

From Children of StarClan

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A Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of WindClan
A She-cat by Frostcloud out of HollyfeatherBorn Whisperkit in the Moon of Long Sun (2007)* Killed by a predator in the Moon of First White (2008)
Dead at the age of 17 moons (1 year & 4 months)
and has been so for 9 moons (8 months).
Short Description :
A brown mackerel tabby bi-color she-cat with green eyes
Long Description :
Whisperkit's fur is splotched brown and white in bi-color fashion, with the brown most noticeably around her ears and back. Her pawpads are bright pink, as is her nose. Her eyes are the brilliant blue that all kittens have when they open them, but as the weeks pass her eyes shift to a greenish hue. Her legs are a little stouter than normal, and she's less built for running than the average WindClan cat.
As a she-kit with three brothers, Whisperkit often fancies herself as the bright spot of sanity among ruffians. This prissy attitude, not to mention a developing sarcastic streak not unlike her mother's, makes her more than likely to clash with her siblings. Given how little she's interacted with cats outside of her own family, it's hard to tell if this behavior is limited to her siblings or cats in general, although it looks like these traits might not be so dominant when interacting with cats besides her brothers.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Whisperkit was born in the Moon of Long Sun to her mother's intense relief after an unusually long pregnancy. The reason for the delay was readily apparent, what with three siblings in addition to the only she-kit of the litter. Whisperkit has done little else than normal activites of one her age, mainly sleeping and nursing. As an adult, Whisperstream was slain by the badger in the final assault to drive it from the territory.
Sire :
Frostcloud (An arrogant ivory marbled tabby tom with bright blue eyes)
Dame :
Hollyfeather (A calico she-cat with blue-green eyes)
Full Siblings :
Fadedwing (A silver tabby bi-color tom with brilliant blue eyes)
Echobreeze (A young cream bi-color tom with four white paws and green eyes)
Earthstorm (A pale silver tabby tom with pale green eyes and uncoordinated tendencies)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Whisperstream Frostcloud Fadedcloud (A light gray marbled tabby tom with sun-burned fur and graying points)
Whisperwings (A lithe white she-cat with bright eyes and mid-length fur)
Hollyfeather Dustystream (A black and white spotted tom with blue eyes)
Speckledfur (A light cream she-cat with green eyes)
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Ivynose (A calico bi-color she-cat with amber eyes)
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Whisperstream
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Whisperstream is a Female cat with Mid-length Black Mackerel Tabby Bicolor fur.
She is of Medium-small size and Common build. She has Green eyes and a Normal tail. She is of non-purebred decent.