep his cool in tough situations like when he's stalking a tough piece of prey. One thing, however, that lights a fire in him is when RiverClan is threatened. He sometimes hides his emotions, like trying to act calm and noncomittal when he's really stressed. The fact that he is clumsy frustrates him greatly. He has a bad habit of berating himself to do better so that he can be a stronger warrior. He sometimes feels as if he'll never be worth as much as his fellow Clanmates and is constantly pushing himself to do better. He isn't always the quickest to understand something, and can sometimes be described as slightly dim-witted. He takes a while to process things quietly and mull them over before he acts or speaks.
Key Dates  
Full History :
In the cold Moon of Long Nights (2007), Rockfur and Chervilleaf were overjoyed with the gift of their first litter: Thornkit, Birchkit, and Molekit. Molekit was named for his dark pelt, Birchkit for his long legs, and Thornkit for his sharp claws and teeth. Rockfur visited his kits as often as he could, and his three sons loved their father's visits. When the kits were three moons old and Chervilleaf took them out of the nursery to play, Molekit was taken by a hawk. Rockfur, Chervilleaf, and their remaining kits mourned Molekit's death, but life went on. Thornkit and Birchkit eagerly awaited their apprentice ceremonies, when they could begin their training as warriors.

On their sixth-moon birthday, Thornkit and Birchkit became Thornpaw and Birchpaw. Thornpaw loved hunting and training with his mentor, and tried his best as an apprentice, putting his all into all of his apprentice duties. Even though cleaning out the elders' den wasn't as interesting as stalking a vole, Thornpaw still enjoyed listening to the elders' stories. Thornpaw learned to swim and catch fish, specialties of RiverClan.

When Thornpaw and Birchpaw were both eleven moons old, they were chosen to visit Mothermouth. Both toms stood guard outside and enjoyed the trip greatly. A quarter-moon later, Birchpaw broke his leg falling out of a tree and was forced to stay in the medicine den while Thornpaw took his final assesment. The leader informed him that he was ready to be a warrior. Thornberry was overjoyed, but slightly saddened by the fact that Birchpaw would not be with him.

Birchpaw eventually recovered and slowly began training to make himself fit again. He was almost ready to become a warrior when he fell sick to the Killingcough in the beginning of the Moon of First Fishing (2007). Two days after Birchpaw fell sick, Chervilleaf became ill as well. Both died shortly afterward. Thornberry and Rockfur were devastated. Rockfur had now lost two of his kits and was determined not to lose another.

As the Moon of First Fishing (2007) was drawing to a close, Rockfur fell ill. Thornberry could hardly believe it. His tough father, the survivor, lay dying. He died quickly in the same moon as his mate and son. Thornberry had now lost his mother, father, and both littermates. But sad as he was, Thornberry knew that life had to go on.

Thornberry was able to stay healthy and not fall to the deadly illness. He was determined to stay strong, like his father had when his children and mate died and like his brother, who had been so determined to become a warrior. Life went on, and Thornberry hunted and patrolled for his Clan. He hasn't participated in any battles, as there have been no battles for RiverClan since Thornberry was a kit.

As Thornberry's second year as a warrior went on, he became closer to his fellow RiverClan warrior, Minnowleaf. After they realized their feelings for each other, Thornberry fathered Minnowleaf's kits, Ashkit and Reedkit, who were born on the 16th Day of the Moon of Running Prey (2007). Thornberry was a bit nervous at becoming a father, and vowed to be as good a father to his two new sons as Rockfur was to him.

On the 9th day of the Moon of First White (2008) he was slain in another of the bids to evict the otter. He was pulled in while the otter made his escape.
Sire :
Rockfur (A long-haired gray tabby tom with amber eyes.)
Dame :
Chervilleaf (A cream bicolor she-cat with green eyes)
Full Siblings :
Molekit (A longhaired tomkit with gray fur and green eyes)
Birchpaw (A scrawny cream tabby tom with green eyes)
Offspring :
Ashkit (A stoutly built light gray van tomkit with dark aqua eyes)
Reedkit (A black and white bicolor tomkit with bright lime green eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Minnowleaf (A calico she-cat with pale blue eyes and a fluffy tail.)
Fernheart (A gray tabby bi-color she-cat with a slightly fluffy tail and amber eyes)
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Thornberry
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Thornberry is a Male cat with Mid-length Cream Bicolor fur.
He is of Medium size and Common build. He has Amber eyes and a Normal tail. He is of non-purebred decent.

Thornberry Is A Part Of The Character Images Project and has been completed. (View)