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A Player Character belonging to Fae~o~the~Wind


Warrior of WindClan
A Tom by Pinetap out of ColdcloudBorn Yellowkit in the Moon of Long Nights (2005)
Living at the age of 46 Moons (3 years & 6 months)
Short Description :
A lanky cream classic tabby tom with yellow eyes and a sharp temper
Long Description :
Tall and long-limbed, Yellowfrost has been on the skinny side ever since he was born. His scrawny appearance is aided by short, close-lying fur, an angular face, and lanky thin legs that look as if they might snap from beneath him at any given moment.

Wide, dark ginger stripes that swirl boldly across his pelt mark Yellowfrost as a classic tabby. Underneath these stripes, the Windclanner's fur is mostly a sandy, gingery yellow colour (hence the first part of his name), but towards his face, legs, and belly the color pales to a softer shade of yellow-white. White fur splashes the lower part of his muzzle, around his eyes, and on all of his toes.

Yellowfrost's narrow muzzle is accented by white whiskers and a pale pink nose. His ears are a deep ginger colour on the back, and have tufts of ivory fur on the inside. His eyes are yellow orbs that have a bright, feverish gleam, and rarely seem to have the need to blink. Four parallel scars run sideways across the warrior's throat. A single horizontal claw mark scars the entire length of his right cheekbone.
Yellowfrost is frequently taken by intense mistrusts of the cats around him. He sees danger and treachery nearly everywhere, and as a result hardly ever relaxes outside of the WindClan camp. While he lets his guard down in camp, he becomes increasingly twitchy the closer he is to enemy clans, and can hardly bear being at a Gathering on account of not being able to watch every cat for signs of ambush. Even the WindClan leader is subject to his paranoid scrutiny, but although he may not have complete confidence in authority figures, he takes orders very seriously and obeys out of loyalty to his Clan. Placing high importance on independence, Yellowfrost trusts only himself and the warrior code. He is easily annoyed, and will grouch at fellow cats. Mainly concerned with his own opinions, he gives little thought to other's feelings, and thus oft makes comments that may seem tactless or harsh. While turning a blind eye to his own mistakes, Yellowfrost is quick to point out the faults of other cats. He likes to assume a superior, authoritative air, and is prone to giving out advice and lectures, looked or unlooked for. He considers his own interests more important to those of others, although Yellowfrost places the common good of WindClan as his top priority, of course. Possesing an avid curiosity, he considers himself a knowledgeable cat.

Yellowfrost is much too literal of a cat to understand most cats' humor, and often takes offense to the most innocent of statements. If a joke is made, he is usually either baffled or resentful. On the other hand, he can burst out laughing at something no-one else would think funny in the slightest. The warrior also makes bizarre connections to seemingly random things, and tends to shift the topic in a conversation abruptly.

Yellowfrost can get over his own interests to be strong for others, and has shown surprising displays of sensitivity in the past. Once such case was when his mother, Coldcloud, had fallen to her death at SilverFall Gorge, and the then-Spicepaw needed, and was granted, his older brother's support and love. But these lapses are few and far between, and Yellowfrost enjoys acting like a inconsiderate, conceited, suspicious grump too much to change his ways, for now.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Yellowfrost was born on a blustery, snowy evening in the Moon of Long Nights (2005) as the first in litter of four. Only he and one other tom-kit survived, however; the two youngest died during the birth. The mother, Coldcloud, named the oldest tom-kit Yellowkit, and the younger one Spicekit. During the first few months, she fussed over them constantly, and worried about everything from thorns in the nursery bedding to Yellowkit's unhealthy, scrawny appearance. She was terrified of losing these two kits as she had lost her parents, her mate, and her other children. But gradually the she-cat recognized the need for her children to be independent, and became a mite less overprotective.

By the time he could talk, Yellowkit started showing the beginnings of a pompous, bossy bearing. He liked to correct the 'mistakes' of not only his brother, but also his nurserymates. Often his shrill, thin voice could be heard reprimanding the other kits, saying, "No, no! That's all wrong. Observe- see how I do it?" Quite solemn and focused for a kit, he studied the warrior code with an intense diligence, and rarely tired of pretending to be a warrior defending his clan. One of his favorite games was rolling around with the other youngsters in a play-'battle'. With a bright, quick, inquisitive mind, he forever asking questions, and soaked up knowledge like a sponge.

Yellowkit and Spicekit never felt the slightest yearning for a father; they had Coldcloud and the rest of WindClan, after all. Up until the time came for the brothers to be apprentices, Coldcloud raised her offspring lovingly, albeit sternly; the two got into many scuffles, and Coldcloud lost her temper occasionally (even though she did her best not to). In fact, Yellowkit most likely inherited his irritability and sharp tongue from his mother. Although he was sometimes impatient with his dreamy, rather naive brother, and couldn't understand why Spicekit didn't take things as seriously as he did, Yellowkit felt closer to Spicekit than any other cat. When Coldcloud fell to her death down Silverfall Gorge only a few days after Spicepaw was apprenticed in the Moon of Lion's Glory (2006), Yellowpaw kept up a strong appearance, despite his own heavy heart, and the two brothers helped each other move on. But when Spicestretch died in the Moon of Long Nights (2007), Yellowfrost was slightly unhinged, and became the paranoid, crabby cat he is now.

One day, after his family had died and Yellowfrost was out hunting alone, as was his wont, the warrior started to chase down a rabbit. When it was just within reach, the rabbit kicked out desperately and swerved away, its powerful back four claws from one foot catching Yellowfrost on the throat as it made its escape. Yellowfrost, empty-pawed, bleeding, and very much irritated, made his way back to the camp where he was tended by the medicine cat. He healed without much trouble, although he was left with a scarred throat and an intensified distrust of rabbits in general.

A battle skirmish against starving ThunderClanners in Tiger's Wrath (2008), during the worst winter in Clan memory, left its memento in the form of a facial scar, courtesy of the quick claws of Foxbright.
Sire :
Pinetap (A chocolate tabby tom with distinct stripes and yellow eyes)
Dame :
Coldcloud (A long-muzzeled ruddy-gold van she-cat with a lean build and blue eyes)
Full Siblings :
Spicestretch (A white-faced ginger tabby tom with yellow eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Detailed Genealogical Tree
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Links :
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Yellowfrost
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
Bans Information:
Yellowfrost has been compiled into the bans records based on his/her physical traits.
Yellowfrost is a Male cat with Short Cream Classic Tabby Bicolor fur.
He is of Medium size and Semi-foreign build. He has Yellow eyes and a Normal tail. He is of non-purebred decent.