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From Children of StarClan

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|rank=Medicine Cat Apprentice
|rank=Medicine Cat Apprentice
|started=25 January 2013
|started=25 January 2013
|title=ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice
|title=ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice
|linkcode=SC MCA
|linkcode=SC MCA
|detail=This application type must be established in question number 1.
|detail=This application type must be established in question number 1.
|one='''Essay Question'''
|archives=Past Applications: [[/Archive 1|September 2008]], [[/Archive 2|January 2010]], [[/Archive 3|January 2013]]
Select one of the following options and answer in accordance with the type of application you wish to put forth. The earlier a letter is in the alphabet the more preferential the treatment that application will receive.
: '''A.)''' ''Application as existing PC Kit or Apprentice'' - Discuss and provide evidence that supports your character's suitability to selection as a Medicine Cat's Apprentice in the case that Ravenblink should pass away.
: '''B.)''' ''Application as a newly created Kit or Apprentice'' - Briefly discuss the character you wish to create to take up the post of MCA.
|two='''Role Play Situation'''
''Respond to the following post In Character as if with the character you would adopt or create.''
:Ravenblink carried three herbs in his mouth and dropped them in front of his young apprentice. '''"Which of these herbs would you use to treat a young kitten with Kitcough, and why."''' The tom laid the challenge with a subtle touch of slyness in his tone, waiting attentively for his trainee to pick between Feverfew leaves, dried grapes and Ash seeds.
|three='''Role Play Situation'''
''Respond to the following post In Character as if with the character you would adopt or create.''
''Please assume Ravenblink is out of camp for this situation and that your character is about 4 moons into training.''
Robintail limped slowly into camp, his right foreleg dripping blood, and hanging at a strange angle. He whimpered slightly with each step, moving slowly towards the Medicine Cat's Den. "Ravenblink?" His voice was weak, and he was clearly exhausted from the long journey. So exhausted that he collapsed as his three good legs gave out. When examined, it would be revealed that, in addition to the flesh around his paw being torn in an circle all the way around and scraped and cut in many places, one of the two long legbones had been broken. An experienced Medicine Cat would know it instantly: The work of one of the human's Silver Jaws, deadly things they left to hunt for them, that grabbed in the limbs of animals not careful enough. Robintail was a rare case where one managed to wrestle their leg free and flee from the cold creature without tearing it off completely.
|four='''Role Play Situation'''
''Create an in-character post that would be used to begin a roleplaying thread.''
|five='''Essay Question'''
Select the option that applies to you and answer.
: '''A.)''' ''Current member of the Staff'': Do you feel you are currently fulfilling your already existing responsibilities?
: '''B.)''' ''You are not a part of the Staff'': Why do you feel that you, the player, is qualified to join the CoSC Staff? Include information about what you feel you would bring to the staff.
: <SMALL>Past Applications: [[/Archive 1|September 2008]], [[/Archive 2|January 2010]], [[/Archive 3|January 2013]]</SMALL>
|one='''A.)''' ''Application as existing PC Kit or Apprentice''
The meek and gentle Basilkit is much better suited to a life dedicated to healing than the alternative.  I think she would have a very hard time if she went the warrior's path, and would be less use to her clan as a warrior than as a medicine cat.
Of course, eligibility as a MCA has little to do with incompatibility for causing bodily harm to others.  But Basilkit is a compassionate creature with a nurturing, maternal streak that would serve her well in learning the lore of herbs.  She is thoughtful and conscientious, and though she's currently lacking in assertiveness, Basilkit would, in my opinion, blossom into the WindClanner she meant to be under Ravenblink's tutelage.
|two=Basilpaw swallowed nervously under her mentor's gaze as she studied the three herbs before her.
"'''Ah...Kitcough?  That'd have to be... not grape.'''"  A nervous laugh escaped her before she could rein it in.  "'''I mean, eating grapes can induce bowel movements, which is just a fancy way of making dirt, but it'd be of little use with Kitcough.'''"
She considered the remaining two for a moment, thoughtfully sniffing at the strong-smelling, dry, feathery Feverfew leaves, before pulling away and shaking her head.  "'''Not Ash, either.  The seeds can be consumed to relieve 'tightness of breath', but it won't help ease a cough like Feverfew would.  So, the answer is . . . Feverfew?'''"  Her soft mew made it sound like a question.
|three=Basilkit was sorting through herbs within the Medicine Cat's den when she heard somecat, sounding very weak, call for her mentor.
"'''Ravenblink's not here right now, but how may I -'''"  Basilkit broke off as she came within sight of the exhausted Robintail.  "'''Oh!'''"  She gave a little gasp of dismay as horror flooded her - and fear.  Why, oh '''''why''''' couldn't Ravenblink have been with her just then?!
"'''St-stay right there, Robintail!  I know what to do!  Just, try not to move!'''"  She looked around camp anxiously, wondering if anycat was within earshot - she wanted to send someone after Ravenblink as soon as possible, but first she had to tend to her patient.
Hurrying inside, she grabbed a pawful of leaves:  alder, burdock, and goldenrod, then carefully wrapped them around another pawful of poppy seeds.  After some hesitation, Basilkit retrieved from oak bark from storage and added it to her pile - it wouldn't hurt to try to clot the bleeding from those lacerations.  Bending down to gingerly carry the bundle inside her mouth, the apprentice swiftly returned to Robintail's side.
Poppy seeds first, she decided, for the pain.  "'''Here, Robintail.  Eat these.  They'll make you feel better.'''"  She gently tried prying open the young warrior's mouth and spooning the right number of poppy seeds inside.  "'''Don't you worry,'''" she added soothingly.  "'''Ravenblink will be back soon, and in the meantime, I know exactly what to do.'''"  The time inside the den choosing herbs had helped curb Basilpaw's initial panic that she'd fail in her duty.  Now, her head felt clear.  She did know what to do, and wanted Robintail relaxed and at ease as much as possible before Ravenblink came.
She chewed up the inner bark from the oak tree first, then spat it out and applied it to the worst of the bleeding.  "'''That's oak; it'll help clot the blood,'''" she mewed to her patient, not expecting an answer, just feeling that talking about what she was doing might help the wounded warrior feel like he was in safe paws.
"'''Next is a poultice of alder, goldenrod, and burdock, to soothe and to cleanse the wound,'''" she murmured before chewing them all up and plastering the sticky result over the open wounds in his leg.
"'''How's that feel, Robintail?  Pain any better?'''"  she queried anxiously.  Had the poppy seeds kicked in yet?
Oh!  Bandages!  She'd forgotten bandages!  "'''I'll be right back, I just need to fetch something to bandage you up,'''" she mewed hurriedly before retreating back into the den.  It wasn't long before she reappeared with plenty of mouse fluff and kit's ear.
With practiced paws Basilpaw dexterously wrapped up the open wounds that had been slathered with poultice.  Satisfied that her bandages would hold, the blue torbie then turned her attention to the leg bone itself - it was obviously broken.  But thankfully it hadn't seemed to have broken the skin anywhere.
"'''You're very lucky,'''" she mewed to the prone patient.  "'''The bone hasn't broken the skin, and it'll heal.  Very lucky, that you managed to escape with your leg at all.  StarClan must be watching out for you.'''"  Please, StarClan, keep watching over him.  Don't let me mess up, or at least not until Ravenblink can get here and take care of him...Please?
Basilpaw didn't dare try to realign Robintail's leg bone; she didn't have the experience to know how it should be set, and she didn't want to cause any more damage to the leg.  So she decided that she'd done all she could for the wound.  Now she had to find somecat to find Ravenblink for her...
|four=Basilpaw yawned as she padded over to the fresh-kill pile.  She'd been kept up later than she would have liked, trying to find a particular harvesting place for Kit's Ear.  The plant grew in the drier parts of ShadowClan territory, where there weren't too many trees growing, and she'd been looking for a place nearer to camp than the one place she already knew about.  Well, she'd found a likely spot, and a couple of healthy, good sized leaves of the thick, furry plant, as well, but not before the sun had sunk beneath the horizon.  Still, she'd managed to grab plenty of thick, soft, furry leaves before the light had faded from the Northplains, and now she knew where a batch of Kit's Ear was thriving, so she considered the missed sleep worthwhile.
Basilpaw groomed her paws and legs meticulously even as she eyed the freshkill pile, idly wondering what would taste good today - and make the least amount of mess.
|five=A)  Yes, I feel that I am currently fulfilling my duties as an Administrator.  While my activity has suffered lately due to extenuating circumstances, which include my health, education, and family, not to mention the site itself suffering from an extended period of inactivity, I plan on continuing to give CoSC as much of myself as possible, just like I have always strived to do.

