
Forum - Randomly saying "Hi"

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Overview > Out of Character - General > Chatterbox > Randomly saying "Hi"

I figured I would say hello and start a completely random conversation about what's going on here and how things in my life are rolling.

The explanation for how idle I had been is rooted in the fact that I spent the last year buying a house and moving away from the place I lived for about a decade. The husband-man and I got to finally move out of the vile trailer we lived in and into a lovely little house on the outskirts of Wausau (a pleasant little city about an hour from where we had lived).

That was the big time-sink, though my life does continued to include tabletop gaming (D&D 4e, FATE), The Sims 3, and Minecraft (It's turned into a server online that I play with a number of friends).

So, what have y'all been up to?

Posted by Kitsufox (administrator) on 25 February 2016 at 12:53.
  • dusts off cobwebs* Work's still taking most of my time and I still have wisdom teeth, but it seems there's finally going to be a Warriors film and one of the Harry Potter producers is working on it.
Posted by Nagini on 20 November 2016 at 15:50.

What a coincinci-doink, Nags! Today I just came back from a dentist appointment filling in two cavities. Not fun, but my dentist and his staff are so friendly and efficient that instead of hyperventilating like I would have done 4-5 years ago, I actually dozed off while waiting for the Novocain anesthetic in my cheek to finishing numbing up the left half the my face from the bottom lip down. I was rather annoyed that I kept rising out of a nice nap due to the sound and sensation of drilling. >.>

Posted by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 1 March 2017 at 23:20.

Nice! I still need to get my wisdom teeth removed. They haven't bothered me lately, but my dentist wants them out already and I have another appointment with him in May, so I'm trying to get the surgery scheduled before then. Aside from that, I've mostly been distracted by video games. I bought a PS4 a few weeks ago and I love it. I'm playing Horizon: Zero Dawn right now. I also really want a Nintendo Switch, but they're sold out everywhere so I might try to get one later on (although I already have Zelda for it).

Posted by Nagini on 8 March 2017 at 08:45.

My only experience with video games is GameBoy Advance and DS games on a Nintendo DS, GameCube and Wii, PC games -- such as Zoo Tycoon, Rollercoaster Tycoon, Pet Vet, Civilization IV -- Plague, Inc. on the iPod, and Nino Kuni on the PS3.

Zelda, the Phantom Hourglass, was one of my favorite DS games. Too bad I lost it a while ago and Pokémon are now probably my #1. What's a Nintendo Switch? What's Horizon: Zero Dawn like?

Posted by Fae~o~the~Wind (administrator) on 9 March 2017 at 01:04.
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