

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 17:06, 2 March 2017 by Fae~o~the~Wind (talk | contribs) (Changed size from large to very large, since he's 18 lb; Very Large= 13+ lb)
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A Player Character belonging to Fae~o~the~Wind


A Tom by Andre out of MaraBorn and dubbed Artic in the Moon of First Green (2006)
Living at the age of 41 Moons (3 years & 2 months)
Short Description :
A bold, broad shouldered white tom with mismatched eyes
Long Description :
Cottony, deep, and rather coarse to the touch, a pale pelt puffs out from a full-boned frame. The thickness of his longhaired pelt, often tangled hopelessly due to Chutzpah's indifference towards grooming, is a dense coat for even denser muscles. Depending on the day (or if he fell into a lake) his heavy pelt can range from pure white to the color of dusty old snow. Chutzpah's fur has a consistency reminiscent of wool. (Unless, of course, he rolled in mud, in which case it might feel sticky!) A spectacular ruff outlines his broad-nosed, wedge-shaped face. The shape and size of his paws are hard to determine, as his fur is so lengthy, but in actuality, they are of average shape and - even in the domestic world - over-average size. Places such as his neck, chest, belly, and tail are especially copious with fur that resembles cumulous clouds; save for the paw-sized bald scar spot behind his left ear, the thinnest parts of his pelt are on his ears and face. During the warmer months, he sheds heavily.

Neither stout nor lithe, Chutzpah has tall, sturdy legs and wide shoulders. His chest may be described as "barrel-shaped". He is heavier than his size would indicate; human people have commented that it feels as if there were bones made from lead somewhere inside the 18-pounder, though his vaguely-rectangular body is not spectacularly long. His thick, loosely-bushy tail is often held up high like a plume. Perhaps most distinctive of all are his narrow, wide-spaced, odd-colored eyes. His left eye is bright blue while his right is a muddled, protean hazel whose colors shifts with the light; the streaks of green, yellow, saffron, and every hue between seem to change in place and size. His nose pad is a very faded, pink-grey that contrasts little with his fur.

Due to his loquacious personality, Chutzpah’s maw frequently opens to reveal dark white fangs. He starts if some-cat approaches from his left side without him noticing, and is noticeably jumpy when he cannot be on his guard on all directions. His expressive ears, tall with narrow points, often swivel wildly.
Chutzpah was so named for his dauntless cheek. The word “fear”, he claims, is foreign to him. So too is “caution”; he jumps headlong into frays, heedless of the consequences. Even if some-cat points out dangers of, say, challenging a truck to a race on asphalt, he laughingly disregards them. It's not so much that he views himself as invincible – that ship has sailed – but that he feels no life is worth living if not to its fullest, and Chutzpah’s definition of “to the fullest” frequently terrified his family.

The large tom has tremendous difficulty in backing down from a challenge; his principles simply won’t allow such without a disciplined struggle. His personal honor code is unyielding; of which “do you what is right” and “never back down from a fight” are 2 tenets. He leaps to defend the "weak", though the term is highly subjective and he rarely asks whether anyone wants rescuing. Though he's never said as much in so many words, Chutzpah views himself as every-cat’s knight in shining armor.

Chutzpah cherishes his independence and freedom. He avoids lasting commitments, as he believes these are but euphemisms for "chains"; for the same reason he loathes being tied down with some-cat else's definition of rules or any form of structure.

While he lusts for the thrill of a fair fight, he's actually not belligerent at all; he never seeks a fight unless he spies some-cat picking on another. In fact, he seems to have short-term memory loss when it comes to transgressions; all apologies are like the first to him, and his forgiveness knows no bounds. He can be proclaiming one an archenemy unto death, then treating them jovially as long lost kin the next. His promises are binding, but other than oaths that begin with “I swear”, it is best not to take Chutzpah seriously, as he tends to blather whenever he opens his mouth. He has no filter to speak of between what pops into his curious mind, and his wagging tongue. Whether or not he intends it to be so, most of his sincere questions come across as pert.

