

From Children of StarClan

A Player Character belonging to Nagini


Kit of RiverClan
A She-cat by Ashstar out of Foxpoppy
Short Description :
Short Description will be provided after approval
Long Description :
:Heronkit is a she-cat with a thick pelt. Her fur is mostly brown, complimented by cascading strokes of ginger and grey, which give her a darker appearance. The tortoiseshell also bears dark tabby markings that slash down her body. They are easiest to see in the lighter parts of Heronkit's fur. Heronkit's ears are a little large, with light, rather noticable fur emerging from them. Although they were some shade of blue for the first moons of her life, Heronkit's eyes are changing to a yellow-amber color with hints of pale green.
:Heronkit's personality is pretty much formed. She is quite a vain, selfish cat, hating when things are not how she wants them, and streaks of manipulation and cunning are a part of her like the stripes that cover her pelt. Heronkit can also be unsympathetic and she can become violent when angry. On a lighter note, she is curious and enjoys seeing new places, but Heronkit is content to simply observe cats when she's in the right mood.
Heronkit has inherited her mother's bigoted attitude when it comes to blood purity. She currently views cats with little or no Clan blood in great disdain, believing them to be disgraceful. She also loathes the fact that she carries rogue blood in her veins, through her father. Heronkit continues to be fascinated by the memory of Ashstar and StarClan itself, and she has a growing interest in the details of the Great War and the other Clans in general. She would prefer to know as much about her enemies as possible, before she even meets them.
Key Dates  
Full History :
:Along with her siblings, Heronkit was born in the Moon of Long Nights, during the cold of leaf-bare, to the RiverClan she-cat Foxpoppy and a tom that Heronkit would not get the chance to meet. Her father, the RiverClan leader Ashstar, was brutally murdered by a horrible beast with no name, almost a moon prior to his kits' birth.
Heronkit was given her first real taste of displeasure when she was just seven-days-old. One evening, she was suddenly awakened by her mother. Foxpoppy was in a frenzy, yowling and running around in panic. Unbeknownst to Heronkit, the fuss had been caused by her brother, Smallkit, who was not breathing at the time. Startled an unaware of what was going on, Heronkit's only focus was on why her mother was no longer curled around Heronkit and her siblings. In an attempt to fix that, Heronkit cried at the top of her lungs. Her brother Needlekit joined in after Heronkit crawled into him during an attempt to reach their mother. Soon after, Foxpoppy returned to the nest, but Heronkit still felt ill at ease, not to mention unhappy, and continued to whine.
In her second moon, during the twelfth day of the Moon of Melting Waters, Heronkit's views on blood purity took shape. After witnessing a lengthy argument between her mother and Newheart, Heronkit began to view cats carrying dirty blood, as Heronkit calls it, with much dislike. However, Heronkit decided to keep her opinion to herself for the most part, so as to keep in good relations with Newheart's family.
When Heronkit was four-moons-old, she became even more adamant about such cats, after the abandoned Walnutkit came to RiverClan and Foxpoppy was made his care-taker. Heronkit was angry that she had to share her den with Walnutkit. She dislikes the kit greatly, sees him as even worse for the Clan than Newheart and her family, and considers him no part of her family. However, while she would love to hurt Walnutkit, Heronkit has only taken her anger out on the fresh-kill she eats. Meanwhile, Foxpoppy's current sickness has garnered little sympathy from her daughter.
Sire :
Ashstar (A small gray-brown tabby tom, blind in the left eye and with a lame left hind-paw)
Dame :
Foxpoppy (A sweet, gentle orange tabby she-cat with white paws and yellow eyes)
Full Siblings :
Other Family :
Paternal Uncles - Hawkstar (A pale gold eyed brown tabby tom), Tigercoat (A solid brown tabby tom with hazel eyes and a scarred pelt)
Paternal Aunt - Scrape (A stocky brown tabby she-cat with a twice-broken tail)
Cousins - Shadedstrike (
A Non-Player Character belonging to Unknown


