

From Children of StarClan

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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of ShadowClan
A Tom by Fourclaw out of IbisflightBorn Thunderkit in the Moon of Leopard's Rest (2003)* Died of Illness in the Moon of Lion's Glory (2007)
Dead at the age of 48 moons (3 years & 8 months)
and has been so for 25 moons (1 year & 11 months).
Short Description :
A large brown tabby tom with blue-gray eyes and a scar on the left side of his face
Long Description :
Thunderface is of massive size. His fur is a light muddy brown, short, and streaked with darker tabby stripes. His eyes are very light blue-gray. His defining feature is the lightning-shaped scar on the left side of his face. It runs from behind his left ear to his chin. He had incredible senses of smell and hearing.
Thunderface is utterly calm. Anger is not a part of his personality make up. He is thoughtful, a kind of think-before-he-acts character. His size is unusual and often intimidating, but the tom gives off an aura of calm that is effective at cooling another's rage. Responsible and often serious, his unshakable demeanor earned him much respect among his fellow warriors. Thunderface's wise and impartial way of judging makes him very fair. Thunderface has proved his loyalty a thousand times over. His scar itself is a badge of honor and loyalty; in the thick of a vicious fight, he had flung himself in front of a weakened Shadowclan warrior. Thunderface took the enemy's blow in the face, resulting in a hideous scar that would remain with him forever. The wounded cat he as protecting may have been killed by the blow in her weakened condition.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Thunderface was born as Thunderkit to his parents Fourclaw and Ibisflight. He was the usual bouncy kit, curious and determined to gain his warrior name sooner than his brother Mudkit, who had been his rival as well as his friend, if that makes sense.

He became an apprentice, Thunderpaw at 6 moons, along with his sibling. His mentor was Rainwhisper, a gray she-cat who died soon after his warrior ceremony. During his apprenticeship, he continued his curious and playful ways. He stuck his nose into everything, usually where it didn't belong. He was regarded as a nuisance by many of the senior warriors, though he did show much promise as an excellent fighter... At 12 moons Thunderpaw became Thundervoice. He fought bravely in the war and soon became one of the most respected warriors in his clan, though young. He was fearless and sometimes foolish, taking risks far greater than any sane cat should, but miraculously he managed to survive each of the battles. His brother Mudpaw died in a border dispute with another Clan, and thus never received his warrior name.

When he was 23 moons, he fought in a fierce battle with Windclan. He was holding up just fine until he heard a cry for help. The cry had been uttered by a fellow warrior. She had been wounded badly by an enemy, but try as she might she could not escape. Thundervoice, in a selfless show of courage, flung himself in front of her. He took the blow that had been meant for her, a blow that may have killed her in her weakened condition, and was badly injured. By the end of the battle Thundervoice could barely walk, he had lost so much blood. The medicine cat worked tirelessly, for days, and finally Thundervoice pulled through. The scar the Windclan warrior had left behind was massive, lightening-shaped, and the medicine cat said it was only luck that had saved Thundervoices eye from being blinded.

Soon, 'voice' was replaced by 'face,' to always remind Thunderface of how selfless he was in that battle. After that incident Thunderface seemed to cool down. He became more thoughtful, wiser, calmer. He stopped taking outrageous risks. All in all, cats stopped telling him he was a fool and began to truly respect him. Since then, hes been the same: Totally selfless, dedicated to his Clan, wise and always, always calm.
Sire :
Fourclaw (A brown tabby bi-color tom)
Dame :
Ibisflight (A silver tabby and white she-cat with a short tail)
Full Siblings :
Mud (No Sdesc on File)
Oakclaw (A brown tabby bi-color tom with a dark tail and amber eyes)
Blizzardfury (A stocky gray bi-color tom with uneven markings and a short tail)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Rainwhisper (A slim gray she-cat)
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Thunderface
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details