

From Children of StarClan

Revision as of 17:04, 19 October 2008 by Kitsufox (talk | contribs) (Protected "Character:Thistlefur": CONed [edit=sysop:move=sysop])


A Player Character belonging to Unknown


Warrior of RiverClan
A Tom by Night out of Shadow Chaser
Short Description :
Short Description will be provided after approval
Long Description :
Thistlefur has long, shaggy dark brown tabby fur that never lies flat on his burly shoulders. His long fur has a rough texture and is tangled with knots and bits of forest debries The black tabby markings in his fur are scattered and broken. A lighter shade of brown is found on the tabby's underside and white covers his muzzel around his nose and between his eyes. His eyes are dark green and have a mocking gleam in them almost all the time. He has a long shaggy tail that is tipped with white. Thistlefur is a noticeable large, bulky cat, whith proportionally large paws. Scars are found on Thistlefur's back, fore legs, and face. He dislikes water, because of how long it takes for his pelt to dry once its wet. He is clearly built more for sheer power than speed, with such a bulky and large body type. In away, the appearance of his face does not resemble a Clan Cat's, there is jues something different about his face that looks more 'rogueish' than you would expect. Though Thistlefur is completely loyal to RiverClan, you can't help but question, would he sacrifice the clan to save himself? ]It isnt hard to notice that not one ounce of Clan blood exisits in this cat. He is a cat of loner haratige and always will be. Though he may be loyal to RiverClan, you cant help but wonder if he realy is.
Thistlefur is an unpleasent, short-fused, angry, and depressed sort of cat. The term passive aggression is unheard of, seeing as if something upsets him, he stupidly doesnt hesitate to take it up whith who ever might be the problem. Though once slightly broken of his aggression by Newheart, depression and anger is slowly building back up inside him. Whenever Thistlefur is in a neutral mood however, which has become exceedingly rare unless he is around Newheart or Twilightkit, possibly the only too cats in the clan who trust him, he is tolerateable to be around. Thistlefur is a loner by birth and evidently a loner within his own Clan because of his herritage. He sees things from a different point of view because, well, he is different from an average Clan Cat, and can be considored a 'lousy warrior'. The dark tabby tom is cunning and fickle, which gives cats another reason to hate him. He has a history of lashing out, but only when an antagonist deserved it. He wouldn't take out his anger on someone who didn't deserve it, to Thistlefur, that would be cruelty. Once mischievious and light hearted, it was only questionable about his loyalty. But ever sense the death of Ashstar, there was no figure of authority to protect the issue of his loyalty. Thistlefur will always considor himself loyal to RiverClan, even if others dont.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Thistlefur had no thoughts of ever joining a clan, being born to two loners. Thistlefur was born with the name Twilight Follower. An odd name, but still fell in the class his mother, Shadow Chaser's was in. He had a brother, younger. Chaser said he resembled thier father slightly. His brother's name was Shade, and he died roughly at the age of 5 moons from lack of food. And no more then four moons later, Twilight managed to get himself lost on a hunt and winding up in a Clan's territory, that changed. Thistlefur was found by a small patroll of RiverClan cats and was brought to the camp. He was just about 6 moons when he was found and refused to say his name or where he came from, so they named him of a thistle.

He was apprenticed to a large black and white tom. Thistlefur cant remember his name, but shortly before he was made a warrior, his mentor died of green cough. Sadly, Thistlefur sat vigal with the tom the whole night and had to be moved at dawn so his mentor could be burried. The tom cat was the closest thing Thistlefur had to family in the clan, but he still finds his home theren.

Thistlefur soon discovered a nack for 'smart fighting'. Thinking about each blow before it was made, and thinking quickly. Mesuring distances and thinking of insults. He is respecable even though he is a grump. Thistlefur always has interesting thoughts to say, and always makes sure they're heard.

Thistlefur attended the Gathering when ThunderClan broke the sacred truce. He fought with the ThunderClan warrior Rivertail, though he tried to stop Rivertail from fighting him, but was parshally unsecsessful. At 27 moons of age, Thistlefur got his first apprentice, Shaddedpaw.

When Thistlefur was out on his first patroll with Shadedpaw (unfortunetly Duskyclaw was there too with Silverpaw) they came across a loner called 'Verde'. Because the cat had misprounced her name, they thought she was 'Fer-Verde'. After a long bit of talking and threatening from him, Duskyclaw wanting to lead her into the camp, Shadedpaw disliking Thistlefur and not liking the loner, and Silverpaw, being Silverpaw, Ashstar came and accepted the loner into the Clan.

After a while, Thistlefur learned more about this cat. She was a run-away from WindClan -Fernwhisker- and became a loner. Ashstar gave her the name 'Newborn'. And Thistlefur hated her with ever drop of his loner born blood. Slowly, over the moons, his aggresion to the cat fadded, but just softly when she recieved her Warrior Name 'Newheart'. He caught her alone by the freash-kill pile, and then the unthinkable happened. Some how, some way, they ended up together in the Southern Field, having a good time together. A good enough time to have a story to tell when they became elders. Newheart is slowly replacing Burningnight as Thistlefur's best friend in the clan as they grow closer together. He could care less if the Clan thinks of her as nothing but a loner. He doesnt have any clan blood in him right? So why would it matter if she did or didnt?

When Newheart returned from finding Ashstar brutally killed by the 'hell-beast' (As Thistlefur refers to the killer) Thistlefur felt the slightest bit of doubt and insucureness towards his friend. But that quickly cleared up when he set his eyes on the heart wrenching site. Ashstar had welcomed him into the clan, and Thistlefur had actually liked the tabby. He doesnt show much sadness towards the death, but Thistlefur doesnt really show to many emotions. What matters is that he is devistated in his own world on the inside.

Twilightkit, his first son mothered by Newheart, has given Thistlefur a reason to be happy within the Clan, another reason to live, and one less to run away. Also working somewhat in Thistlefur's favor was Duskyclaw's death. The Recent death of Duskystar has visibly not shaken Thistlefur. The death of the leader has actually lifted some sort of weight from his shoulders. But him being on the patrol where Duskystar died doesnt work in Thistlefur's favor, the question of corruption could always come up.
Sire :
Night (A shaggy solid black tom with green eyes)
Dame :
Shadow Chaser (A dark brown tabby bi-color she-cat with green eyes)
Full Siblings :
Shade (A brown tabby tom-kit with green eyes)
Other Family :
Past Apprentice:
Shadedstrike (A gray tabby smoke bi-color tom with dark gold eyes)
Offspring :
Genealogy & Pedigree
Thistlefur Night Unknown Tom
Unknown Queen
Shadow Chaser Rock (A white tom with blue eyes)
Shane (A dark brown tabby she-cat with green eyes and white paws)
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Thistlefur
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
