

From Children of StarClan

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Manners and deportment are of significant importance amongst the Cats of Camelot. Failure to comply with the rules of deportment can lead to social problems for a cat.

At Court


The Nobility seat themselves on the dias, below the royal family. They serve various functions at the request of the King and Queen, such as organizing the commoners and attending young princes and princesses. During the court the nobility is expected to give the commoners an opportunity to petition, and do what is within their power to honor requests.


Durring court commoners are expected to seat themselves quietly in the public allotment of the space and conduct themselves quietly while the court is ongoing. Only during open petition are they supposed to speak.


Coming Soon


Coming Soon



Mourning: The process of seeing the dead into the next life through rituals of privacy and societal rules. It is primarily observed by the Nobility when a family member or sovereign dies.
Deep Mourning: The most extreme form of mourning, typically spanning from the death until the time of the funeral. A form of "private" mourning.
Full Mourning: The first form of public mourning, and the most sever. The cat may attend services of the church, and formal functions of state such as Court, but is otherwise withdrawn from society.
Half Mourning: The second form of public mourning. The cat beings to reintegrate into society and re-expeince life now that their departed have been properly seen into the next life.
Light Mourning: The third and final form of public mourning. The cat is nearly reintegrated into society, but is still abstaining from certain behaviors.


  • Deep Mourning
    • A can shall not interact with the world, interacting only with family, except to arrange the funeral.
  • Full Mourning
    • A cat shall not attend any social function.
    • A cat shall not host any social function.
    • A cat shall only receive guests with the intend of sharing mourning.
    • A cat shall forgo all courting behaviors.
    • A cat shall forgo the lone company of a cat of the opposite gender.
  • Half Mourning
    • A cat shall not host any social function.
    • A cat shall forgo all courting behaviors.
    • A cat shall forgo the lone company of a cat of the opposite gender.
  • Light Mourning
    • A cat shall forgo all courting behaviors.
    • A cat shall forgo the lone company of a cat of the opposite gender.


  • Husband or Wife
    • Deep Mourning until the funeral
    • 1 month of Full Mourning
    • 2 months of Half-mourning
    • 4 months of light mourning
  • Parents or Children
    • Deep Mourning until the funeral
    • 2 Weeks of full mourning
    • 1 month of half mourning
    • 2 months of light mourning
  • Grandparents or Siblings
    • 2 Weeks of full mourning
    • 1 month of half mourning
    • 2 months of light mourning
  • Aunts or Uncles
    • 1 Week of Full Mourning
    • 2 Weeks of Half Mourning
    • 1 Month of Light Mourning
  • Cousins, Other Family, or Close Friends
    • 2 Weeks of Half Mourning
    • 1 Month of Light Mourning
  • Sovereign King or Queen
    • 2 Weeks of full mourning
    • 1 month of half mourning
    • 2 months of light mourning
  • Royal Consort, Prince or Princess
    • 1 Week of Full Mourning
    • 2 Weeks of Half Mourning
    • 1 Month of Light Mourning
  • Other Nobility
    • 2 Weeks of Half Mourning
    • 1 Month of Light Mourning

In cases in which more than one might apply (Such as you are the King's cousin) You would select the longer of the two durations for proper mourning, always giving the dead the maximum they have due.