The semi-feral cat possesses a near-perfect auditory memory; whatever he hears, he is sure to remember. He has utilized this ability to memorize stories and quotes of interest, and dearly loves repeating back what he has stored in his immense memory bank to anything that'll listen, and much that won't. Every other phrase he says tends to be something someone else has said before. He also has a remarkable talent for mimicry, and collects accents like a magpie collects shiny treasures.

Chutzpah likes playing the fool. His streak for attention-seeking flamboyancy means that one of the highest compliments he can receive is others' laughter. Finding nearly everything amusing, he carries with his every step good cheer and righteous bravery.
Key Dates  
  • Began using the name Chutzpah
Full History :
Mara bore and raised 2 tom-kits in in the home she'd made in an abandoned shed. Both she named for their snowy-white fur: the odd-eyed one became Artic, and the shorthair became Snow: they were 2 halves of the same whole. The father of her children was a tom named Andre who had left her before their birth. Thus the single mother gave them all the knowledge she thought important to survival in this world. Besides her sons, Mara had no one.

Though both kits shared a love for the fun, silly, and new, Artic soon distinguished himself by his extraordinary disregard for danger: scaling ever higher heights, chasing after a dog only to be chased after himself (he escaped a mauling by a hair by climbing up a tree), and exploring beyond what was prudent. This was particularly alarming to his mother, for Mara discovered soon after the birthing that Artic was utterly deaf on his left side, the side on which he had his blue eye.

Having never missed what he'd never had, the impetuous Artic didn't feel at all deprived in the hearing department. Indeed, he was far more adventurous than his brother. Moreover, as Mara reared both children with tender love and wisdom beyond her years, neither kit felt that they needed any-cat else beyond their tight, 3-member family. But when Artic encountered another family of cats, he was introduced to the novel concept of a father. When Artic questioned his dame about why his newfound friend had a sire when he had none, she reluctantly relayed the story of how the father of her kits had left her. “He lost interest,” she concluded resignedly, but Artic refused to accept such. From Mara’s tale, Artic knew that his sire dwelt in a human place called Whitehart, and brashly set off on his own to confront him.

He was unsuccessful in his search. While not lacking in courage, Artic quickly became lost. Having never had much dealings with busy streets afore, he was caught totally off guard when a giant roaring thing sped towards him. Luckily, the car braked in time, and he was carried unharmed into its belly.

From then on Artic lived in the crowded human home of his rescuer, an animal lover who sheltered any creature in need of a home. Though he was no prisoner, he was prevented – forcibly at times – from returning to his quest for his family by the other cats dwelling there who were convinced that such a journey would be fatal folly. Some-cat (even Chutzpah cannot remember who) started calling the brassy-voiced newcomer "Chutzphah", for sheer audacity. This new nickname caught on so quickly that Chutzpah gave up correcting everyone and went along with it. (By now, he's come to love the moniker, and delights in doing it justice).

Another significant cat was Nettletongue, a former warrior who'd been captured and taken to Whitehart by a farmer after the warrior had been severely crippled in his accident with farming equipment. Artic instantly questioned Nettletongue: "What kind of adventures d'jya have, to earn such a badge of explorer honor as 3 mangled legs---or were ya just born funny-looking?" From Nettletongue's grumpy responses, Artic eventually learned that the older tom's legs had been rendered next-to-useless by a "Twoleg Monster". He'd been rescued from certain death by the human farmer, but in exchange for his livelihood. This Nettletongue discovered when he woke up from a drug-induced slumber; he'd been sentenced to a life of a "kittypet".

Artic formed a special attachment to the cantankerous cat, and was fascinated by all tales of Nettletongue’s former life in his Clan. The older cat became something of a tutor for the white tom.

Under Nettletongue’s tutelage, Chutzpah learned both hunting and battling skills. While he could scarcely be expected to defeat any true-born warrior cat, Chutzpah, already a fearless tom, eventually was rewarded for all his hard effort when Nettletongue admitted he should be able to hold his own against any non-Clanner.