A StarClanner; Formerly a Warrior of RiverClan
A Tom by Hawkstar out of LarkpeltBorn Shadedkit in the Moon of Turning Leaves (2005)* Died of Illness in the Moon of Melting Waters (2007)
Dead at the age of 18 moons (1 year & 5 months)
and has been so for 31 moons (2 years & 5 months).
Short Description :
A mostly brown tortoiseshell tabby she-cat with yellow-green eyes
Long Description :
Shadedpaw was given his name due to his dark coat. Being a black tabby smoke, his fur is a whirl of grey, black and white. The color consists mainly of a dark grey with faint black stripes, seen mainly in the sun. The white that appears on him shows in sharp contrast to his majority of dark. His white markings consist mainly of a white ruff, which fades into his chest, four white paws and a white spot on the left lip of his muzzle. The whiskers on his face are all white as well and give him a rather comical look. He has longer fur than his sister, soft dark fur that, though it does not shine like a sleek pelt, is more silky than it looks. His eyes are a dark gold in color, blending in well with Natures dark color scheme for him.
From the moment he was born, Shadedpaw has always been loud and energetic. He absolutely adores being the center of positive attention, but sometime can be a bit rebellious. He is still as adventurous and mischievous as ever, though more cautious. Feisty and proud, he also has the stubbornness of the family bloodline, which often means the clashing of heads, especially when tempers flare. He tends towards impatience, and long waits make him bad-tempered. When he puts his mind to it, he is has fierce determination which tends to get him into trouble as well. When he is upset, feels frustrated or feels just plain helpless, his anger tends to flare, as is often the case when they speak of his mothers death. When he makes up his mind about something, Shadedpaw is near impossible to dissuade. In the past he was brash and rash (two very excellent words, but not good things to be), but his temperament has slightly calmed with age.
Key Dates  
Full History :
Shadedkit really hadn't lead much of an exciting life until the passing of his mother. Supposedly, her death was what made him such a pawful. The elders think that hopefully, being an apprentice will teach him the discipline he needs and calm down the little ball of energetic fluff.

And it worked, for the most part. Shadedpaw has since calmed, and has a lot more sense. He is intelligent and crafty, loyal and brave; he has more caution and tact now, though he is not very good at either one. His extremely long apprenticeship made him irritable and prickly, but the moment he gained his Warrior name, all was forgotten. The newly-named Shadedstrike stood his triumphant vigil on the seventeenth day of Leopard's Rest (2006).

Early in Melting Waters (2007), Shadedstrike's pneumonia returned, and with a vengeance. It moved remarkably swiftly, moving from what he thought was a minor cold to a full-blown hacking, wheezing sickness. By the end of that month, Shadedstrike was desperately ill and beyond the aid of any medicine cat. On the 25th of Melting Waters (2007), Shadedstrike's life ended.
Sire :
Hawkstar (A pale gold eyed brown tabby tom)
Dame :
Larkpelt (A silver tabby she-cat)
Full Siblings :
Pebblepaw (A gray spotted tabby tom with large paws and hazel eyes)
Other Family :
Paternal Uncles:
Ashstar (A small gray-brown tabby tom, blind in the left eye and with a lame left hind-paw)
Hawkstar (A pale gold eyed brown tabby tom)
Tigercoat (A solid brown tabby tom with hazel eyes and a scarred pelt)

Paternal Aunt:

Scrape (A stocky brown tabby she-cat with a twice-broken tail)


Duckfeather (A young blue-eyed pale-coated calico she-cat with white feet, belly and throat)
Heronflight (A mostly brown tortoiseshell tabby she-cat with yellow-green eyes)
Strongheart (A young dark red tabby tom with amber eyes)
Smallkit (A half-sized tortoiseshell tabby tom-kit)

Adoptive Uncle:

Crowfur (A black tom with amber eyes, a fluffy tail and graying muzzle)

Adoptive Cousin:

Walnutfall (A blue classic tabby tom with large yellow eyes)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Shadedstrike Hawkstar Ebonfur (A black tom with white feet)
Tornnose (A brindled she-cat with a scarred nose)
Larkpelt Unknown Tom
Unknown Queen
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Thistlefur (A cunning and fickle brown tabby tom with green eyes)
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
Vol Populi :
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Shadedstrike
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
), Silverlark (A gray tabby she-cat with green eyes), Pebblepaw (A gray spotted tabby tom with large paws and hazel eyes)
Adoptive Uncle - Crowfur (A black tom with amber eyes, a fluffy tail and graying muzzle)
(Un)adoptive Brother - Walnutkit (Character:Walnutkit (Stoneheart)/sdesc)
Genealogy & Pedigree
Heronkit Ashstar Ebonfur (A black tom with white feet)
Tornnose (A brindled she-cat with a scarred nose)
Foxpoppy Longwind (A cream tabby bi-color tom)
Redsky (A dark brown torbie bi-color she-cat)
Significant Cats
Mated with :
Mentor :
Mentor of :
Others :
Player's Notes
General :
She was born on the 9th of the Moon of Long Nights 2006, or 29 December 2006.
Vol Populi :
Be the first to Leave VP About Heronkit
Relationships :
The player may Create a Page about the character's relationships.
Name Notes :
Name History investigation is required for Heronkit
Special Forms: Full Edit, Adoption
Additional Details
