
Forum - a shy hello from your friendly neighborhood Hawke

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As title?? Hello, I'm a longtime RPer who's been away from the scene for awhile, but recently got bitten by the bug again. I always wanted to try this site out, but when I was younger I was too intimidated, and then it got quiet. Now that it looks like things might be on the upswing again, though, I'm finally ready to hop in!!

So, uh, hi!! I'm Hawke, I live in Wisconsin and I like video games.

Posted by Hawke on 11 May 2017 at 19:29.

Hello Cheesehead! I'm also from WI (North-centeral, to get more precise. Currently living in Wausau)!

Fae and I are making lots of plans going forward, and have a refresh plan (it won't involve a world re-set, and apparently any character in or just through the apps process is going to have to be allotted special considerations as we build out the final details) in the works. I'm happy that you're no longer feeling intimidated! and I look forward to going over your character!

Posted by Kitsufox (administrator) on 11 May 2017 at 20:16.

Ditto! {{ Cute-dorable ditto picture link! [[1]] }}

Don't be afraid to ask questions. I like both asking and answering other's queries. It shows that people are interested, and paying attention! Yup.... Fae loves lots 'n lots of queries! (Just ask Kitsufox; I totally bombarded her with thousand of inquiries, often over the tiniest details. (<={D

So, willkommen and welcome to CoSC, Hawke! I'm Fae~o~the~Wind, a loony humanoid who tends to befuddle, ramble, and bemuse. Oh, and Fae likes using 3rd person, too.  ;)

Posted by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 14 May 2017 at 17:47.
Edited by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 14 May 2017 at 17:53.

Hey, what a coinkeydink! I'm not really from Wisconsin myself, I moved up here a year ago (and tbh the closest I've been to Wausau is Eau Claire), but it's been a good year. This winter's been a trip, let me tell you. It's a good thing I like the cold!

Anyway!! Lovely to meet you guys!! I realize I just got to CoSC, like, two seconds ago, but if there's anything a tiny newbie like myself can do to help, hit me up, yo. I've been away from the RP scene for awhile, but I can totally sympathize with the hard work of reviving a beloved but somewhat-comatose site.

Posted by Hawke on 14 May 2017 at 18:00.

Nothing wrong with a ramble. Rambling is fun. Heck... I play a LARP character in Last Hope that's entirely dedicated to random rambling!

As for things you can do... There's always the Project Information Drive stuff if you like researching things and writing stuff out. Just having another body here to throw RP at the wall and see what sticks will be a big deal.

Posted by Kitsufox (administrator) on 14 May 2017 at 19:58.

Replying again because a) site ate my original response apparently, which I'm assuming is because I'm an idiot and my account was doing weird stuff with the updates, and also because b) gotta test my post-making abilities somehow, eh??

The gist of my original response: To be honest, the research sounds terribly intimidating considering this site's high standards, but I can take a crack at it, if it'll help. Also, I see that 'character pixel' project has been sidelined for the moment, but if you guys ever get that back up and running and could use a hand, I'd be happy to help with that, too--graphics work is really more in my wheelhouse anyway. I also plan on posting one of those artist resumes soon; I've been looking at other tables for examples and I enjoy working in photoshop, so that'll be a good time for me, I think.

Posted by Hawke on 16 May 2017 at 20:17.

Sorry about your post getting eaten in the move. I tried to make sure I got everything over, but I forgot to lock the database /before/ I started porting some things. Having seen your writing, you'll be great at it and I look forward to seeing your first Project Information Drive submission!

The Project Imagery (the pixel project) will definitely be making a comeback. I just need to revamp the systems so they work better. Once they work better it'll be much simpler, and there will be a bit of automation where things are concerned that'll handle consistency and some fancy things like that. Did you know that I'm actually a graphic designer by trade? Graphics are a thing I do a fair bit of.

Anyways, there are actually a lot of systems that need to be streamlined. ;) I figure this bit of a lil in the game, while Fae and I are making super amazing secret future plans, is the perfect time to make some of that happen. Now... I should run off and check over your character. It got shoved to the side a bit in the update shuffle.

Posted by Kitsufox (administrator) on 16 May 2017 at 20:57.

Welcome! I'm Nagini and it's super exciting to see someone new here! I also like video games and I totally relate to being away from the RP life for a while. I'm still trying to get back into the habit of writing regularly.

Posted by Nagini on 18 May 2017 at 02:41.

Hi Nagini!! Tbh that's certainly part of why I've chosen to sneak back into the rp scene myself--my writing skills have atrophied a lot and I'm hoping for a good kick in the ass, you know?

Anyway, it's lovely to meet you!!

Posted by Hawke on 18 May 2017 at 03:36.

Video games and books have a tendency to suck me in, like I'm a wee dandelion puff against a ... black hole. BUT! I've got that rocket booster power, you ken? So I may steer myself in new directions. (Three cheers for homework. And chores. And all the lovely little things that need doing.) =.o

Skyrim: The Elder Scrolls I'm (trying not to be) fixated on. My brothers and I have files.... I'm struggling through my Pacifist Route. It definitely takes some patience! ^,^ (meanwhile, little bro hacks into an orc.) Chop, chop! GRRRR!

Oh, & Hawke: Yes, me too! My writing skills need to be kept up, lest they degenerate into goobblygock. I'm great at gibberish and "stream of consciousness" rambling nonsense... not so much simple summaries.

Posted by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 15 July 2017 at 18:10.
Edited by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 15 July 2017 at 18:13.

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