Nettletongue wasn't Chutzpah’s only teacher. Many felines and other animals passed under the same roof, and Chutzpah, gifted with superb auditory memory, picked up on numerous lingos. Because of Nettletongue, he became familiar with Clan terminology. From his human, he was able to understand a few “Twoleg” phrases. He also delighted in learning accents. One of the most exotic of these was that of Ambergaze, who had a distinctly Scottish brogue. He was less successful in mimicking the tongue of foreign animals, but that did not keep him from trying Canine, Avian (bird), rodent, and even Skunk. This last "language" is mentioned because Chutzpah attempted to converse with a crippled skunk who'd been found and temporarily housed in the garage. Needless to say, this particular attempt was resoundingly disastrous.

Stories, songs, riddles, jokes – anything he could get his paws on, Chutzpah did. By far his favorite tale was that of the medieval worlds created by a human called Tamora Pierce, populated by Tortallan knights, Scanran beserkers, Yamani samurai, tribes of the Copper Isles, intelligent animals, mages, immortals, and multifarious gods. He harassed the storyteller to repeat her tales so much that, or so Nettletongue insisted, Chutzpah was the reason she finally departed.

Eventually wanderlust struck. Bidding a fond farewell to Nettletongue, a fully grown Chutzpah took off. While he'd outgrown his kithood desire to meet his sire (Nettletongue had taken his place), no such thing had happened to his dream of returning to Mara and Snow. Searching single-mindedly, he finally heard of a sighting of a cat that sounded remarkably like his brother, though the name was different. Following this lead, Chutzpah came upon the decayed corpse of whom he had once known as Snow, lying in the yard of a dilapidated Twoleg nest. To his rising rage, Chutzpah discovered the marks of slaughter on his littlemate; this was no natural death. Over the grave he'd dug for the rotten body, he swore to avenge his death. Chutzpah has never meant what he said more than he had on that day.

The large tom resides by the abandoned house still, and is yet searching for his brother’s killer. Rouge’s murder (for Snow had been re-named Rouge after the young Artic had left his family) was in part responsible for possibly the most crucial lesson in Chutzpah’s life, which irrefutably laid bare his notion of personal invincibility. The white longhair stumbled across a feral she-cat snatching freshkill from a smaller feline. When Chutzpah challenged the thief, she turned her claws on him. Thinking that this dishonorable she-cat was likely the murderer of his kin, Chutzpah launched himself into the fray. However, he did not discover anything about his brother; if anything, he became (belatedly) convinced that the she-cat had no inkling of what he was snarling about. Far from emerging as the victor, a disconcerted Chutzpah was dealt a savage blow to his deaf side of his head, which stripped a good-sized patch of fur from just behind his ear. Chutzpah will bear that scar ‘til the end of his days as a visible sign of his fallibility.
Sire :
Andre (No Sdesc on File)
Dame :
Mara (No Sdesc on File)
Full Siblings :
Rouge (A slender white tom with large yellow-green eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Trainer :
Nettletongue (No Sdesc on File)
Trained :
Others :
Player's Notes
General :
Chutzpah currently lives outside in the overgrown lot of 118 West Forester Drive
  • Like many white cats, he's completely deaf on the side that his blue eye is on, his left one.
  • Though of non-purebred descent, Chutzpah's physical features are similar to those of Siberian Forest Cat, as Fae was inspired by said breed.
  • Nettletongue was once a WC warrior. 3 legs were mutilated by farm equipment. Without the aid of the farmer in question, Nettletongue would've gone into shock and died. His clan assumed him dead. Nettletongue never returned to the Forest; by the time he could walk again, he wasn't sure if he could find his way home again, much less make it all the way back to camp safely. The main reason was shame, however; the proud tom couldn't bear the thought of being a burden to his clan, nor his friends and kin seeing him in such a sorry state. Had he been injured in defending WC in battle, he'd have borne his lame legs with considerable more pride.
    • A reference to his accident with farming equipment was in Ambergaze's sheet.
Links :
Inspiration Images: IMG, IMG

The hazel eye in the 2nd pic better matches my imagination of Chutzpah's right eye color.

  • Link to the site that Fae used for the "lead" weight description of 18-pounder Chutzpah: [1].
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Relationships :
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Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Chutzpah
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Chutzpah is a Male cat with Long White fur.
He is of Very Large size and Semi-cobby build. He has Green eyes and a Normal tail. He is of non-purebred decent.