Latest revision as of 13:22, 28 May 2017

Applications Department - ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice

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Medicine Cat Apprentice - [OPEN]
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Medicine Cat Apprentice - [CLOSED]
Leader - [CLOSED]
Medicine Cat Apprentice - [CLOSED]


Leader - [OPEN]
Medicine Cat - [CLOSED]
Deputy - [CLOSED]
Medicine Cat Apprentice - [CLOSED]


Deputy - [OPEN]
Medicine Cat - [CLOSED]
Leader - [CLOSED]

Caligula's Cabal

General - [CLOSED]
Caesar - [CLOSED]
Luminary - [CLOSED]
Heir - [CLOSED]

Cats of Camelot

Crowned Consort - [CLOSED]
Queen - [CLOSED]
King - [CLOSED]
Crowned Heir - [CLOSED]

Rank Application for ShadowClan Medicine Cat Apprentice

This application opened on 25 January 2013 and is currently Closed

This application type must be established in question number 1.

Application Instructions

To apply for the rank click "Edit with Form" and then 'Add another' in the box labled Apply.
You should then fill out the form that comes up in the box and save the page.

If you wish to make an offer In Trust for the point when you will have been active with the game for a month, please include the following: "I am submitting this application in trust. My first character was approved XXX" in which the "XXX" is replaced with the date of your first RP post with your first character. Do not select "in trust" from the status menu. A staff member will do so if the application is accepted, pending your being active at the end if your first RPing month.

1.) Coming Soon
2.) Coming Soon
3.) Coming Soon
4.) Coming Soon
5.) Coming Soon

Currently there are no applications submitted for this rank.