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A Player Character belonging to Fae~o~the~Wind


Domestic cat
A sworn subject of the Kingdom of Camelot
A She-cat by Alastair out of IsheriaBorn and dubbed Chip in the Moon of Turning Leaves (2006)
Living at the age of 36 Moons (2 years & 9 months)
Short Description :
A black bicolor she-cat with lime eyes who wears a blue collar complete with a bell
Long Description :
Navati's fur is a pattern of white splashes on a coal-black background. Her pelt becomes extremely thick and somewhat fluffy in winter, but otherwise stays sleek and stream-lined. Her small, trim paws have the appearance of being dipped into white chocolate. She inherited her mother's large, dewy dark lime eyes. Navati's own "windows to the soul" are angled above a black-splotched nose. The housecat does her utmost to keep her fur groomed and dirt free, as she hates it anything less than perfectly soft and shining. A satiny, sky-blue collar adorned with a nametag and a little silver bell graces her neck.
Navati scorns all cats that are not respectfully settled down with their own housefolk, for in her opinion, no civilized creature could possibly want to roam the wilderness when they could have the safety, order, and comfort of domestic living.

When Navati is not around "untamed savages", she actually becomes warm and sociable, for her disposition towards cats of her own rank is much different. She loves to spend time conversing and exchanging pleasantries (and even gossip from time to time) between any domestic cat she comes across.

However, although Navati refuses to consort with most semi-feral/feral cats, she does make an exception for her brother, Zane. She was close to him in kithood, and though she strongly objects to his living in the woods, she still enjoys seeing him.

As a kit, the then-Chip was much more playful than her sister, yet more mellow than her brother. This put her in very good graces with her housefolk of that time. They referred to her as the perfect kitten, and she took that to heart. Even now, as a grown cat, she strives to keep that "perfect kitten" attitude, working hard to keep a dainty, elegant air in all that she says and does. While she does not consider wild cats worth her good will, the black bicolor endeavors to be patient, pleasant, and composed towards all domestic cats, though of course she does not always succeed at even this.

Navati is also something of an emotional creature; when she feels strongly about something, she can forget herself in her passion and inadvertently break etiquette. If it's brought to her attention that what she did was socially unacceptable, she feels horrible afterwards for not living up to her standard of herself.
Key Dates  
  • Given the name Navati
Full History :
It was a chilly autumn night when Navati was born and named Chip, but the new-time mother who was curled snugly around her three kittens, Chip, Muffin, and Midnight, was cozily warm from her place by the fire in her housefolks' little cabin in the woods. Even as a kitten, Navati was calm and collected, never disturbing the peace as her sister and brother tended to do. The cabin housefolk, never able to know that the dame had already named her daughter Chip, christened the little lime-eyed she-kit "Tilly".

Tilly's kithood was rather boring, at least in her opinion, and she longed to get older so she could go out and view the world. In the meantime, her days were filled with etiquette lessons on how to be the properly behaved housecat, lessons that young Tilly took to heart. She was eager to impress her future housefolk.

Perhaps it is a regrettable fact that Tilly grew smug in her later moons. She compared herself to her siblings (never a wise thing to do, not that she cared one whit about that!), and liked that she was much more well-behaved that either of them. In her opinion, Chip was far too shy, and wasn't anywhere close to being as good a playmate as Tilly was. As for Midnight, he was downright wild. Tilly cared for her family deeply, yes; there was never any doubt about her love for them. But she became convinced that her littermates ought to look to her as a role model.

When at last she learned that her time had finally come, that her mother's housefolk were selling her to a couple of their friends in Whitehart, Tilly was ecstatic! But the night before she left for her new home, Midnight came home from one of his many outings with a crushed spirit; his best friend had died. Tilly spent the night curled up with her brother, sharing his grief. Of course she was worried about him, but had no choice but to leave the next day. She didn't know what became of Midnight until she spotted him walking along the streets of Whitehart a few moons later. She was thrilled to see him, though he went by Zane by then.

Navati enjoys life at her home, where she lives life to its fullest as a domestic cat. She lives in the western edge of Whitehart with her two housefolk. While Navati much prefers the still quiet of her backyard to the untamed forest her brother insists on inhabiting, she does like to stretch her legs every once in a while to take a leisurely stroll around the neighborhood.

Navati has an appreciation for beautiful growing things; a love for flowers and sun, open sky and neat gardens, and such, was instilled in her by the "Lady of the House", the female human who lives with her. The "Lady", or "Mistress", as Navati sometimes calls her, is quite gifted at gardening, and Navati heartedly enjoys lounging in her orderly, tastefully decorated yard. She doesn't know much about plants, not their names or much else, but she likes the fact that they're pleasing to the eye. As many a happy hour passed by as Navati lay in the yard and watched on while the Lady tended her garden and spoke softly to her pet, it is no wonder that Navati is much closer to the Lady than to the "Master of the House", though she is fond of him, too.

In recent moons, however, Navati has been unable to do so; the Lady was injured a horrific car accident in the Moon of First Green (2008). While Navati's owner suffered no permanent damage, she had to be bedridden for five moons at home. Every day of those long moons, Navati was at her beloved owner's side, not bearing to be away from her when she was in such a state. But now that the Lady has recuperated and is once again up and about, Navati is taking a much-needed break from the indoors. On one of her outings, Navati was, to her delight, reunited with her sister Chip, who was renamed Quinter.

In the Moon of Melting Waters (2008), or February of the year, she was publicly sworn into the Cats of Camelot. Navati accepted a position in helping to care for the royal kits, Arthur, Kelia, Gareth, Cearnaigh, and Ceridwen. She was enthused to befriend "Sister" Faye of the St. Agabus Basilica across the older she-cat's home. Though Navati's faith is lukewarm at best, she yearns to possess the absolute faith and devotion she observes in other cats, particularly members of Camelot. Besides Faye, there are a few cats whom she's encountered and considers, if not friends, then potential friends in time: the she-cats Maelstrom and bobtailed Aliz, and the tom Allister. The fearsome sight of Sir Aslan and the wild scent of the tom Berry during a Court Meeting were source of some consternation for Navati.
Sire :
Alastair (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Isheria (No Sdesc on File)
Full Siblings :
Zane (A black bicolor tom with only a single white mark on this throat and green eyes)
Quinter (A black van she-cat with green eyes and a nervous bearing)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Trained :
Others :
The following are cats with whom she's had important IC conversations with.

Royalty: King Pendragon and his son, Prince Gareth.

Cats from Camelot: Maelstrom (former page, currently a sworn subject), Sister Faye
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Navati
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Navati is a Female cat with Short Black Bicolor fur.
She is of Medium size and Common build. She has Lime eyes and a Normal tail. She is of non-purebred decent.