

From Children of StarClan

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A Non-Player Character belonging to Kitsufox


A Tom by Andre out of MaraBorn and dubbed Snow in the Moon of First Green (2006)* Died in a Battle in the Moon of Lion's Glory (2008)
Dead at the age of 29 moons (2 years & 3 months)
and has been so for 12 moons (11 months).
Short Description :
A slender white tom with large yellow-green eyes
Long Description :
Rouge is a slender white cat. He has large green-yellow eyes and a fairly small muzzle. His eyes are rather large. He has a small pink nose along with rather short whiskers. His legs are relatively long in comparison with his body.
Rouge loves to be up in trees. They are his favorite place to spend nights because he feels like he is safer there than anywhere else. Having been on his own since he was 9 moons he's very independent and while he does enjoy interacting with other cats he does not seek it out. Rouge is a very curious cat and tends to ask a lot of questions when he comes across other cats. He also tends to be very silly though it may sometimes come across as him being smug.
Key Dates  
Full History :
As a kitten Rouge grew up living in the shed of an abandoned house with his mother. She took extremely good care of him and taught him everything he needed to survive. How to hunt, how to properly clean himself and a little bit of what to do if he found himself in a fight as he got older. At about two moons he fell into a bag of red soil that was in their shed and his mother began to call him rouge because of the way it covered his white fur.

As he got older he became a fairly proficient hunter of birds and very comfortable with climbing trees to hunt them. He and his mother took turns getting food every day, only going out together for hunting on occasion.

When Rouge was eight moons old his mother began to get sick and he did his best to take care of her. Unfortunately she only survived another moon. After she died he was rather distraught and unsure what to do. He eventually decided that he couldn't stay in the shed anymore and went find a new place to call home.

Around this time he began to speak to his mother every day before he ate. He wasn't really sure that she was there but it comforted him to at least pretend. This is also the time he began to sleep and almost live in trees for days.

He never stayed in one place for too long though because he didn't like the feeling of being out in the open. There was never very many trees in one place, they were generally somewhat spread out and it took a lot of patience waiting for birds to nestle in them so he could catch one.

When he was about 15 moons old he came across a place that he would stay at for quite a while. It was another abandoned house that had a good deal of trees and bushes surrounding it. He felt very at home having lived near one before, even if the place over the fence was often very loud.

This is where he stayed for the remainder of his life. Though he considered leaving because the place over the fence was so obnoxious, he was never able to convince himself that it was worth leaving the cozy home he had made for himself there.

He was slain when Foxbright and Smokedrift wandered into the place he had settled and took offense to him being on the new piece of land they'd decided to claim. He was killed in the ensuring fight with the two young toms.
Sire :
Andre (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Mara (No Sdesc on File)
Full Siblings :
Chutzpah (A bold, broad shouldered white tom with mismatched eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Rouge
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Rouge
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Rouge is a Male cat with Short White fur.
He is of Medium size and Semi-foreign build. He has Yellow eyes and a Normal tail. He is of non-purebred decent.