

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 00:46, 14 February 2009 by Fernwhisker (talk | contribs)

A Player Character belonging to Fernwhisker


Apprentice of WindClan
A She-cat by Falconfeather out of Jewelclaw
Short Description :
Short Description will be provided after approval
Long Description :
Robinkpaw is pure snowy-white. Her kitten fur has smoothed into a sleeker, more adult coat, although it still seems to lay naturally messy despite her best grooming. Her tail is rich, deep brown, ringed with darker shades; the backs of her ears are also brown, the colors striking and stark against the white. Her eyes are bright, lively amber.
Young Robinpaw has developed into an outgoing, energetic cat. She is curious and quick-witted, with a deep-seated thirst for knowledge; however, she is also particularly excitable, and has difficulties staying still in one place for too long. Getting her to focus on anything for a decent span of time can be a daunting task, as her attention tends to wander. Aside from that, she is bold and forward, approaching her clanmates with blunt, albiet amiable, honesty.
She is rather immature, and lacks the ability to gauge what is and is not appropriate to say. As a result, she has a tendancy to blurt out any questions or comments that enter her head.
Key Dates  
Full History :
[ intro : moon 0 ]

Jewelclaw and Falconfeather's mating was largely one of convenience, because they knew that their offspring would benifit the Clan. It was an agreement between them built on loyalty to WindClan and mutual respect. Through this agreement, Berrykit and Robinkit were formed.

[ moons 1-6 ]
Robinkit was born in First Fishing, along with her brother, Berrykit. They were not a twosome for long, however; one eventful night, Rowankit entered Robinkit's life. At first, she was fascinated by the mysterious tom-kit--he'd come from nowhere, with a pelt as dark as hers was bright, an utterly alien being. But familiarity took away most of Rowankit's mysterious-ness. At six moons, Robinkit has accepted Rowankit as a perfectly legitimate part of WindClan. During the Moon opf the Killingcough, her mother Jewelclaw fell to the deadly sickness. At first, Robinkit felt deeply hurt and abandoned by her mother's death; then she realized that dying wasn't Jewelclaw's idea, and that she is, apparently, watching from StarClan. Those things, coupled with Robinkit's forward-thinking, questing mind, helped her put the loss behind her.

[ moons 6 - ? ]

On the eleventh of Cheetah's Flight, Robinkit was made an apprentice to Snailtail as Robinpaw. Her brother Berrykit and her adopted brother Rowankit were also apprenticed, under the names of Lightningpaw and Rowanpaw respectively.
Sire :
Falconfeather (A golden-brown tabby bi-color tom with yellow-green eyes)
Dame :
Jewelclaw (A dark brown tabby she-cat with amber eyes)
Full Siblings :
Other Family :
Genealogy & Pedigree
Robinpaw Falconfeather Patchedear (A brown tabby tom)
Streamtail (A brown tabby she-cat)
Jewelclaw Beardedclaw (A longhaired ruddy-brown tom)
Poisonpelt (A black bi-color she-cat with amber eyes)
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Robinpaw
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Robinpaw
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details


This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Falcondash is a female cat with short brown mackerel Tabby Bicolor fur.
is of medium size and common build. has amber eyes and a normal tail.