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From Children of StarClan

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Mintaka's basic thoughts on others.



Rigel: Father, was once openly and deeply loved. Although she believes he betrayed her and her family and has by now convinced herself that she hates him, Mintaka has not forgotten the stories of the sky he once told. Living.
Maria Isabel: Mother and mentor. While grateful for all that Maria Isabel did for her and her siblings, Mintaka felt as if she could do nothing right around her, and has the insecurity of wanting to be loved and never receiving a sign that she was. Deeply shaken by her violent death. Deceased.
Alnitak: Brother, eldest of the litter. Looked up to and admired. Mintaka felt safe with him. Deceased.
Alnilam: Brother, middle kit of the litter. Mintaka was probably closer to him than any other cat in her life. His laughter was her favorite sound. Living.


Assorted Others
Caligula: Mentor, leader, her "Jupiter", Caesar. (Formerly her 'Zeus', and she his Ganymede). Now, as befits the militaristic rhythm of the Cabal, she often addresses Caligula as "Caesar" (formally) and "my Jupiter" (familiarly). As Jupiter is the Roman counterpart of Zeus, the meaning, for her, is unchanged: Zeus, or so Mintaka was taught, stole away Ganymede the shepherd boy on an eagle (Aquila) to become the Olympians' cupbearer, Aquarius, and thus immortalized as a constellation.
Much like Ganymede, Mintaka feels bidden to do Caligula's will. While wary of her Jupiter, some of her fear has been replaced by warmth towards him. Whereas she first went with him because she felt she'd no other choice, she now has a home in the Cabal, as well as a sense of gratitude and loyalty: reasons enough to push away her lingering doubts in what kind of path Caligula plans to emblazon in the stars. fears and respects him, and hopes he can replace the family she has lost. Living.
Zane: Lieutenant of the Cabal. Mintaka is close to him, and wishes to please him. She trusts him more than any other cat in her life.