

From Children of StarClan

DISCLAIMER: The information provided herein is in relation to a role playing game based on a fictional book series. None of the information provided herein should be used to treat yourself or your pets. Please consult someone trained in first aid, Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, or another appropriate professional before attempting to treat a living creature.
Complaint: Abrasion
Human Equivalent: Abrasion
Description: An area of open flesh caused by rubbing and/or scraping against an unyielding surface. In mild cases the skin is only just opened to the flesh below. In moderate cases the skin is fully opened and bleeding well. In severe cases the skin is open and the flesh underneath is damaged.
Duration: Mild: The wound should be healed within 2 days.
Moderate: The wound should be healed within 1 week.
Severe: 2 or more weeks
Treatment: Mild:
  • Immediately Gently clean the wound (preferably in moving water).
  • Keep the wound clean while it heals.
  • Immediately Gently clean the wound (preferably in moving water).
  • Apply cleansing herbs once the wound is cleaned.
  • Keep the wound clean while it heals.
  • Immediately Gently clean the wound (preferably in moving water).
  • Apply cleansing herbs once the wound is cleaned.
  • Keep the wound clean while it heals.
Residual Effects: Mild: Thin skin in the area of the wound for 1-2 days.
Moderate: Moderate probability for scarring to occur.
Severe: High probability for scarring to occur.
Possible Complications: Mild: Low potential for an infection to set in.
Moderate: Thin skin in the area of the wound for 3-7 days.
Moderate potential for an infection to set in.
Severe: Thin skin in the area of the wound for 1-2 weeks.
High potential for infection to set in.
Notes: Coming Soon
Related Herbs: Daisy,  Chervil,  Horsetail,  Celandine,  Chickweed,  Comfrey,  Little Daisy,  Marigold,  Alder,  Burdock,  Thyme,  Yarrow,  Willow,  Yellow Dock,  Red Dock,  Coriander,  Sage,  Goldenrod,  Colts Foot
Related Symptoms: Severe Pain,  Infection,  Inflammation,  Pain