

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 19:09, 12 August 2008 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs) (Approving)

A Player Character belonging to Kole


Kit of RiverClan
A Tom by Thistlefur out of Newheart
Short Description :
Short Description will be provided after approval
Long Description :
As all newborn kits' eyes are, Twilightkit was born with blue eyes. But the color shall not darken or change to a green like his parents' eyes, they shall stay a color somewhere between blue and teal. His kitten fluff has not yet developed into real fur, and doesnt appear to favor being either short nor long at the moment. The majority of Twilightkit's pelt is red like his mother's, the tabby stripes thick and noticeable from a distance. His muzzel and the fur around his eyes changes white as it does on his chest, forelegs, and half his stomach. Twilightkit's hindlegs and ears, however, are covered in red tabby fur. He is a medium sized kit, with a body type more or less like his mother's WindClan build. He is a slender with legs on the longer side, and a whip like tail.
While Twilightkit is young, his personality will be that of an average kit's: curious, easily distracted, carefree, and full of seemingly endless energy. It is noticeable that he is mostly optimistic, but can be occasionally obnoxious and will be likely to sneak out of the nursery without permission from his mother. Though Twilightkit is still very young, it's apparent that he is rarely upset about something, or dwells on something for to long. The only thing that would have the potential to disturb Twilightkit is the fact that he has no RiverClan blood what-so-ever, but he is currently not aware of his blood status.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Twilightkit was born on the 12th of the Moon of Melting Waters to Newheart and Thistlefur. The red and white tom was the only kit to be born in this litter, but the three other kits in the Nursery may make up for his lack of siblings, though it is still not known wheather Twilightkit will get along with these kits. He has not been told of his blood history yet, and it is questionable wheather or not he will be fully excepted into the clan because of this.
Sire :
Thistlefur (A cunning and fickle brown tabby tom with green eyes)
Dame :
Newheart (A red tabby bi-color she-cat with a lithe body and vivid green eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Twilightkit Thistlefur Night (A shaggy solid black tom with green eyes)
Shadow Chaser (A dark brown tabby bi-color she-cat with green eyes)
Newheart Firestorm (A red tabby bi-color tom with yellow eyes)
Tawnyfur (A calico she-cat with green eyes and a white locket on her chest)
Detailed Genealogical Tree
A family tree is not yet available for this character
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Twilightkit
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details