

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 02:25, 26 May 2017 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs) (RECOVERED!)

A Player Character belonging to Kyndzee


Senior Warrior of RiverClan
A She-cat by Stormclaw out of RipplestreamBorn Minnowkit in the Moon of Lion's Glory (2006)
Living at the age of 38 Moons (2 years & 11 months)
Short Description :
A calico she-cat with pale blue eyes and a fluffy tail.
Long Description :
Minnowleaf is a long-haired she-cat with ice-blue eyes. She has a black patch over one eye, and white paws. Her pelt is light brown with black patches here and there, and a white chest. Her tail is a little bit more fluffy than the rest of her pelt and the tip curls up a little bit when she is excited or very happy.
Minnowleaf loves to talk to every cat she sees, and loves pushing herself to do things that maybe other cats would be reluctant to do. She's always wanting to be the center of attention and to be seen by every cat. Minnowleaf is also constantly looking for a new adventure. She tries to do her best in everything she does and takes being a warrior seriously, but she still knows how to have fun. Minnowleaf loves being a warrior and she would do anything for her clan and friends. She is very determined to finish anything she starts. She would fight to the death for her clan.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Minnowkit was born in the evening in the beginning of new-leaf. Her mother, Ripplestream had been so worried that her kits would be born in leaf-bare. She was so relieved that her kits would be safe from the cold. Minnowkit and her sister were trouble from the start. They were very rambunctious and were always getting in the way. They wanted to be seen and heard all at the same time. Ripplestream and Stormclaw had their paws full with those two.

When Minnowpaw became an apprentice, all she could think about was how she was one step closer to becoming a warrior. She could hardly stand still as she received her new name. Minnowpaw had always wanted Duskystar to be her mentor, so when she heard that she wouldn't be getting him, she wasn't overly thrilled. But she came to love and respect her new mentor more than any other cat in her clan, besides her leader that is. Minnowpaw was a very rambunctious apprentice. Silvertail always had her paws full looking after her.

When it came time for Minnowpaw to become a warrior, she couldn't believe how fast the time had gone. She knew that her parents were proud of her and Emberpaw. Minnowpaw remembered how many times she thought” Will I ever become a warrior?" And now she was finally there, she would be able to fight for her clan and take care of it as a full warrior. She was so excited! Finally her clan leader stepped forward and gave her, her warrior name. She was now Minnowleaf, and she could hardly wait to begin her first day as a new warrior.

Unfortunatly, a few days before Minnowleaf became a warrior, her parents became sick with he killikgcough and four days after the ceremony her parent's died. Minnowleaf and Emberclaw were devistated, but through it all they had their clan and their friends to lean on and they made it through.

Being a warrior has been everything that Minnowleaf had imagined. She loves her new name, and going on patrols as a full warrior. Everyday is always a new adventure for her. Minnowleaf and her sister have always tried hard to do their best in their clan, and know that they are warriors, they feel like they can do so much more to help and take care of all the cats they love.

Minnowleaf has opened many new chapters in her life. She realized her love for Thornberry after quite a while of contemplating how she felt about the big, creamy tom and now tries to remember how she ever lived without him as part of her life. Her two kits complete her and now her goal is to raise them to the hight of their potential.
Sire :
Stormclaw (A long haired ginger tom with aqua eyes.)
Dame :
Ripplestream (A fluffy torbie bicolor she-cat with green eyes)
Full Siblings :
Offspring :
Genealogy & Pedigree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Thornberry (A cream bicolor tom with gold eyes)
Mentor :
Silvertail (No Sdesc on File)
Mentor of :
Crowpaw (A tortie she-kit with yellow eyes and white paws)
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Minnowleaf
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
This box displays the information used in the bans compilation records for this character.
Anything incorrect should be [Reported to Kitsufox].

Minnowleaf is a Female cat with Long Tortie Bicolor fur.
She is of Medium size and Common build. She has Blue eyes and a Other tail. She is of non-purebred decent.