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From Children of StarClan

< Character:Charredleaf
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Charredleaf's basic thoughts on others.



Splotchsky: Dame. Extremely close. Learned from her quiet wisdom. Strived to make proud. Deceased ("Monster". Indirectly, dog).
Longleg: Sire. Not affected by his death when she was 3 moons old. Deceased (illness).
Crimsonback: Brother, full-sib; littermate. Enjoyed his company. Delighted in teasing him. Distressed at his death. Deceased (otter).
Spidertail: Brother, paternal half-sib. Never knew he was kin. Deceased (dog).
Second Cousins, Closest Living Kin
Duckfeather: Dame's sister's grandkit. Fond & grateful. Helped her when an adder bit her. Jealous she mentored before her. Living.
Heronflight": RC MC. More tolerant of her b/c she's kin. Respects her rank. Still unsettled by her at times. Living.
Strongheart: Not known well, but sad at his death. Considered him a valuable warrior. Deceased (blizzard).
Walnutfall: Adoptive. Non-RC origin; doesn't care. Less "kin" than "Strong clanmate". Either affronted or amused by attitude. Living.

Other Clanmates

Thornpetal: Warrior. Wise, tough. Bristled at her sarcasm at times. Learned from her. Deceased (otter).
Thornberry: Warrior. Friendly, liked to chat with him. Appreciated his kindness. Deceased (otter).
Rabbitfoot: Friend. Weirdly twitchy, yet sweet, kind. Feels guilty for snapping at her. Upset by her death. Deceased (blizzard).
Minnowleaf: Warrior, Senior. Former queen. Amiable, well-liked. Curious about motherhood. Living.
Lionpaw (Icystone): Apprentice, Duckfeather's. Once "cute Pebblekit". Simple, shy, not as interesting as sister Hailstone. Living.
Reedpaw (Minnowleaf): Apprentice, Fernheart's. Liked. Berated him. Unhappy at his death. Dead (illness).
Cardinalflight: Warrior. Non-RC origin; doesn't mind. 1st favored as friendly & loyal tom. A coward? Living.
Amberstorm: Warrior. Younger. Enraged when he ignored her orders in battle. Still a brave warrior. Living.
Hailstone: MCA. Once "adventurous Whirlkit". Clever, engaging conversationalist. Respected. Living.
Fernheart: Deputy. Former queen. Approachable, easy to get along with. Curious about parenthood. Living.
Sleekstar: Leader, formerly. Revered. Death fueled her hate for the Otter. Deceased (otter).
Cinderstar: Leader. "Perfect leader". Smart, steady, reliable. Respected from a distance. Living.